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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. This mod has a science part that identifies anomalies http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64972-0-24-DMagic-Orbital-Science-New-Science-Parts-V0-8-2-%287-17-14%29 Maybe combined with SCANsat, Fine Print could generate contracts to find "no life and old civilizations" on *beep* or *beed*.
  2. Using KER and trying to bring just enough with a buffer - launch stages usually are not empty when they get dropped back to Kerbin though, my ascent profile seems to be quite inconsistant from launch to launch.
  3. Oh, so I missed out on them by shooting for space in the first try?
  4. When you repeatedly and consistantly forget to even thing about bringing a rover - esp. to places the jetpack will not be a big help.
  5. Jool Ion Probe entered Jool SOI - it will still be days before reaching PE and begin maneuvers to start mapping the moons, esp. Vall and Bop. Renegade vessel in Eve orbit seems to have insufficient fuel to get into a Gilly orbit ... now what ... Explorer III completed course correction for Jool - will still take about a year to reach its destination. Duna Return mission arrived at Duna an filled its lander with fuel from Kethane reserves. Two of the crew managed landing 1km to the first anomaly to be investigated. (Game crashed, will see today where my last save was. )
  6. Actually, if they are not really clever guys and deciphered our radio signals (should we even talk about TV?) and then even managed to interpret our hundreds of languages ...
  7. The game has always used "." as decimal mark everywhere, no reason to change it in one single spot.
  8. I played .24x64 with EVE, ATM and TR yesterday and apart from one crash when going from VAB to Flight, it worked very well.
  9. This is one of the things that should be optional. Especially if the mentioned bug is not an error caused by a mod but by the game itself.
  10. I follow the threads in the modding forums here and use the links in the threads - it assures me of always finding someone to punch if a mod fails.
  11. Some things are still missing in career mode obviously: - kerbonauts are still free - science, reputation and funds are not yet interchangable - contracts rely very heavily on "use x at y" missions, more to come for sure ("quest line"-like maybe, more "explore x", adding "use science gizmo y at z", "return surface sample from x" etc.) - missing difficulty slider: lower funds and science gain, lower reputation at start of the game etc. - generally rebalancing science to slow down progression due to contracts Regarding BTSM: I like the concept and have deep respect for FlowerChild to get into balancing all numbers from scratch -regretfully it limits my ability to add other mods I really like to play with. Easiest way to start out unmanned might be to ModuleManage a probe command module into all command pods to fly them by wire - would enable test launches without loosing kerbonauts but funds. Real Probe cores would still have the benefit of lower weight.
  12. That is a cold spot, all the souls of crashed Kerbals gather here to fish and barbecue ... Small specks of out of place biomes have been in the game since biomes were introduced.
  13. That could mean, that whatever the application sends anywhere should be logged on the users computer for him to access and inspect. If it also means for the user to be able to delete this data on the receiving end ... ?
  14. I added my usual mods to .24 to take a glimps before finally finishing my .23.5. save - I will repeat this process for .24.1 in a few days ... :D
  15. I am confused. Tested in .24x64 KSP - together with lots of other mods - adding my usual cfg to the game. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]] { MODULE { name = FlightEngineerTweakable } MODULE { name = BuildEngineerTweakable } } But I do not get the Flight window of KER?
  16. Can you, shaw, (we the users?) somehow impelment a logic to appropriately assign female heads based on names? Maybe a name list of certain criteria of the names? Also it seems I only have the female head with a slide in the hair - which looks cute for some maybe, but I think it makes them look teenagish and silly ... (no offense intended towards KSP playeresses that happen to like wearing them )
  17. The time for one orbit has to be the exact same as the time for one rotation of the planet. As long as the orbit is remotely circular, your satellite will stay in contact with app. the same surface area and other satellites of your system.
  18. Judging from the .24 trailer animation, it is probably a Kerbal beer/coke brand ...
  19. You are almost there. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/87587-Higher-Part-Cost
  20. I think the womens' handling of birth control and access to education in some countries are more connected by another causal: men, culture, religion, law.
  21. Some suggestions then: Song of Ice and Fire - definitely! The curious incident of the dog in the night-time - narrated from the point of view of an autistic teenager, something different Then you are not gaming enough! The last sentence of my post was not meant pretentious, rather annoyed at the fact of not simply being filthy rich. And you are touching another touchy topic - before I up on the reading I should rather start running and working out too ...
  22. Eve probe has arrived, now flinging around to AP to release the surface probe into the atmosphere and get itself into a polar orbit for mapping. Explorer III burned for about 20 minutes in a rather inefficient maneuver - will arrive at Jool in many many many days though. Duna Return mission still waiting for transfer window.
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