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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. KerbMav

    Which one?

    It was said .25 would build on the new contracts system and add an administrative building - so may Fine Print or Final Frontier are as viable as SP+ ... But integrating new contracts can be done by Squad too - as can the kerbonaut logs ... It smells like SP+ then, as Hugo might have been working on making all spaceplane parts compatible visually and adding new animations for the cargo bays to get them independent of firespitter.
  2. Now that is quite the bummer ... Alternatives being to either raise the science needed or lower the science gained per experiment then - which is not quite the same really. *pout*
  3. KerbMav

    Which one?

    My attempt at translation: They are not simply adepting the idea of what a mod has done before, but buying the finished mod and modify it to fit into their scope/design. So I do not think it will be an unpublished mod, very unlikely as Squad would have no idea how the community thought about it. My guess would be to look at the most popular mods (not in conflict with what Squad previously announced, like "no life support") that have not received an update lately.
  4. Again, but excusable I think, I used infini-fuel. During the third try to hit an island on Laythe I burned some fuel, but it did nothing as my parachutes had already opened. So, during the ascent this fuel was missing to circularize my orbit - but I saw no fun in repeating the landing/watering and doing all my science again.
  5. The orbiter has to hit the runway without an engine to throttle too - so I do not see any difference. The carrier might have to be equipped with more cables to grab onto, basically all along the flight deck, but else ... ?
  6. Went from Pol to Laythe finally - a gravity assists at Tylo saved me a bit dV. After four tries I gave up on hitting land and just watered the lander - go up again pretty fine, but the mothership had to go for the rendesvouz as I burned up every drop of fuel to attain orbit. Then started plotting for Vall - kerbed up by not setting control to the cockpit again after setting it to the docking port - alt-f4, getting back tomorrow.
  7. I flew around Minmus, was great.
  8. I can hear the dinosaurs coming for you.
  9. Was there a reason given why this was changed instead of build upon?
  10. Please enlighten me as to how I would aquire such indepth knowledge? I am only using KAC or Protractor to get (obviously semi-)good encounters.
  11. For all of which you will need lots of power - the sun is far away, the air/wind is thin, no running bodies of water, geothermal power is questionable, fossil fuels non-existent/impractical without readily available oxygen. Best option - without starting to trash a second planet with waste products from nuclear power generation - is to use solar energy for heating, light and water production, and also for transportation. Rocket taxis are not really economical.
  12. I am working on manned visits to the Joolian moons, but I have a KSP low at the moment, so it is taking more time than planned. Other than that I have never been to Eeloo or Dres, only flybys of Ike and Gilly, only probes on Eve and Moho. I also never sent anything close to the sun.
  13. At least Kerbals now have a reason to exist! They are needed to plant flags for contracts! Also returned Kerbals give reputation - now we need something more to do with reputation? The next step should be to add the functionality of command modules that give us "returned a ship from x y" to Kerbals, so we can have "bring a Kerbal to x and return him home safely" contracts. Oh ...
  14. Rather Gordon Kerman. Honestly, copyright problems aside, Mork would have to be an inhabitat planet and there will be no ETs in KSP if I remember correctly. Case closed.
  15. Can I use my old (I had two 2GB kits, one of the four modules died) 2.1V 1066 RAM and my new 1.85V 800 RAM together? I am asking because I am unsure if I can run the 2.1V modules at 1.85V - they have been working at FSB800 for years, so that should not be a problem. I can pair them correctly and my board accepts up to 8GB. Corsair XMS2 Dominator DIMM Kit 2GB, DDR2-1066, CL5-5-5-15 (TWIN2X2048-8500C5D) 2.1V Kingston HyperX blu. DIMM Kit 4GB, DDR2-800, CL5-5-5-15 (KHX6400D2B1K2/4G) 1.85V ASUS P5K/EPU (90-MBB67A-G0EAY00Z)
  16. Land close to two or three different biomes and use the rover to get there for surface samples, EVA reports and whatever science equipment you want to add. I think the Fine Print mod is what you are looking for, as of now the contracts in the core game are lacking diversity, something that might change like e.g. part diversity after the game mechanics are done and more content is added. And in this regard the CustomBiomes mod too. Edit: The obligatory "Ninjad!" comment. Ninjad!
  17. Part Suggestion: A ball joint, rotatable by lets say 60deg in any direction, could be used to attach lights or quantum struts to aim them as desired.
  18. I almost did not look into this thread for the title sounded like something like hyperedit/orbit-hacking - how wrong I was! For me the atmosphere effects while on rails is The feature of this mod! Is this a general truth for KSP? If I switch my ship and time warp, I will really slip past infront of a moon while crossing its orbit as planned and not be dragged into its SOI out or nowhere?
  19. Scrapped my Laythe/Vall (both hopeless) approach and reverted to my Pol orbit. Somehow dV requirements are way higher than expected to hop from one Joolian moon to another. Also, at some point my ship creates strange forces that change its velocity vector slowly.
  20. Earth, the only interstellar home that perfectly suits our biological needs we will have maybe forever - so please stop messing with it.
  21. Let alone take of from Mars in any reasonable fashion? I think you found the loophole in this!
  22. Fixed that for you. Translation: "We cannot have 100% safety, so lets do not take any precautions in the first place. All the money going into inoculations, condoms, helmets etc. should be used to save other lives." Who are you to weigh one life against another?
  23. It is incorrect to assume that humans are born fully developed. And it seems very unlikely, that muscles and bones that were never developed to withstand and work in a planets gravity would be able to adept afterwards, let alone deformations of joints that were prone to happen due to the unfinished bone structure. Could weighted clothing help in this respect at least on planets like Mars or the Moon even?
  24. Alt-F4 does not save to persistence - which is good or bad, depending on what you wanted to do. An option in the in-flight-ESC-menu to quit the game that saves to persistence alongside the rescue my savefile from bug Alt-F4 would be great. To add to the thread: Why can I not load an in-flight save, why do I have to go KSC->observatory->craft?
  25. This. I figure balancing career mode will be quite a feat, as it has to accommodate both playstyles somehow: Return as much as you can! vs. Just drop it! If contracts pay well and parts are affordable, the returners will swim in money and have no challenge, if contracts pay less and parts are expensive, returning stuff will become mandatory, if you like it/deem it realistic (in your own KSP-universe) or not.
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