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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. As the red pill was meant to eject the mind from the Matrix and delivered by a member of the resistance, rescue would be a given really. Taking the red pill and staying inside would be a death sentence, as "awake" minds are being actively tracked down by the agents. Also the rules of the Matrix would not vanish - unless you think you could free your mind and become Neo II - one would still have to go to work to earn money to buy food etc.
  2. I will go with the UFP standard, name the star and call the planets by the name of their star with a roman numerical, only inhabitat planets are granted real names, local inhabitants have a naming prerogative.
  3. I guess it is moving to fast/to close to earth - you might want to try an automatic targeting system for auto-cannons, getting one though ... http://www.instructables.com/id/Autonomous-Paintball-Sentry-Gun/
  4. I went there the instant I pressed Reply. I am not pedantic, I am curious! You saw NOTHING!
  5. Good enough for a Hollywood movie, yes. If the eggs fed on the radiation of the warhead, then they fed of something the warhead would have "lost" anyway. It would take some magic voodoo physics for the eggs to force the radioactive material in the warhead to decay - which is why it is radiating - faster than it already does.
  6. Is this really the defining quality of beer? And is beer distilled? I do not think so. It would be a liquor then. Also I think a wine does not get heated at any part of the production process. Lastly, sorry for my stupid question for a picture of the bottle, some picture hosting sites get blocked in my office at work.
  7. Judging from some comments - they only have to succeed in fighting. As I see it, humanity is always split into groups, and even in a nation, county, city, village, family, class room, company, university, office etc. you have no 80% (yup, I made that up to give my sentence a logical flow) common ground. I think we humans started out in small groups, families and clans, and it all worked rather well, even as the groups banded together/grew in to villages, but as soon as a certain obscure number of humans lives together, it somehow tips. We have adjusted to live in large cities with up to millions of inhabitants, although it still stresses our system, but still there are rivalries between the cities, because we associate us with the inhabitants of our city. Now, if such an event would take place, who would call out to the neighbouring city and say "Resettle in our town, we still have fresh water"? No, no asking for what they have in turn, no demanding their firstborn daughters, no forcing them into labor! Food in malls would not be rationed and distributed evenly, it would be fought over. Medicine would not be given to those in need, but taken by the stronger party, in case they need it later. Water sources would not be open to everyone, they would be seized, guarded and defended against the others. It is rarely the clever guy that survives (on its own or by living by his standards), but almost always the bully - who forces the clever guys to work for him.
  8. I keep them in the standard pilot setting too. Funnily I use I to translate down with a ship, but I set W to up in EVA ...
  9. Could the responsible animator please get extra cookies/pizza rations topped with the love of the little teenager still living inside me?
  10. Procedural Fairings are just making everything pretty if you are not using FAR/NEAR.
  11. A world without nations and money, war and greed, oppression and exploitation. Everybody working for a few years and being given what they need (the basics plus every reasonable technological luxury). People understanding what they really do need (not a new cellphone every few months, not a big/ger TV/car every year etc.). As knowledge and education is free, as everything else, technology/robotics will replace most jobs, especially the dangerous and unpleasant ones - lots of jobs will be obsolete, no more bankers, tax officers, insurance sharks - some individuals with the capabilities and dedication will become doctors, nurses, pilots (astronauts!) etc. and will be required to agree to work longer in their lifetime because of the resources invested in their education, but everyone else might not have to work for more then ten to twenty years of their life - we basically would need engineers and teach everyone the basics to keep our robots happy and running. And as everything is free, we can afford to use the most clean energy sources and production methods. (Free: Does not cost money, resources will be allocated where needed.) The remaining time we would spent on enjoying ourselves, taking long trips in nature to retain other (survival) skills just in case, take on duties we have interest in: teaching children to play instruments, coaching sports teams, working in public parks/gardens, creating art in various forms etc. tl/dr: Humanity working for the common goal to better life for every single individual. This will take a major psychological-evolutionary leap by mankind, but ... you asked for my Utopia, didnt you?
  12. Operations at Jool are in full spate yet slow. The Mining Lander has brought up Kethane two times already from Pol's pole. A manned expedition has returned from Pol's surface too, carrying a double batch of all experiments. Before that Bob attached four solar panels to the Crew Lander that have been forgotten during construction at KSC. Currently the crew is filling up the Tylo Landing Assist modules by converting Kethane. Next will be the transfer of everything but the Mobile Miner and the cargo module to Tylo. 1y and 335d till transfer window Jool-Duna - then the Explorer III has to leave to assist the Duna Return Mission. Note to self: When travelling beyond Duna, bring a Kethane generator or similar ...
  13. Turn of the computer, get outside, come back, have fresh ideas.
  14. Cancel red alert, power down weapons and lower shields. Basically the way I feel after coming back to this thread today.
  15. I was philosophising some time ago about adding an atmosphere to the sun that got very dense rather fast, slowing down/burning up crafts that got to close. Some mix of modifications via a planet factory mod to add the atmosphere and EvE to add a corona.
  16. So we do need the holder now? In .23.5 just adding the container worked for me.
  17. Do parts set to physicsless burn up too? Never thought about it ...
  18. The scanning takes power, that is why. Regarding the launchpad question: The launch clamps supply power, so the batteries are not being drained.
  19. Katy Perry seems to be a big fan of the Lannisters.
  20. Oh, you diplomatic dodgeballer! I mostly listen to soundtracks when a games original music gets to repetetive (because I play it to much ) - in general I have no real preferences, just some real no-goes.
  21. Load up a pic of the bottle? Gold is supposed to just pass through the body when eaten in limited amounts - expensive desserts exist that are decorated with thin gold foil.
  22. Just my 2 cents: I would not buy from EA if I did not really have to ... especially their repeated scam of selling a new version of game X and letting the same extensions follow as for the last version and for ripoff prices.
  23. I quickly grew fond of all the dirty little helpers - some of them not little at all actually. But the gaming experience would not be the same for me withoug KER, PreciseNode, FAR, EditorExtensions, the Navball mods or just Chatterer, EvE and TextureReplacer.
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