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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Did anyone ever encounter the greenhouses - when packed close - would shake themselves apart? But I think my installation is kerbed up anyway - strange things keep happening.
  2. Now what happened here ... The center of mass in the VAB was already pretty low - why ever that might be. After launch the camera dropped two times, like falling down 5 meters. Then it started to swing like a lasso around a center of mass far outside the rocket itself ...
  3. Do all suits work for female Kerbals too? I just saw a streamer on Twitch that had Valentina wear a suit with pilot markings.
  4. Can we put parts with docking ports on the end of a claw?
  5. Looks great! But how does the small shuttle fly, I cannot see tanks or engines? I guess it maneuvers with RCS over the docking port? A more elegant solution to my "cover the ground with them and see you hit on". And how in Kerbol's name did you get/built it there?
  6. You cant ... what ... you cant make a thread full of youtube links and not hide it from me ... I will have to click and watch everything!!! But I think the idea is great! For the young man's awesome voice alone I would like to nominate HOCgaming, but the real reason would be his Kerbal Polar Expedition to raise money for charity. https://my.charitywater.org/kerbal-polar-expedition-2 Although there is no category this might fit in, is there?
  7. If I add a new resource to an existing game, does it magically appear and disappear again if I take it out? I know it can be used in tanks and engines, but will it become scannable/minable on planets/moons? If so, are the deposits randomized for every save or whenever the resource appears e.g. after I deleted it for a while?
  8. Both? That would mean I would have to start over ...
  9. I have a weird idea ... how about a landing pad made from Structural Panels covered in junior docking ports and a lander with a junior docking port on the underside, landing gear putting it just low enough to ... oh my ...
  10. Am I right that if I do not define a Global for a resource it will only appear where I defined it to and a Global = 0 entry is never needed? Also, is a new resource only present in new games or can I make elements appear and disappear at every launch of the game?
  11. I have not read all, but I remember this mod might do what you are looking for. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85630-1-0-2-Routine-Mission-Manager-v011
  12. "Everyone will please, not panic. Now, Prefects will lead their houses back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons."
  13. -- Pro Surface 1. lander can refuel at the refinery and does not have to carry down fuel to launch into orbit again 2. rig can use fuel-cells during long nights and supply itself with the needed fuel 3. No dedicated cargo (ore) tanks necessary. -- Pro Orbit 1. flexible resource at hand to produce fuel as needed: LF/O, LF only, monoprop 2. station can be ore storage only or even convert from lander directly into customer 3. if even the drills are carried up and down a. no repeated pinpoint landings necessary (potentially fuel intensive) b. no awkward docking/clawing on surface (in stock) --Pro ... Tip! Use Module Manager to assign a loss value if you like. I think it was said, that the drills already filter out the usable stuff and the refinery only cracks it up to be burned (oxidized once more). Since like ever it felt more fitting to assume that the rockets use liquid H2 and O2 as fuel and with the mechanics of the new stock resource system it becomes even more pressing, was even since Kethane. For my game I will most likely change LF to hydrogen; the stock liquid fuel (kerosene) and the complicated monopropellant will only be available on Kerbin (in the VAB); densities will be kept the same to not interfere with dV, engine performance etc. pp. This is the beauty of KSP and its modability, you get a working system and can tweak it to your liking shoule you miss realism in details.
  14. Yeah. What I said. I missed it ... Really? Thats what I get then for installing lots of mods after only a few launches in stock when a new update hits ...
  15. Yes, it is in seconds, use this for six kerbal hours and deadly consequences. LIFE_SUPPORT_SETTINGS { SupplyTime = 21600 CausesDeath = true ECAmount = 0.01 }
  16. You Genius You! The raddish (radioactive rubbish ... la-la-la) does nothing negative, but at least it does something: The engine does not loose weight, just uses up its reactive mass!
  17. Does not feel like an exploit to me. More like "rerouting emergency power to the secondary energy grid through the flux coils " /startrekbabble
  18. If I wanted to add cargo space to the rover body, would I only need the first Module from the containers or something else? I guess the second one from the smaller container makes it carriable for kerbals, but the bigger one I cannot tell.
  19. Hm, interesting, will require some number juggling for sure, but worth a try, thanks. Mh, yeah, ahm, no ... Sorry, I am just able to understand MM's language to mod my parts, but coding is way above me.
  20. Nuclear waste. Used rad.elements from a nuclear engine.
  21. Pics from the last days of playing - a training mission to Mun, experience for seven kerbonauts - Mobile Lab Rover munching KSC data - Valentina and a rookie on tour - launching first part of new orbital station.
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