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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Only thing I have to "say" about this: Maybe spoilers for some, I still recommend watching the movie.
  2. So, ordering the pilot to point somewhere and than issuing a hold order works as before - without wasting resources I mean?
  3. Does it get better with higher level pilots?
  4. I am only providing a minimum and expected maximum for the price tag. I have no insight into the real capabilities of the Falcon Heavy or the requirements to lift and transfer a lunar module. Geeks?! Nerds!? Where are ya, fellas?!
  5. Some figures to get you started. "A single Saturn V launch cost up to $375 million in 1969  or, in today’s money, a few billion dollars. In 2009, NASA looked back at the cost of the Apollo program in its entirety, and arrived at a figure of $170 billion in 2005 dollars (or around $200 billion in today’s money). Compare these costs to modern day space travel, where companies like SpaceX charge just $133 million to launch a spacecraft to the International Space Station. The Falcon Heavy, which will be comparable to the Saturn IV, will be in the same price region."
  6. KerbMav

    Star Wars 7

    As far, far as I can remember, the scrolling text always announced Episode IV? OK: "In the original May 1977 release of Star Wars, the opening crawl did not feature an Episode number or the subtitle “A New Hope.†Those would be added with the film’s April 10, 1981, theatrical re-release." But it is still somewhat strange to say "what people today" ... how old are you?
  7. Hamburger - is easier to be self-made from good meat, sausages contain to much of stuff usually - less processed meat is always better. Everything else heavily depends on where you get it from, both can be delicious or gross. I am not vegan (obviously ) and not fully bio/organic - but I try to do/live/eat better whenever I can.
  8. Was not "Virtuality" a pilot? What happened to it? I am currently following/watching: Supernatural Big Bang Theory Game of Thrones Space Brothers (Where can I get the life action movie in Germany?)
  9. Might or might not work, I am a bit out of practice. @PART[*]:HAS[PhysicsSignificance=1] { @mass=0.00 } Any objections from professionals?
  10. Did I miss something? Or is it the level 0 buildings that are missing yet? Or are they complete unexpectedly?
  11. Kerbal business lingo - for a translation look here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88149-Coherent-Contracts
  12. I could imagine those as having a built in lift - a door at the bottom for crew to enter - and then "lift" them into the cockpit by using the new right-click-menu-crew-mover. (Yes, the infamous RCMCM !!! )
  13. Check if the part files have set "nodeType =" to the same value. Read point 2. here for more explanation. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/35225-Some-lesser-known-bits-of-info-for-addon-developers
  14. KerbMav

    Reading club

    Stanislaw Lem is good for a headache - Fiasco looses itself in ... anything but the plot - and they (the critics) scolded Tolkin for giving his landscapes more character than his characters!
  15. OK, but I meant that (from what I understand) only the 2.5m part will have all the pilot functionalities - never the smaller probe cores I might want to use for ... well, smaller probes, that should still be able to be high tech.
  16. Remote Tech 2 had a way to unlock a part module with a tech-node unlock. This should be enabled for the probe cores in the stock game, because only having all control features on the biggest probe core is ... gnah ... so to speak. If probe cores no longer have build-in reaction wheels, than the only difference between them is capacity for power stored - this leaves room for new funtionalities later on.
  17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Shuttle_external_tank It is just the way it is.
  18. This one totally slipped under my radar. Does this mod add any more odd behaviour over stock KSP? More deviation from trajectories under timewarp or anything? Does it bloat the universe or has it always been way bigger than actually needed? (Maybe I am thinking to much of invisible walls like in X-Wing from the '90s )
  19. That is ... unique ... I would like a closer look of the crosssection of your carrier.
  20. Because it is christmas season and I like the option to distribute my money freely between seller, publisher and charity and overall like it when business does at least something for society, I am taking the liberty to advertise: The weekly Humble Bundle with Lunar Flight (not knowing if it is any good though ): https://www.humblebundle.com/weekly As well as the books bundle (not being a bronie myself but being sympathetic of harmless hobbies ) https://www.humblebundle.com/books
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