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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. To be honest, in one of my day dreams I saw NASA sending some programmers out to speed up development of a "better" Unity version for KSP to become 64bit on multi-cores ...
  2. After just reading the headline: No, it is not. You might loose the opportunity to learn to do things IN A GAME by yourself which you personally think of as no fun or miss out on a part of the journey, but cheating is hurting someone else in some way: financially, emotionally, to anothers disadvantage - all this you cannot do by playing a game by yourself the way you want to ... and even while some might get actually emotionally for you doing things differently, I ask you to listen to the song Let It Go from Frozen and think about the lyrics in several different ways. I almost made an example by pointing out a certain medical procedure performed in the male regions below - but I do not want to summon the infraction gods right now.
  3. Temperature can be done on every surface if I remember correctly. Without a mobile lab?
  4. I do not understand why C.H. had to get permission from D.B. while there are thousands of youtubers producings thousands of cover versions without any trouble ... ?
  5. If I only could remember that book from years ago (and it was much older even then) of a ship flying to Mars, getting hit by a micro-asteroid and thereby loosing some of their water/fuel? and O2 - their water was also stored in the ships hull as a radiation shield - they improvised a machine to use electrolysis to generate H2 and O2 - but I cannot remember anything else ... Meaning this idea is already old enough to have found its way into science fiction literature decades ago.
  6. Screenshot of the rocket in VAB with active center of mass and lift, please.
  7. Even nature might not be able to resist a bribe of this size, yes. You have a very strict mother, dont you?
  8. No reaction concerning lowering the planetary multiplier via RSS yet. *pout*
  9. Can I just add heatshield the property/MODULE to the fairings part.cfg - do fairings burn up first or are they not shielding the payload against heat at all?
  10. Isnt there a modder upon a cosy chair - Late at night I toss and turn and dream of what I need!
  11. Yeah, I actually dont know which version and when - just that it was some time ago before I joined for .20 - hm, so maybe it was not that far back ... ? Sometimes I really regret not writing a diary.
  12. Behold the presence of one of the Old Ones! I think .8 might be the first time I came across KSP on Steam or somewhere else - and put it aside as "unfinished, for later" ... so glad we crossed paths again.
  13. Many of them will have raised kids - know what I mean? Pity we threw our educational system into the gutter and do other lovely things to drive the intelligence out of our country - and if the EU would have concentrated more on human rights and cooperation, less on stupid laws and pampering corporations, we might have led ESA to a point ... oh well ...
  14. I might replace Renaissance with this one - if just for the biolumi-Laythe, the thick storms ... to much good stuff for an old man!!
  15. Am I the only one who would recommend the bigger nukes from KSPX and still think it is stock-enough to not feel "cheaty"?
  16. I bought it of Steam, but play a copy in another folder, so I cannot say for sure. I joined the club in June 2013, play it about 3-5 days a week for about 4-6 hours - plus excesses and some holiday sessions - so maybe ... 576-1440 hours statistically, but that sounds quite much.
  17. Are you describing stock or FAR aerodynamics?
  18. After undocking my asteroid capture ship from the space station where it helped with crew rotation, I noticed a set of science reports from the asteroid was missing. I picked up science low and high above Kerbin three times: one I transmitted directly, another was to be processed at the station and then transmitted, the last was to be returned down to Kerbin. I think there maybe a problem with me modding the probe cores to store science, although that should work flawlessly. Maybe I just moved the one set of data onto the other via ShipManifest, so possibly a layer 8 problem. The crew pod of Capture One was lacking parachutes, but luckily the Kethane transport docked to the station carried boxes with contingency equipment, among them radial parachutes of which one was welded onto the pod in a sweaty EVA - jetpacks have real difficulties handling the off-balance of carrying such a heavy part. Deorbiting went well, the docking port survived its role as heatshield with a soft reentry and so did the crew. I do not get done very much lately - really should stop adding and reconfiguring mods and get on with my planned missions!
  19. How ... embarrassing ... I missed the updates for CLS and SM ... working wonderfully, awesome mod(s), love you all, gotta go!!
  20. What is officially planned(!) is, that we will have money, reputation and science which will be interchangable and that we will gain money and reputation from contracts which will pop up according to the player's tech level and/or current achievements. --- I gather we will use science to unlock science nodes, pay for development of a part in these nodes and pay for the parts we actually use in our crafts (when pressing launch most likely). Reputation will be used for hiring kerbonauts I think. Recovering parts from returned/safely landed stages/planes was not officially mentioned yet I think, but nothing stops you from reusing your plane, just park it way of the runway so it does not get cleared by the next one. [A rocket launched and paid should in my opinion be refundable as long as it is not actually launched or moved out of the launchpad area, as we cannot climb up and attach a part we forgot in the VAB.]
  21. Does changing the PSPMC* work then? *Planetary Science Points Multiplicator Constant
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