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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. So it crashes for me even without FF - so copy over again and do these flights again ...
  2. Opened a support thread with logs - game crashed when entering the pod, at least I can remember it this time happening then. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/121143-logs-from-recent-crash-unable-to-locate-mod-at-fault?p=1936294&viewfull=1#post1936294
  3. I have been unable pin down the responsible mod - it is the second 1.0.2 install, basically the same mods, the first never crashed, this one does after some time playing consistently. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/othoys8hoj4ou5q/AAAiTfUCsjPJLXMzKkEU9zB3a?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0ylwdftrlsrzx7f/AACCfAa3BT9FjrMmxSYyXTHha?dl=0 Since the error.log says there is still free memory left, can I rule out OOM problems?
  4. Sorry to interrupt, but since you havent released it officially in its own thread yet ... Am I doin it right, cause it aint workin ... @EVA_MODULE[ModuleScienceExperiment]:HAS[#experimentID[surfaceSample]] { @xmitDataScalar = 0.0 }
  5. 2105 or so currently. Big chunk has to be the thermometer mod that adds itself to every part. I guess you are using DRE and FAR?
  6. Do you have plans for 3.75m to 2/3/4x2.5m adapters? Or can they just be resized with MM - I guess not?
  7. Now that I think of it ... I have never landed a Kerbal on Gilly! (Or Eve, Moho, Dres or Eeloo for that matter.) From the ones I did visit I think Laythe.
  8. So I should install a memory info mod thingy and switch scenes to see if the usage drops? Can do. Edit: Crashes even without Science Alert.
  9. So I can lock the jar indefinitely without consequences? Good, Science will take 300 days to complete, no resupply necessary ever 100days then. And I also would like to cast my vote for the lower "no munch altitude".
  10. Now you have me thinking - did I have ScienceAlert in my previous 1.0.2 install ... ? ... because in my new one I have and get OOMs ever hour. Would logfiles help? I think I have three or two from yesterday.
  11. Did not have a look at the MK3 parts yet, I think it depends on how it looks.
  12. And why -RESOURCE instead of !RESOURCE ? Redundant? Heyah young one, school is important, especially when I see the typos you made! Check the changes at the fuel amounts, the @ was missing as sarbian pointed out. He can keep the MM config file in his own folder and copy it to a new version after an update/reinstall without having to move through all Squad part folders.
  13. I think it should be like this: (?? Being the amount of LiquidFuel you would like it to have.) +PART[fuelTankSmallFlat] { @name = fuelTankSmallFlatLiquid @TechRequired = nuclearPropulsion @entryCost = 5000 @cost = 250 @title = FL-T100L Fuel Tank @description = With the advent of nuclear propultion, oxidiser is no longer needed for interplanetary missions. Our engineers have followed suit and made liquid-only versions of many popular fuel tanks. [B] !RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {}[/B] [B]@RESOURCE[LiquidFuel][/B] { [B]@amount = ??[/B] [B]@maxAmount = ??[/B] } } From the examples in the first post: @PART[SomePart] // change Some PART { @mass = 0.625 // change SomePart's mass to 0.625 @description = SomePart: now uses Xenon! @MODULE[ModuleEngines] // change SomePart's ModuleEngines MODULE { @maxThrust = 2.25 // change maxThrust to 225 @PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] // change its LiquidFuel propellant { @name = XenonGas // use XenonGas instead @ratio = 1.0 // change the ratio } !PROPELLANT[Oxidizer] {} // remove the Oxidizer propellant completely. } RESOURCE // add a new resource to this part { name = ElectricCharge amount = 100 maxAmount = 100 } }
  14. This is a stock issue, setting an experiment to zero without this mod does the same. Also: Did anything change or is this still working? And: RecoveredDataValue refered to the "recovered a vessel that landed on Dres" part?
  15. The claw and escess fuel to not burn anything if you lack the tech for cargo bays yet.
  16. Hyperdrive-Docking-Tugs ... or what were they called? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/42925-Gentlemen-s-Naval-Battle-Club%28Attention-moderators%29?p=1024612&viewfull=1#post1024612
  17. In all honesty I am always more thrilled for hotfixes than big engine overhauls that possibly require hotter fixing afterwards, but here is to the future!
  18. If they are not supposed to do so on Kerbin's surface, then why is my Lab-Rover crew at KSC mulching their supplies?
  19. The surface was brighter (.20/21?) and the landing much to fast.
  20. True equality begins where gender is not an issue anymore. Back to really important questions: Since I installed FF (and some other mods) I get out of memory crashes - anyone noticing something similar? Just asking here to narrow the source of my problem down.
  21. Restarted my career. Pushing back updates to VAB and launchpad make some things interesting. Setting science income to 50%, too. After my first suborbital flight I exploited the public interest in suborbital tourist rides for a while before taking my five-pod-tour-ship and get my Four into orbit after a quick redesign to a three-pod-tour-ship. And I have to deal with a memory issue that came up and keeps crashing my game after a while - no big texture mods installed, thermo gauges killed ... no clue ...
  22. It is a rather balanced way to get more science after all experiments have been sucked dry. Ensures you have something to to and to trade for funds/rep with strategies. If you really want to, yes - I myself plan on having a copy of every experiment I ever did somewhere safe - crazy gamer and all.
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