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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Yes. "Very Good, Carol-Anne! Now try to skip rope BEHIND the house!" As long as most of the locations in the game play mostly similar, new planets/moons will not deliver the kind of fresh and new variety that players seem to expect from them.
  2. There is an extra word for touchpad in Swedish? Most tech-related things just get called by their English name in Germany - of course the public authorities will come up with a German expression soon enough.
  3. The report is not generated by the crew, but by the part itself. There is no test for whether a capsule is manned or not - something like the science lab processing routine has or the command function that gives control over a vessel. Science reports lack this test as only the crew report requires a crew present - all other science equipment works as long as you have control of the vessel, either by a manned capsule or a probe core. So probably an oversight that has not yet been corrected.
  4. I would have labeled this as nitpicking at first, but it actually teached me a new detail.
  5. For me it comes down to these options: 1. they really thought they could do it and were simply to .. "naive" .., 2. they just siphon the public for money - equally unsuccesful at that then, 3. it was simply a scheme to discredit manned space flight, 4. we will all be surprised by the first Mars-Earth-War of Secession.
  6. The game requests memory without telling the OS that it does no longer need it afterwards in some areas of the game. So the OS thinks the memory is still in use and will not allocate it to either the game itself or any other program. This eats up the available RAM and results in an out-of-memory crash of the game - which frees up the RAM like a normal restart would.
  7. https://twitter.com/Penny4NASA1/status/578855174120214529/photo/1
  8. Bonn - grey sky since 0645 - nothing to see but a bit darker day light, which would have happened with more clouds also, so nothing special today ...
  9. And the NSA gets free finger prints from all around the world, yay.
  10. The "lock" on the server asks for the "key" - I cannot give the server my thumb, so data is exchanged - what stops anyone from just sending the data without me and my thumb present? The data is sent encrypted - like passwords are (if everything is working out that is ...) - but whatabout "thumb loggers"? Banks (in Germany) use HBCI-signature cards and readers, the reader has its own keypad, so the reader can encrypt signature data and PIN code before sending them to the bank via the computer it is connected to - a separate "thumb reader" would be the answer then? So, once more we are depending on good encryption basically? And what happens if someone manages to access the reader from the outside?
  11. Forgive me, Science, for I have derped ... Just looked at the weather forecast for friday, will be cloudy, so we will need lots of luck here ... I also noticed that it will be a new moon that day ... so I felt happy, because "it will at least be dark enough to see it" ... then I felt dumb, because "does not matter, it will be daytime anyway" ... then I felt really dumb ... All in the short span of two and a half second ...
  12. Are you on the Warband forums, too? A similar thread popped up over there - must be the "pre-swimming-suit-season", eh? 1. Do not eat more than your body needs - might require some over the thumb calorie calculations. Change your meat-vegetable ratio towards more vegetables, reduce noodles, rice, potatoes - although potatoes are less a problem actually. 2. Do not eat (significantly) less than your body needs, your basal metabolic rate - starving your body will make it eager to save calories and pack provisions for the next bad season. (Stone age programming that is still active in our cells, because it got us here over the last millenia.) 3. Sports, train your muscles - more muscles mean more calories burned even while doing nothing, but they have to come from somewhere. 3.a. Forget about the BMI, it is rubbish, the Terminator - in the 80's at least - was not obese, was he? Measure your body fat intead, a tape measure around your hips, pinch your tummy, bounce infront of a mirror and look how much keeps bouncing. 4. Sports, train your cells - regular endurance training has been proven to help prevent diabetes (from being overweight) and heart problems - even a fit-trained chubby lives healthier than a skin-n-bones couch-potato! 5. Give your body enough rest - only train every other day or rotate endurance and muscle training - your body needs time to rebuilt itself to the new activity. After your training you should feel exhausted, but not half dead - stress (i.e. to much for to long of anything) comes in all varieties and is never a good thing. 6. Do not resist every urge of your sweet tooth, if you give in at last it will be disasterous usually - just enjoy smaller treats more intensly: e.g. let chocolate melt in your mouth instead of chewing down a whole bar. And invest a bit more in real chocolate, meaning more cocoa, less sugar. 7. Avoid soft drinks and juice, at least water down the juice, but develop a taste for water rather. Sugary drinks are suspected to influence your insulin production more negatively than similar doses of other sweet food. 8. Do not do this for some weeks or months, change your lifestyle. Loosing weight over a short period of time and gaining it afterwards repeatedly is unhealthy and the trend usually points upwards regarding body weight. A family feast once in a while is nothing to be worried about if you are a good lad the rest of the time.
  13. For evolution to happen and resulting in a space-cat - how many individuals and generations would it take, hm? Also: slugs anyone?
  14. And here I was, thinking that unseen graphics would never get rendered in the first place ... I even have the distinct memory from years ago of reading that polygons behind other polygons do not get rendered ... ? So maybe give the GUI a polygon as background - or let the camera point away from the planet while the GUI is opened?
  15. Huhm ... more like a dream commercial ... the mouse already knew the maze, all they did was raise its desire to get there. So, if your SmartClothes register which neurons fire during a TV ad and stimulate your pleasure zones during the night, they can make you visit junk food joints and buy useless tech gimmicks, hurray future!
  16. Looking forward to it, and I always have patience for quality, so no need to rush.
  17. Fixed that for you. Sadly the Euro bills only show architecture - that does not even exist. *sigh*
  18. Let me (try to) rephrase that. My mind tells me that someone mentioned (Scott?) that the position a wing assembly is attached to the plane matters, e.g. if we have a wing made up of three wing parts, it would make a difference if all of them are directly attached to the plane or the part in the front/middle/aft is attached to the plane and the other two attached to the first wing part. Life-like 2D rendered visualization: 1. OOOOOOOOOOOOOPlaneBody ...| WWWwwwWWW 2. OOOOOOOOOOOOOPlaneBody ..........| WWWwwwWWW 2. OOOOOOOOOOOOOPlaneBody ..................| WWWwwwWWW
  19. There was something that liftforces only act from the position the wings are attached ... or something ... ?
  20. About two weeks after the DeadLineC ...
  21. Simple, most freedom to play since Lego.
  22. More than once they had to drag him out by his ears to reprise his role as Spock - will not be that easy this time. My first encounter with Star Trek was the start of TNG in German TV (1990), which must have made my father rewatch the old movies and I joined him not getting much of what was going on ... Spock returns to the Enterprise after his almost-Kolinahr and behaves rather strange, I was all "now who is he and what is his problem?!" It took me a while to later really appreciate TOS, but I always liked the movies, yet remained a Picard padawan. I like the idea of the small subtle addition of a scope (Spock's sciene station look-o-tron) to the IVA of the science lab - while they are being redesigned anyway.
  23. I think the theory was there long before the experiment to proof it was technologically viable?
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