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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. I made the rovers subassemblies with attached pylones (by re-rooting a bit left and right) and glued them to the center of the launch vehicle. Depending on which part gets to be the root ... yup ... Just for clarification, this is not the launch vehicle. The rovers stuck to some girders and were encased by fairings - I use FAR, which would have punished me hard otherwise, and rightfully so. So, ChopIt does not work on root parts? I wanna go home, I wanna try chopping the cockpit it is attached to.
  2. Now make one step further - what if we could mine the nuke-fuel somewhere else than Earth?
  3. The ISS operates at 1 atm - so, would not work that well, would it?
  4. I mean this part here. In the second picture it is under the rovers between the wheels - the pylons do not serve any purpose anymore and I want to get rid of them. Edit: They already have been used/staged/decoupled from the launch vehicle, I have to add - this here is their transfer vehicle to Mun.
  5. I used an inconventional way to launch two rovers by attaching them to the centerline via the underused Structural Pylon. Due to reasons after decoupling them the pylon is still there - might be visible in the second picture. Apart from being hard to click on, it also does not have the option to ChopIt in its right-click menu. Is something missing, am I doing something wrong?
  6. I remember that there already was a mod that did exactly this, no? Edit: At least the decay part seems to work according to a post in this thread. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70881-0-25-Orbit-Manipulator-Series-(Updated-March-12-2014)
  7. I deactivated ingame AA and set my video driver to do AA for KSP - there is atleast a placebo effect on Performance - but I am missing out on this mod then, you say?
  8. I installed ExceptionDetector and got this: And some logs - the crash was most likely the usual RAM problem, but the KSP.log is what is needed? https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tbzrsaa5hahmryf/AAD5uzKXFavmgki5C33qT_hRa?dl=0 Also, the exceptions only started after I docked the small craft to this bigger tug: Although I am unsure if there is even a part whose size had been tweaked.
  9. Strutted my two rovers to a Mun expedition ship - but still need a viable lander. The craft docked at the front brought two more rekruits and the KAS struts.
  10. Can I just go from FAR to NEAR or will my active save misbehave?
  11. The loading bar "going back" a bit seems to be normal - but if your game does not continue loading, than there may be something wrong with one of your mods. During launch the displayed texture is the last one ATM processed succesfully (almost sure here), so that should not be your problem. Did you update Texture Replacer - if you are using it? There was a problem with the replaced textures not getting unloaded in one of the previous versions. Also I heard a "rumour" about a new memory leak in KSP that continuously eats up your RAM as you go from KSC to space, load saves etc.
  12. My luck/aptitude at building planes goes up and down ... there was a time I could build planes that at least just flew, but reaching space I only managed with two designs and these days I am lucky if my planes make to the ocean! Regarding FAR/NEAR: NEAR - according to what I read - comes without the graphs window in the editor and has mach effects as well as aerodynamic disintegration disabled. But FAR has optional settings for the latter two and you can just keep the window closed too. Someone has a signature quoting Ferram saying basically that NEAR is FAR without looking like FAR/the graphs and people just think it is the easier one. So ... huh ... ? Putting the COL a bit/right/just/... behind the COM is one of the first things in airplane building it seems - but what is a bit/right/just/...? And how far may the COM move as fuel gets used up?
  13. I am still using a rather old driver version, because there was some trouble with a newer one once and whenever I look into the Nvidia forums, they are full of complaints how the newest driver killed everything ... ?
  14. Since he is the first pilot - Jeb.
  15. The beauty with dairy products is, they are one of those kinds of food that let you know fairly well if they are no longer feeling well themselves. If it does not smell or taste out of the ordinary, packed foods are quite resilient - I reckon you live in a country that pasteurizes dairy products though. Problem might be that food gets packed with strong aromas and stuff, so you might be unable to detect if it got foul.
  16. So, there WAS already an old thread about it ...
  17. "Sleek, aerobraking" and "spinning" is difficult enough to imagine. But Ridley has the right surname for this movie.
  18. You really are ful of hope and confidence! I used two small monoprop tugs to attach two rovers to a Munar Transfer Ship. Will have to send up some duct tape to stop the ship from swimming though. Still not sure if I really want to go through with my initial neck-breaking plan or use a more sophisticated delivery system for the rovers - later more.
  19. That was quick - at least for me ... From the first ... ... huh? DA? To ... http://francisdrakex.deviantart.com/art/Hermes-from-The-Martian-485080855 in under 10 minutes ...
  20. Finished it, spoiler away! I have difficulties wrapping my head around this - but if the MAV can match the speed of Hermes, would that not put it on route home to earth? Granted, with no window or provisions ... but it seems like a bit overpowered for an accent vehicle - even if Hermes is on a higher point of its orbit around the sun when it is at Mars and even with the modifications to the MAV, no?
  21. I might just pluck it out of your mod! (Not enough RAM for everything else and stuff.)
  22. Just do finish it? It seemed as if they really wanted to get out of early access - so February/March seems a good guess.
  23. What the ... ??? Is this a new SCANsat version or did you through in another mod? That map looks !!! that way!
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