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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Hm, if every asteroid had a very small SOI ... how would "docking" with the claw work or flybys of the asteroid? I think they would work and have very little influence on the ships path - but what happens (in KSP code) if a parent body enters the SOI of its satellite?
  2. "But Capt'n, Ima givven ya all she got!" I am not objecting that they had to be fast, just pointing out that the fuel might not have been enough - but since we logged this under artistic license already ... The more you carry to Mars, the more fuel you need to get there, even if you get everything into orbit in nice small boxes. Also, imagine now big your cargo hold would have to be for a minimum crew of three alone for the years it takes to get to Mars and back (after waiting for the next window). The ill effects do not come from a sudden change in gravity (OK, you do not want to change it all to sudden in the wink of an eye ...), but from prolonged time of gravity not being there and the body getting weaker because the lack of strain on muscles and bones makes the body "think", that he has to much of them and reduces their mass. (Stop it you nitpickers, yes, gravity is always there, everyone knows, have a seat, take a cookie ... )
  3. Actually this sounds even better. Maybe if Harvester is already at it ... Actually2, I am more thrilled for the admin strategies and how they will work out in the end.
  4. 1) and 2) The question remains whether the "jet pack"/capsule has enough dV for such an inefficient maneuver, but I think they deliberately omitted things to 1. keep the drama going and 2. get not to sciency in a field that is not necessarily general knowledge. 3) Not going to comment on this again. IRL launching stuff is the easier part. It is keeping the people in space alive and healthy for months (years, if we are talking mining asteroids) where the problems start.
  5. I concur to 75% - because I do not want: - pop-ups or pop-unders (!) - ads launching videos slowing down my browser and internet speed (on principle) - ads making noise (= every sound the user has not asked for) - flashy-blinking somethings left and right - ads overlaying above the page I am reading and making me search their close button (pop-up 2.0 ...) and: traffic for such ads costs MY money, at least this is true for mobile phones with limited monthly traffic. NoScript (a necessary security feature in my eyes) takes care of most of these, so I see no need for a dedicated adblocker yet, but as long as ads become more obtrusive, people will take measures to defend themselves.
  6. Never play on patch day. Am I seeing things again? Palmtrees next to a hangar? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29533-What-did-you-do-in-KSP-today?p=1444119&viewfull=1#post1444119
  7. Aaaand Quantum of Solace title song logged into brain, thank you very much ... Next will be the Dev Notes!
  8. While waiting for my turn to get my hair cut I read that March'15 there will be an eclipse in/above/visible from Germany - and no one can say for sure the sudden drop in power generation from solar plants will collapse the power grid or not - they seem to suggest to not take the solar plants online that day at all.
  9. I am curious about: How much money went in to the development up until now, how much has been earned from sales, how much is still earned per month, how much is left to continue development. Does Squad publicize any business numbers?
  10. Two monts after the release - any new insights? I hear mixed voices (mostly from 90's UFO veterans) about it so far and Scott Manley mentioned a mod that were much needed to make the game really worth it - was the development "declared finished" prematurely?
  11. In general KSP still suffers from a lack of "reason to go there" other than "have not been there before". With the resource system (i.e. different resources from different moons/planets) wiped from the drawing board (currently/near future), time based science gathering deemed inappropriate and the surfaces apart from hills and valleys, icecaps and oceans being the same all over a planet/moon (Kerbin having a bit more variations, but still), there is no reason to repeatedly visit a moon/planet repeatedly, even with x biomes, as they all give the same "type" of science. (Which also makes rovers toys instead of tools.) So, until the planets/moons get some cool details to explore and visit or maybe kerbals gain some kind of benefit from having visited x - Dres may very much remain a far away excentric Mun with an inlination. But how in the name of the almighty RAM do you generate interesting and high quality surface structures and biomes for x number of moons/planets enabling the player to see something different every few roving minutes with a team the size of Squad and without blowing up the KSP engine?
  12. Great, now to find that post again ... Edit: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92375-Max-Reveals-*Most*-of-the-0-25-Grand-Plan http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/2f15g8/the_secret_feature/ Edit x: Gnah, this is not helping at all!
  13. The problem is, that we do not know if Maxmaps read all forum posts before and whether his meant, that noone had guessed it days or weeks before and not just recently. So my guess is, that anything is possible right now. My bets are on Kerbals quitting, because .26 is meant to introduce more stuff for the kerbonauts themselves - although .25 was meant to do this already and it only got delayed. Second on damagable buildings - although his Twitter post smells like deliberate false information - although it would fit a major arts project ... but it does not sound like something small as a byproduct of a bigger project, does it? Honestly I am clueless.
  14. Must be a red herring - damagable buildings was guessed quite early and Max claimed much later that the secret feature had not been guessed.
  15. We have to remember that we are dealing with people with a background in marketing - so all this viral-like bits we are getting ... I really like it. ^^
  16. No, he is right, I am one day ahead in my mind this week, started Monday and I cannot shake it off.
  17. Silence before the storm - everyone is waiting for the announcement today - the rest is still sleeping.
  18. Yes, in hindsight it might have paid of to bring a rover along for my mission(s) to visit all anomalies in 23.5. (yes, still not finished ), would have saved me lots of fuel and nerves at pinpoint landing - which on the other hand I got much better at in the process.
  19. The world is waiting, Herr Maxmaps, the world is waiting. Browsing the Twitter accounts of some Squaddies I noticed quite a number of them are learning German? So is there a chance to share a Käsesahne with you guys some time?
  20. I guess it is morning in Germany and we are getting online as usual, explaining the invasion of the forums by German players at this time of the day.
  21. After installing Linux on my ASUS eeePC - because the whole XP dying and stuff - my battery seems to last longer. Does (inadvisably according to Streetwinds short essay) Linux use more of the batteries capacity or did XP use up more power faster?
  22. 01:30 for us, my fellow citizen? And hello to you from Bonn.
  23. Is it only me? Or are the bits of information coming in much more steadily these days?
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