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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Even with FAR intalled I managed to launch (with low TWR and speeds in lower atmosphere, late and wide gravity turn) an interplanetary ship encased in a proc.fairing with a base as wide as four orange tanks radially attached to another orange tank (so three orange tanks wide) in the middle. And since I used FAR since forever - although I seem to never manage planes ... - so I suppose stock aero will be not that different for my designs. Although I am wary of some parts of the dev notes, as it looks like lift will be generated by numbers in the wings part.cfg rather than real physics calculations? Actually, I liked your version.
  2. 1. This has become relevant again, so no necro! 2. Is the pic available in different resolutions for use as a desktop background?
  3. Is there a way to assign kerbals individual arm patches?
  4. Hm, unsure if I would want it to work always that way - any chance to make you add you own hotkey(settings)?
  5. The three friends may have started their space business, but they never had a girls-not-allowed-billboard on their club-house, so the list of applicants is filled with the whole range of kerbalkind: dumb, clever, brave, timid, male, female members of every profession. Valentina, Linus's sister-in-law, joins the team during the "get a new kerbonaut" quick-tip step (the pop-up window whenever you visit a location of the game for the first time in a new save). You do not remember who Linus is? Good! Because it shows that women can join every perceived all-men-club even if they do not have close relations to the higher-ups as long as they are qualified for the job. Therefore she is always available as a new recruit and applying for a spot as pilot - gameplay reason: a pilot brings SAS to any flight, so she can go places on her own in one-seat crafts. After so much tranquility a bit fire? What will her starting stats be?
  6. Whenever I am in for a good nightmare, I will try to imagine the reaction of the community to the removal of one of the original three Kerbals ...
  7. I think this is mostly because lots of entertainment and communication is in English. Imagine if there had been a cool TV show in Latin ... All I have to add to the education of children part: If children are into languages, let them learn! We never pick up new languages as fast as when we are young, as the brain is already doing just that, learning to communicate by using a language. Also people that grew up with more than one language are more adept at learning another one later in life. But please do not make it mandatory for them!
  8. Can it not be used as a docking practice target for e.g. SpaceX and in exchange brought up to a better orbit? Basically any test flight could be used to dock and push it a bit - India, China ... ?
  9. For some this is fun. (Was that English? Sounds to much like German for me! )
  10. I dearly hope that the advertised thrust of the engines is max thrust in vacuum. The sea-level ISP on Laythe, Duna and Eve would be different from Kerbin anyway, so the only gameplay constant is thrust in vacuum. Rightfully so! Are you saying we should not be using KIDS and ModuleRCSFX at the same time?
  11. This is actually almost always completely wrong. A heart that has stopped is not shocked back to work. The DE-fibrilator has its name for a reason, it stops fibrillations of an arhythmic heart - and this does not mean that it gives the heart back a rhythm it is no longer has any at all!
  12. Does not look to much out of place.
  13. You "can" fly through space close to the speed of light to slow down the time you personally perceive relative to the rest of the world and thereby kind of travel into the future. This seems to be the only viable way/direction of time travel as far as I read non-fiction material about this. Also, the things you suggest are exactly why it is a good thing we do NOT have the capability to travel through time, especially not backwards. There is no safe way to alter history, because you yourself are a part of history and what became of it. If you travel back and stop WW2 from happening, you would have never known of WW2 and therefore never had a reason to travel back, so you will never have travelled to prevent it, so it will happen, giving you a reason to travel back and so you do so, negating the reason for you to ... see what is going on? Alternatively you travel back in time and the universe/space-time tries to protect itself from getting caught in a time loop and never moving any further by creating an alternative timeline - it then is up to physics again into which future you will return: a. You travel back into your own timeline and nothing has changed. b. You travel into the future of the alternative timeline and will have left your family, your whole home-continuum behind, living from now on in an alternative timeline. Interesting would be how much matter you could move from one timeline into the next before one or both universes are influenced?
  14. I am not sure - but I think you are a bit biased - I wonder where that thought comes from ... But go ahead, share yours!
  15. Obviously not much contribution towards rocket science, as it is heavy on high-tech sci-fi magic. But I have to say the view of Jupiter and moons on the big screen was quite nice. The story itself was really a bit loco, but it made for a good popcorn-movie - or nachos in our case ...
  16. Might be intentional? "Hm, I have this vague idea - lets toss it to the community and see what they come up with and what they would not want it to be at all."
  17. Just reminded me of theses: http://simulator.down2earth.eu/input.html?lang=English http://www.purdue.edu/impactearth/ http://www.killerasteroids.org/impact.php
  18. On the odd chance this is not a joke and you are sure you have not fallen asleep during an all-night KSP session and dreamt it all - see a doctor and please state the nature of the medical emergency.
  19. I ... I thought I remembered ... but ... dont hit me again!
  20. Your account is to fresh, you probably do not have the rights to post pics and links etc. Are you playing the "real" game or just the demo for now?
  21. And Germany is denied to access the video for the usual reasons ...
  22. My first PC was a Commodore64 - yes, you called it a PC back then - I was 14 and almost everyone else had at least moved on to an Amiga or IBM. My first IBM PC was a 386SX16 with 1MB RAM and I think 80MB HDD? Ve coult hav build a bik empiya vis it!
  23. Oh come on, dont be lazy! Thank you, I will think of something ... the Kerbal floated right through it, maybe it will not interact with the ground either and just look like a weird science scoop ...
  24. Click on "embed/ed"something on imgur and copy the URL, click picture in the options of the forums and insert only this (reply to my post to read the "source code".
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