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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Is the ingame information on map mode correct(ed)?
  2. Residual heat ... is there tutorial/dev post regarding all the new heat mechanics somewhere? I had a pod explode "long" after the giant solid fuel booster burned out and way up in thin atmosphere/space while coasting to AP the radial parachutes grew hotter (staging menu) and the pod suddenly popped. If I activate the pods' visibility in the staging column, it will show heat, yes? stagingIcon = COMMAND_POD
  3. If the contract says sub-orbital on Kerbin and Itinary, than at least on recovery of the vessel the contract should be complete. But I also had groups of tourists wishing for different flights - one wanting a sub-orbital the other a fly-by at Minmus. Check the "flight plan" of every tourist in the contract.
  4. I think putting a new craft on the launchpad/runway initiates something like a clean-up duty, but I never tested the radius.
  5. Started a new career. Launched several rockets trying to reach space for starter contracts and records. Lost Bob due to a poof-on-ground-while-physics-warping-bug and did a quick save file edit - will never bow down to bugs! Rejoiced that KER is already 1.0 ready and restarted the game - I really have become dependent on it! Launched some more rockets to train the crew and place satellites for contracts. Stranded Bill in a polar orbit after releasing a satellite there - not enough fuel to get down again. Started munching through the tech tree once more! Going to build moon-fly-by rockets with stacks of 1.5m parts bundled together and show some tourists around later.
  6. Do not EVA a Kerbal with 4x physical warp ... off to reanimate Bill ...
  7. Have any mods been tested with 1.0 yet? We have seen Scott Manley using Hyperedit and MechJeb not working correctly for him. Whatabout Chatterer, TextureReplacer, EVE - any experiences there already? Just trying to pass the time ...
  8. But he did not say before the end of the marathon?
  9. After the last streaming broadcast maybe? It will still be Monday in Mexico then.
  10. A kerbal wants to be king of the stars, he'd best find a floppy sandwich ... or something like that ...
  11. To have fun for a while - my Core2Duo survived with one graphics card update since 2008 until now - should it be i7 and GTX980 with 16GB RAM ~1.700 EUR or would i5 and GTX960/4GB with 8GB RAM ~1.000 EUR be sufficient?
  12. I hope the teaser in the title was strong enough? Japan wants to install a laser on the ISS as a test for a satellite system to remove space debris. http://www.alphagalileo.org/ViewItem.aspx?ItemId=151785&CultureCode=en
  13. Will there be more asteroids on different orbits around the other planets and Kerbol?
  14. The last game I saw through to the end (pun intended and explained in a second) was GTA IV - I got it later than most in a Steam sale and stopped playing after failing for hours at a certain mission, that was December 2012 (I will restart The Witcher soon, left it in 2013 ... to much to play/do ...) - last week I picked it up where I left and still could not get past that mission, so I watched a playthrough on youtube, noticed that a) I was a complete idiot and the game was over right after that mission and it was mostly cut scenes left - which I already knew from the playthrough on youtube, so I declared it beat and finished. The last game I really finished before that was Ghostbusters (from 2009) - before that in roughly correct backwards order: Enemy Unknown (2012), Lucius, Papers Please, Limbo.
  15. This is what keeps me thinking - why did he put the plane into a slow decent, why did he prolong the whole thing, for himself even?
  16. I do not care about costs, but more speed, more fuel, more immissions ... There will always be enough business jokers willing to pay more - out of the pockets of their companies, for faster trips that save them oh so valuable time ... But for those we could use nice rocket ships - without parachutes to save time during landings ... /rant
  17. Would the private sector even care about keeping LEO as un-Kessler as possible?
  18. Related to the author, not the book, but nonetheless ... http://www.galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg_mod.html
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