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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Construction of new ship continues - do I really want a TWR of 0.23 before additional payload?
  2. Hm, maybe I am blind regarding the Kerbal days - but the transfers seem to be way off for me?
  3. If I had anything to say, concentrate on usable transfer alarms and getting Kerbal days working. :D Good luck, we expect much, you kept spoiling us with your mods!
  4. So not just no readings for atmospheric analysis but no flying low/high at all? Bummer. Can the sun be given an atmosphere then? Would be cool to make it get dense real fast, so if you are not careful the craft is either slowed down so much that it crashes into the star or burns up quickly (with DRE).
  5. Hmm... do I read this right, could I make "FlyingHighDataValue" available for Kerbol, thereby adding another layer for close visits to the star? And changing the "InSpaceHighDataValue" so that it is only available beyond Eeloo's orbit, interstellar so to speak?
  6. Ahhmmnnnuuhh ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_irradiation uses http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ionizing_radiation whereas your microwave uses http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-ionizing_radiation
  7. For the transitional phase the "reusing" of CO2 in atmosphere and directly from industrial complexes to generate methane, which can be used to generate electricity or be burned in furnaces and the like. It has to be mentioned that methane tops CO2 as a greenhouse gas by a factor of 28 though, seal those ducts! And maybe this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas_to_liquids . Concentration of energy production by solar power (solar thermal energy instead of photovoltaics to avoid the whole toxicity issue whenever possible), water, tidal, geo thermal, wind, biogas (see above for reuse of produced CO2). Switching to electricity as main "propellant" wherever possible, building fast track trains to reduce short range flights and get transportation of the roads. Shut down Las Vegas and all other inhabited light bulbs! (You get my drift.)
  8. From time to time I thought about adding a resource to RTGs - but I would have to add TACLS or similar to account for the background usage of it - so I scrapped it because my saves never run 50 years anyway.
  9. Refiddled my Moho encounter for a probe waiting in orbit. Launched a Jool ion probe and found a transfer window a bit in the future. (Updated Protractor with a community patch to show Kerbal time - KAC is giving me unreliable information lately.) Built a plane to fly to Kerbin's anomalies - crashed on runway during takeoff ... postponed ... Made four basic designs for an interplanetary ship capable of doing a big tour (of anomaly sites only) - not that easy to get it the way I want it to be and also comply to the mission parameters: - Kethane refueling for the nuclear engines (modded in my game to burn only Kethane) - one-stage lander capable of going to every planet/moon (optional booster stage for big ones/atmospheres) - carrying at least three kerbonauts (empty space in a hitchhiker required due to the length of the mission) - capable of delivering mapping satellites where needed - modular to use the cockpit as landing pod by rearranging itself in orbit leaving drive stage, crew compartments and laboratory behind - lander has to be able to mine Kethane, convert it to fuel for itself and lift enough Kethane for the next part of the voyage Contingency: Prepare to launch refueling drones at key locations Alternatively: Scrap mining for refueling drones at every planet
  10. I wanted to detect anomalies with the normal antennas, reasoning the anomalies would give out some distortions and/or wideband signals. Adding the MODULE to all antennas was easy. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter]] { //antennas can detect anomalies// MODULE { name = SCANsat sensorType = 16 fov = 5 min_alt = 5000 max_alt = 500000 best_alt = 250000 power = 0.01 scanName = multispectral scan //animationName = Multi_Antenna } } But can I also bind the activation of the scan to the activation of the antenna?
  11. For me it was a out-of-fuel ion hopper with one Kerbal circling Kerbol on an orbit similar to Kerbin's - many years later (time warped to bring him home before .22) he was able to use the tiny amount of monoprop he had left to achive an encounter with Kerbin's atmosphere. Apart from early career flybys of Mun - due to lack of alternatives - I never send single Kerbals anywhere since then, probes are used to get the necessary science for larger pods mostly.
  12. Are there some more small crafts from SC kerbalified?
  13. Something in our programming lets us be curious and go out to explore, humankind left its cradle in Africa and it might well leave Earth at some point in the future. Evolution did not kill us for being curious, it favored those that were bold but foresighted as well. So here we are, with our big brain, an organ that consumes so much energy other animals might shake there heads in disbelief of so much wasted calories. What are we going to do with it? Find a way to survive and spread as a species by crossing one more, one bigger ocean? If the goal of Life is to preserve Life by developing more and more survivable, successful manifestations of itself, who is to say that spreading to other planets, adapting to the environments not by biological changes but by using brainpower and tools, was not a viable way to achive this goal?
  14. The reason it is so difficult for our scientists to find dark matter is that most of it forms the cores of the Kerbol system's bodies.
  15. There are some stories in the fan fiction section of the forums that might be suitable and available for a script. Someone know somebody at Dreamworks? I voted (something else) because I would rather like to see a big motion picture trilogy followed by a TV series.
  16. My best guess: They might be waiting with lots of realism improvements for the day they implement difficulty settings/gameplay options.
  17. Have not been in KSP yet today, but after seeing more and more anomalies in forum posts and youtube videos, I made a decision: I choose to go to all anomalies in this update and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are sleep consuming, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of my energies and skills, because that challenge is one that I am willing to accept, one I am unwilling to postpone, and one which I intend to win, and end spoilage of anomalies for me too. (Although I fear for disappointment for any anomaly currently invisible due to errors in terrain. )
  18. An unsatisfying evening of trying to design a Voyager like ion probe for Jool and whatever else it can reach - not quite there yet.
  19. Assign the claim to the Lehman Brothers to invest in real estate around the world, in a few months the value of the bond should have reached a managable sum that can be disbursed in any branch of any bank.
  20. If I were to bolt a structure via KAS to the surface of Gilly to use it as a wharf/dock/quai, would docked ships bent around (when docked from above) the structure or is Gilly's gravity just to weak to put any stress on attachment nodes?
  21. If you are not yet tired of new features, how about an orbit projection option that shows the orbit where the craft will be taking into account the body's rotation, so you can plan deorbit burns to determine the landing zone in specific locations.
  22. That was what I was wondering about, resetting is almost exclusively used to describe the process of making the goo/material experiment reusable.
  23. That was what I was think - at least along these lines - but more a demonic face suddenly appearing overshadowing the Kerbal inside.
  24. Is the reflection on the helmets real or faked a texture displayed depending on orientation of the object? If it is the latter, it opens up the way to a very nasty halloween prank ... harharhar!
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