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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Edit, go advanced - should do the trick.
  2. Hello James I am no good really at reading error logs, but I do know that a saved craft can have very different information for parts than the game expects/than the parts in its current form in gamedata.
  3. From the RealChute thread: I am not sure if you would need more parachutes than without FAR, but with FAR the vessel itself has less drag, so maybe yes.
  4. You could just post the changed lines of the config files you edited, so everyone can decide to either edit their own files or use ModuleManager - and whoever maintains the mod can choose to adopt your changes or not.
  5. At last Vendan created a mod to appease the penny pinchers (no hard feelings, I am one in real life myself and in many other games, but KSP stuffs the funds down the player's throat, so ... ) who burn down the forums for a method to save on some screws and bolts, and now you come along and add fuel to the fire - or propellant to the booster?
  6. I would rather use this one - it has the same storage configuration as the lab. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54370-Radially-Attached-Experimental-Data-Storage-Container-%28New-download-link%29 What the others mean with "unlimited storage" is, that you can return the same experiment several times (e.g. 5 surface samples from the same area of the moon), while normal pods only store one instance of every biome-situation-experiment combination. Edit: Just saying it because No one said it first ...
  7. For rockets: - make sure the center of mass stays way up and ahead of the center of lift/drag - do not accelerate to fast, keep your TWR at 1.2 to 1.6 - turn over gradually beginning at about 100m/s vertical velocity reaching 45 degrees at about 20km, do not tilt to 45 degrees at 15km like in stock KSP - use fairings/nose cones as well as fins at the bottom stage
  8. I think Squad should never have mentioned the little story of someone calling them roots ...
  9. Easiest to be implemented, I think, as long as the science experiment transmitted can be identified and the contract system is not just checking for any science coming in from X. The system to make unavailable parts available in the VAB at a limited quantity is even already in place. Now create an experiment cfg for every agency and copy the PART for each into the new parts cfg to get multiple parts in one go. (Will require taking care and reading the text in VAB to take the correct part on the mission, but we do not want this to be to easy, right? ) Still not sure if automatically spawned satellites will be welcomed by the player base, but if they really despawn afterwards - has a better taste to it, yes. Jool needs a lower atmosphere (if it doesnt have one already), than contracts for experiments can be generated as usual. Just that there has to be a logic in place to only allow experiments that can be done in this situation. Will most likely have to be a specific asteroid generated for the contract alone. Doable, as we have contracts spawning Kerbals that are basically asteroids for the game. Armakeddon (sorry) re-enactment might be fail due to the collision course degrading to a flyby over time(warp). Well, awaiting .24.2 ...
  10. Install Remote Tech 2 and SCANsat. RT2 will make you "invest" money so you are able to control probes "behind" Kerbin or further away than Minmus, as well as to transmitting back science.
  11. Delivered the Kethane for my Jool mission the way it is supposed to be after all ... parked the tanker at my would-be asteroid station, just to visit that big chunk of rock again. The Explorer III will wait for 150 day until the next Jool transfer window. Moho polar-orbital insertion successful! First time I managed to slow down enough to actually stay there. Creepy PE burn at <10km, there are some high mountains on Moho! Undocked the mapping satellite and brought it into a 300x322km polar orbit, due to the speed Moho rotates a full map will be available in 58 ... no, 29 Kerbin days, of course! Using the remaining monoprop to lower my AP at least a bit, orbital insertion was very close ... lander probe might fail after all as there is not much fuel left anywhere ... Next: Probe mission to Eve. <iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/jBVA1/embed"></iframe> All this is in a career save that started out with Remote Tech 2 - somehow the adventure was a bit lacking, especially with the probes not needing line of sight anywhere.
  12. I would miss this mod, currently finishing up my .23.5 save, has anybody tried this one yet?
  13. No, it is just one of the most popular mods and this thread is under constant surveillance of the update predators!
  14. Not sure this falls under the definition of "mod"?
  15. Wasnt there a mod to this mod? Adding a docking alignment circle to the navball? Found it! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54303-0-23-5-Navball-docking-alignment-indicator-v3
  16. You mean while using SCANsat? The positions are programmed into SCANsat, so yes. All that Custom Biomes does is define an area of a planet as being more that just "surface" for science gathering purposes.
  17. Just one question here: Can I forget anything about how wings are attached (angled in any axis, put low or high onto the plane etc.)?
  18. Using a calculator style window for all three* would look better, I think, so I am on the "get rid of the altimeter" side. *Yes, all three: available funds, current vessel cost, remaining budget.
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