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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Seems a bit overcomplicated for something that was supposed to be a lighter version of RemoteTech? I think we need more dishes.
  2. Do you have config files with only larger bodies and distances, without moving anything around?
  3. xmitDataScalar = 100.0 Was for sure meant to be 1.0 for 100% transmittable science.
  4. Aint the small dish a bit short in range for the big one to be relatively deep in the tech tree - even behind a R&D upgrade I think? Being able to reach Duna - and farther inwards at the same time logically - with the second antenna available in stock seems to make sense? Just a suggestion/question to understand your design decision.
  5. I get a CTD when reverting specific craft to the VAB - others work flawlessly. I can revert to space center just fine it seems. Anyone able to spot something in these two logs? https://www.dropbox.com/sh/snhfmbz6tyvp1f6/AAA0fNL-RwGPuls7tMkQXlsSa?dl=0
  6. I got into thinking (again, I know, beware, hide the children!): A density of 0.001 means 1kg per unit of stuff? Seems a bit light even for a 1m creature?
  7. I like it! I am just got into performance trouble last time I used all of it ... I am to dumb right now to pick the right configs for EVE to just get the cloud layers I once had.
  8. Somehow I am having trouble with finding what I am looking for - I really only want a not to cloudy Kerbin, dust on Duna, wisps on Laythe, thick atmosphere on Eve, layered Jool and mist on Minmus - I had all this once, but not wanting to install everything makes it difficult right now ...
  9. Experiments are never "deleted" by processing them into data, regardless of where they are stored at that moment, so you can move them into the lab or a command pod of the lab's vessel and take them out later to return them to Kerbin for their original science value. Storing does not start processing, you will have to "review stored experiments" and click processing for each of them - quite good, because the lab can only hold 500 data points and I have yet to try what happens when i "overfeed" it, because you can only process any experiment in a single lab once! You can always build a new lab though and reuse the old experiments, so minmaxing would mean to always return a copy of every experiment for the sole purpose of storing it in the most recent science station for example. I think the data value is equivalent to the science value, but not sure right now. You get 25% bonus for processing an experiment from the same SOI the lab is in at the time and a 10% for a lab that is landed on any surface. (On Kerbin's surface you only receive 10% of what could have been though, so LKO science stations are the minimum for a lab to pay off.) Every scientist anywhere in the same vessel of the lab helps. (99% sure) I do not know the exact rates, but maybe the part.cfg will tell us. My rate jumped up after starting the lab up, but maybe only during lab work are the scientists accounted for? (Something to find out.) Maybe the jump up in science rate has to do with what thegreatgonz observed - only other possibility would be a change in personell, do you use any "inflight experience level up" mods or switched crew, docked to something else ... ? Why does it take you 100 days to get from Minmus back to Kerbin?
  10. There might be a conflict with angle snapped and rotated goo only? With angle snap it has to be rotated first or it will clip through the bay and only show its feet, without angle snap the goo sits inside the bay. I too have a ship with a service bay that is acting up - but it is not shaking, it is moving its center of mass/camera like zooming out and a bit to the left ... I only had this once with a parachute mod bug, but this ship has neither chutes nor fairings.
  11. I would be happy for a less memory wasting stock game. Some of the Krakens from service bays and stuff being killed would be great, too. And maybe in the next five hours? :D
  12. Have a new ship that has a jumping center off mass during flight, moving the camera far away from the ship - timewarping shortly reverses the problem ... better hurry to finish the mission and land the crew ... Also encountered a new CTD bug and have not yet found the cause. Missionwise I am waiting for a Mun-turned-Duna-probe to arrive in about a year - AntennaRange will make this a lucky shot for a flyby, cannot make a midcourse correction - although I launched the probe before I installed AntennaRange, so maybe I should give me some leeway once more ... Landed 12 kerbonauts in a tall ship on Minmus to plant flags - XP system still feels a bit weird, when you are trying to get a base crew of scientists and engineers up to level three ... Another Minmus mission is waiting in LKO for its transfer burn, might go off early with a midcourse correction today. Collected science with all but two experiments (and no crew report either) from KSC, put the experiments into a rocket and loaded them into a lab - about 250 data, something for the crew to work on while going for a trip into Kerbol orbit - XP system ... (OK, my minmaxania ... ) - The lab ship will collect more science along the way, including some from a low flyby at Mun before it leaves Kerbin's SOI in about 15 days - not yet sure how soon it can return with the dV left in it, but supplies (USI LifeSupport) are sufficient for almost two years, so could go for a full Kerbol orbit trailing Kerbin and munching away on the data. Building a large Mun rocket to go Apollo style and carrying a rover in a service bay - reading a certain thread in the general forum I might want to redesign that part a bit and get rid of any moving parts directly attached to the bay ... 1.0.3, where are thee?! But before that monster can leave the pad I will either have to unlock Mainsails or figure out the fuel logic for radially attached non-staged engines.
  13. What do I put into the settings for Valentina to show up with the stock textures?
  14. Because of this I ended up not using it for the saves without DRE - although I really miss the decouplers, the stock ones are way to massive ...
  15. Engines only activate on the first time of staging.
  16. I did not find the stock contract files in my KSP folder - are they stored differently? Can CC even make changes to them?
  17. But maybe gains someone a bit of fun? Let us know if you would have missed the 10% bonus to data or if the lab filled up quickly anyway.
  18. The 500 points fill up so quickly, that this should be more than enough. You can of course make use of the months and years you travel back from Duna, Jool etc. to let a lab as part of the ship science away on your experiments - than move them over to a small orbital vessel and dock them to your orbital station for the lab there to do science with them again.
  19. The derelict ships with kerbals in them we are asked to rescue - they work for the infamous other space agency we can task with removing debris from the tracking station - and they staff their missions from the tourists we trained ... it is so clear to me now!
  20. This ... is the smallest most menacing looking ship I have seen in this game ... *shudder*
  21. I am not yet at IRUS..ISRU..stuff - how do the overlays work with the clouds from the EVE mod? (The clouds could be disabled somehow, couldnt they..?)
  22. I always had the feeling that only one works, at least when using the EVA button on the portraits. Actually it could be a funny alternative to normal gameplay, "We are the Bork, all your debris will adept to service us!" Throw in a mod like KAS and screw junior docking ports to the debris to glew it in weird patterns to a central core or a class A asteroid to build your base "from scrap". Correct, landed labs receive 10% more data points from experiments, an extra 25% if the experiment is from the same SOI the lab is currently in (the only receive 10% of this value while landed on Kerbin though!) - the conversion of data into science is only dependent from number and level of scientists and a weird factor of available data compared to maximum data capacity.
  23. If I dock something to a station or reuse an old tug for assembly in space, will it "taint" the new vessel?
  24. Landed an expedition on Mun - first landing since Jeb's daring solo scouting mission - brought more science gizmos this time as they are now available. They also dropped off a satellite in orbit which needed some serious changes to it orbit - mainly reversing its direction completely ... Did a second (third in total) Mun mission - something is off with my landings, I use way to much dV than I expect each time. Dared to do my first ground survey mission ever since contracts entered the game - a bottle of KIS's Reserve EVA-fuel helped. Build a plane that flew and landed on the old runway - nothing broke, just flying with the keyboard is ... will set up a joystick after the weekend. Build something to land 15 kerbals on Minmus - which collapsed on the launchpad. Build something else to land 15 kerbals on Minmus - did not yet try it, since three of them are still sitting on Mun and calculating if they have enough fuel to get home ... And as usual: Took way to few screenshots ... ModuleWheelFix
  25. I hate it ... when I overlook great mods for a full week! Downloaded for the handy biome display, will see if I will use the delayed scan - really good to include all these options!
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