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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Any experiences with FAR or DRE and how they play with the resize?
  2. Use a klaw ship to push/pull the tourist ship's PE into the atmosphere?
  3. Important question beforehand: was the scientist standing on the ground or hanging from a ladder - so being in flight for ksp in most cases - when you activated the experiments via eva? I also was under the impression that only scientists could manually activate experiments?
  4. He actually thought this through. Who would have guessed?! PS: I want to apply for kitizenship ...
  5. Finishing a Minmus mission that managed to get to four biomes easily. Brought home a tourist tour around Kerbin's moons. Transmitted my first 50 lab science! Scanned Kerbin for 10 science! Once more started designing a space station. Installed some part of the Rennaissance Pack and got all excited about how much better even half the deal looks!
  6. Raising only the ScienceCap should not change the research rate.
  7. Looking at the textured model ... and looking at what the texture file looks like ... what are you using to paint the new heads? Do you just have perfect 3D visualization abilities in your brains?
  8. I "only" had the audiobook and will surely miss R. C. Bray's voice, he was my instant favorite without ever hearing many other audiobooks.
  9. Can someone please point me the way to to a ATM config - my robotic parts have an otherworldly one-colored sheen to them ...
  10. Similar question. Why do EVAs start with looking the kerbal in the eyes/at the other side of the pod instead of from behind the kerbal or at least its side?
  11. Thank you! Seems to work 100%. At least I did not crash and nothing looked weird. Tell me if you want to look at the logs anyway, I cannot read them.
  12. The Renaissance Pack has configs for ATM including for TR - but I still get some black kerbal textures here and there.
  13. I think it looks better that way instead of semi hovering above the ground texture. It looks like it really is landed and dug into the dust or whatever a bit.
  14. I think the timeline differs from ours quite a bit more than them landing on Mars regularly in a few years - either it is set far more in the future than 10-15 years (shame on me, cannot remember a date from the book ... ) or they never stopped at Apollo like we basically did. Edit: Why not take a German to play a German!? Were they to afraid of Till Schweiger?!
  15. Looking great, some questions though: Have the "science altitudes" (flight, space low, space high etc.) been adjusted? I cannot find anything in the config files, but I have no experience with these kinds of mods. How has the atmosphere changed?
  16. As the day before was mainly mod deleting and bug minimizing, yesterday was dedicated to missions. Managed to land the next mission to Mun with three of four wheels on the rover intact (giving even more thought to the question, if the scientist or the engineer should come down with the pilot). It is a very small and light rover, so it did not pain me much. Drove to three waypoints (landed on one of them!) to finish a contract. Will have to do another roving mission a bit more to the west on another day. Launching into orbit wasted lots of fuel, but got a good encounter on my first try - but as mentioned really inefficient, will plan with a larger fuel reserve next time. The next Minmus mission - and long term stay in space in preparation for the new space station in planning - was sent on its way (waited in LKO for Minmus to line up for minimal plane change) and will arrive in about 11 days. A new pilot was hired (had only three of them) for good money and sent on a training flight - paid for with a tourist contract who blindly stepped into the capsule with my rookie, muhahaha! She is taking them on a tour around Kerbin's moons which also should make her a two-star pilot. The Lab Ship Expedition has left Kerbin's SOI and will not come back for the next 110-something days - they have lots of data to munch and were already able to deliver 50 science when they crossed into Kerbol orbit after about 14 days since launch. Explore Ike popped up! (Let us mourn in silence for a minute for the Explore Minmus contract that never saw this world/save ...) Just in time so to speak, a probe will encounter Duna soonish - AntennaRange will deny me anything useful though. Working on getting enough science for the orbital survey scanner - finally a good reason to finish the three orbital satellite contracts for Kerbin's three bodies.
  17. Why am I never told these things!
  18. And some cosmetic requests: 1. a hotkey/button during flight to toggle the pretty lines - to much on screen during node/orbit contemplation 2. pretty lines only checking once every second (or so, maybe even rarer) if range/line of sight are ok - at least I think that is the reason for what I would describe as a laser show
  19. Depending on pilot level, I agree ... would make much more sense than being able to point the ship to a specific direction.
  20. Basically what I wanted. Would that mean, that a whip could connect from Duna to a Tier 3 tracking station? All of Kerbin is an antenna, only other planets/moons break line of sight?
  21. Putting a decoupler between a girder structure and a lower stage instead of between the girders and the engine of the next stage ... (managed to burn the engine free) Attaching supplies containers (USI LS) to a wide landing stage for a high vessel and leave it behind on Minmus ... (could not let 12 kerbonauts die because of my stupidity, so praid and did service to the god of editing)
  22. This. They might be always active when appropriate like the altitude and speed ones, without upfront money and simply offering rewards for going places the first time, to keep the player going aside from doing random contracts all the way, giving directions as to what to pursue next.
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