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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. KerbMav


    The European Union does have its perks after all. Lots of countries to go on vacation in for which you only need a valid ID and to abide some rules regarding what you can take aboard the plane.
  2. As modifying the genome of a grown organism is not possible (how to reprogram every cell?), it would mean creating a caste of genetically engineered human beings being enforced to travel to space, disregarding their freedom, wishes, life choices ... slaves.
  3. If I remember my biology lessons in school correctly, then the heart pumps blood through two circuits, the body and the lungs. Rerouting the blood from the lung circuit through this fabled oxygen implant delivers oxygen to the body and protects it from being vented in the lungs. But all in all this one thing that in movies makes my brain go "Yeah, ok, get on with the story".
  4. Of we go adding price tags to all mod parts - like the science values last time!
  5. EN does this? I use it for months now! Why did I not know this?! I should read patch notes more often instead of just blindly updating my mods it seems. ;P
  6. Which mod and which mod lets you resize the navball independently from the rest of the UI? (Looks like it in one of the screens above.)
  7. Now that I think of it, I will have to take a look at my Jool-5 design - once more ... again ..
  8. I had pen&paper RP characters with less background ...
  9. I did not see the movie, but gathering from the covers on youtube of its signature song, it felt like the main theme of revealing a hidden trait and accepting it by oneself struck a nerve in the public.
  10. KerbMav


    Last month - it was my seventh trip (there and back again) by plane - was the first flight for me I considered taking a nap an option instead of flying the plane myself with my mind, leaving the job to the two pilots alone. Relax, enjoy the ride, engage in some activity to distract you from your anxiety (and the relative boredom of long flights).
  11. I know that feeling. The first two goals made me happy (and then worried for the second half and a more aggressive response by Brazil), but with every goal I grew more reluctant. So it somehow felt like fighting an already beaten opponent, because I do not think that Brazil has a weak team or the German team is so much stronger. To me it seems the loss of their captain and the injury of their teammate weakened their spirit. Although they claimed to fight even harder, I think they were influenced by the constant pessimism in the public and the great pressure to win the cup in their home country. They may also have reacted the same way the German team did in former world cups when the opponent scored early. For me it showed that matches are won in the head as much as on the field. Still, very excited whom we will meet on sunday.
  12. I am at a loss here ... does SCANsat now scan for ressources (in the background like the maps) or only show them on its maps?
  13. I am in the middle of my Jool-5 mission, but I cannot get myself to keep at it right now. But it is OK, even if I carry my design over to .24, I will finish it eventually. Until then I am plowing deep into planets in the search for coal and diamonds and enjoy a different view for a while. (Starbound) Cya Jeb, until we (soon)TM meet again.
  14. Try canards, control surfaces near the cockpit, to lift up the nose. I also think B9 has landing gear with different "leg lengths" so you could place the plane with a higher nose on the runway. Edit: Bad ninja me got ...
  15. Sorry, it has been to long, I cannot even say if I read it online or printed.
  16. Ahem ... you might want to take a look here and consult the cfg files for further explanations. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60961-0-23-5-TextureReplacer-1-5-10-%287-6-2014%29-IVA-Helmets-Removal
  17. Yes, thank you. And I also did not mean robots or any other A.I., but naturally developed life completely different from what developed on our planet.
  18. I placed this under biology, although I am going to ask for the exact opposite. Has there been a scientific (!) theory to the existence of non-biological life? Especially Star Trek is full of sentient clouds, thinking energy particles and living rocks. How feasible is this idea and has anyone some papers at hand?
  19. What about the efficiency of converting Kethane to LF/OX? If we get less then 1 ton of LF/OX from 1 ton of Kethane, we would be moving the ship more often to get the same amount of Kethane to the refinery.
  20. They are the command crew of (mostly) all bigger missions, sometimes splitting up to lead different crews of rookies into space.
  21. I think it is a niche design and you described this niche it quite well.
  22. Like bathing foam? No. Very porous rock? Maybe, but: The bolded part makes it impossible to have a foamy planet, as it means that the body transforms itself into a sphere by its own gravity, which would inevitably destroy the foam. So, maybe a foamy asteroid? Not enough gravity to keep an atmosphere to prevent the foam to pop instantly in the vacuum of space. I see no possible way to have any stellar body that is made of foam to the core, a big layer of foam on the surface might be possible.
  23. Sidenote: I outright hate websites that do not (visibly) state a date for their articles. "This weekend" is useless and it would only be a valid timestamp if the page was deleted afer a few days and not kept available "forever".
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