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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. It depends - if the aliens are just "monsters", any form is possible - but I think there are some necessities for developing, constructing and using technology like space ships - so some similarities are unavoidable. A race of dolphin-like aliens that steers their ship by whistle-commands sounds innovative - but who built the ship - or the first tool to begin with?
  2. I have not played stock for months - but has the sky always looked that cloudy at a distance?
  3. I keep failing at combining many ideas with "a big art feature" ... http://webmup.com/1OTj8 Watch the horizon at 07:00 ?!
  4. So since his last post: and until he told us that it had been guessed 22.09.14, 17:33 [uTC+01:00 (CET)] there have been these suggestions: Plausible since .26 is to introduce more Kerbal management - but was this really planned for .26? Only recently Maxmaps announced that the Kerbal feature will not be in .25 due to reasons. I already ruled this out for me - but going back maybe they think skilled players would be able to achieve orbit for the asteroids and not crash them into Kerbin? What would be the big feature in .26 then? Still a mistery though: If there is something new at KSC that ensures the secret feature happens a bit more often ... what in Kerbols name??
  5. You mean with an all to tight spandex trainer? "Well, now that we finally have female Kerbals in this sexist-all-men-game, let us have a talk about how you implemented them in a sexist way!" Waaahh, I cannot stop doing this! It is all Maxmaps fault for not letting me in on the secret!
  6. It must be something that someone guessed in the last few hours! Something to make the secret happen more often ... A countdown thingy? But what would be the big .26 thingy and why would skilled players not see it? A lightning arrester? Weather in .26? This did nothing to relieve my stressed mind!
  7. "We don't know what this is Got us rack our brains Just like you knew it would We don't know what you do but you do it well We're under your spell. You got us beggin' you for mercy Why won't you release it" Maxmaaaaaps!!!
  8. Not groundword, byproduct possible because of the work for .26 is what I remember.
  9. Not guessed yet? So we have to think all over again ... Something small as a byproduct of a bigger arts project ...
  10. It rises because of both. And please also read the part I was answering to, should make it a bit clearer. Scroll up, there are some comments already on this - the real challenge would be to get humans to work for the good of society anyway - money only as a means to ration and distribute ressources, without work being necessary to receive it, would be a good start.
  11. The typical problem: Company A dismisses a percentage of its workers to increase profits (because share holders demand it and no other easier/faster way exists actually); social services have to pump more tax money into supporting the unemployed and their families, this tax money cannot be used to support other areas of the nation, taxes have to be raised (for the masses, not the big money, because ... you know ... the usual) and now not only the x-thousand dismissed workers have less money in their pockets to buy things, but also everyone else; company A makes less turnover and also less profit; company A dismisses a percentage of its workers to increase profits ... Something which I am a big fan of for several years now.
  12. But what would the arts team have to do with this - and how could Harvester have done it repeatedly just for fun?
  13. Is it really a sign of being a skilled player to sit their and check every asteroid for a possible impact? Nah ... I am sure it means that skilled players are unlikely to produce fumbles necessary to invoke the new feature.
  14. Apart from a few hours in .24 I am still finishing (or not rather) my .23.2 save ... Having maneuvered myself into an uncomfortable situation, but at the same time unwilling to leave my missions unfinished ... I really should get going, will be a good character building exercise. So, I most likely will wait for my critical mods to get updated and start a new career.
  15. Protection against flamewars? Community-Manager-Joke-Reference?
  16. The Express is sold in the UK too? Sorry for that, we thought we had them contained in Germany.
  17. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-29106843
  18. My engines usually overpower the brakes very quickly - now that I think of it ... can this be another reason for planes veering of the runway?
  19. Usage of the steam drive would be nice - so I could play my save at home and at my friend's computer, without having to copy it over first. Or is there a way to make steam cloud save manually?
  20. I like the children-compatible implementation of death as it is now. A ragdoll effect belongs into other games, but not KSP in my opinion.
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