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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. But a worthy cause to make an exception, as there is nothing to debate about.
  2. It still is debatable if we should build nuclear reactors on land - but using them on ships ... ships that are built for military use ... that might very well be fired upon at some time, destroyed and sunk, possibly close to shores ... nuts.
  3. I never got the habit of wearing/carrying big company logos around ... intentionally at least.
  4. Removing the black on the underside of re-entry vehicles - my money is on scorch marks now.
  5. You made me add "paris hiltons dogs names" to my lifelong google search history file to check what kind of joke your are making ... you owe me a cookie.
  6. Must ... resist urge ... to politically comment ... religious groups' influence ... gnnaaahh!!
  7. It is not easy, it requires research, development and money - lighter/tougher materials or hulls with reduced drag (shark skin has been proven to work in water and in air to reduce drag/friction). This, yes. For the next three (or something) launches (to accomodate crafts assembled in orbit) technologies/materials used are more advanced/expensive (paid upfront in the admin building). The parts "memorizing" that they are special makes reusing the craft a real thing. Although I have to agree, that a different way of implementation would be desirable. But - someone said it, but I lost the post, sorry - using tweakables to change e.g. the materials a part is made of (which changes e.g. weight, thereby TWR/ISP/dV of a part/vessel) would be the better way, making the part a lot more expensive in the process. This would also ensure that the "buff" applies proportional to the costs/parts of the whole project, for small rockets and large IP cruisers not costing the same upfront "upgrade fee". Hmm ... which would plunge every part mod(der) into a serious redesign ... might invite to much backdraft from the modding community to be considered by Squad?
  8. Do not forget to rep the modder if you like it! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60227-0-24-2-KSP-Alternate-Resource-Panel-v2-5-1-0-%28Aug-6%29
  9. I got to Uranus, the rest will have to wait - but I am giving this the AWESOME stamp!
  10. I am so excited that the case against Apple under the Amazon Act finally goes to court! Hopefully users will get to decide which software they want to use on their devices at last.
  11. I had to google to be sure you meant the right movie - "The Prince of Zamunda" is the translation of the German title. Airforce One (Harrison Ford, Gary Oldman) (Some RL Russians next to our seats hat laughing fits whenever the movie's "Russians" started talking. ) Captain Sharp ruins Alexander Dane's day.
  12. KerbMav


    It is basically a fashion thing. Decades ago, when lower class workers had to sweat in the sun and got a deep tan, the upper class shielded themselves from the sun to retain their pale skin, to distance themselves visually by showing "I do not have to work hard". Later on as more and more work was done indoors, the tan became a sign of "Look, I made it, I do not have to work all day. Or at least I am making enough money I can afford extended vacations in southern countries". Maybe biologists could join us here, because humans evolved outdoors and the tan is nothing more than our skin building up protection against sunlight. We need sunlight to produce vitamin D in our skin and it is supposed to have other positive effects - just a question of how much is really needed and still healthy.
  13. As he is a figment of imagination - I concur.
  14. Hm, I am in a kind of drought too, but for different reasons. I am having a hard time achieving my goals in my .23.5 save and denied myself access to .24 until I get them done ... But recently I am more into watching other people playing (.24) and robbing banks in Payday 2 Maybe I just needed this change of scenes? Fun Fact: I hate EA for them selling incomplete games and highly overpriced expansions. But I own every expansion of Payday 2 (only bought on steam sales though and they are not really very expensive to begin with). They simply offer better community service I think? I still do not get your problems with Squad though, and cannot follow where the NASA coop lead everything down hill - modders were always faster and had a higher output for their sheer numbers. The NASA parts may have delayed other parts of the game, but it got us asteroids, something players found important enough that mods were made even. I concur that a heap of mods might be incorporated into the stock game, but that is a decision the brain behind the game has to make.
  15. Fight Club (Brad Pitt, Edward Norton) Darth Vader grants Pluto Nash a special holiday to find his place in the world.
  16. Should be closely tied in with a mod like Kerbal Economy Enhancements, this mod here is also used by players playing without salaries.
  17. I especially like that you did not introduce another window/toolbar item, but modded the existing one.
  18. I make secret changes to the construction manual making the LEGO missiles have boomerang flying abilities. Then I use a giant bulldozer to bury the next user in an avalanche of millions of LEGO bricks from the destroyed lifesizes LEGO spaceship.
  19. The Shawshank Redemption Seymour Parrish tends to his offspring undercover.
  20. [treehuggermode] Maybe use a format more easily used on mobile phones (if PDFs arent already) and save the paper waste? [/treehuggermode]
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