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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. We already established in another thread that you are quite old, and therefore less likely to adept to new ... *runs away covering head* The keys are somewhat faster, and as long as I can achieve what I wanted to I will use them - but I honestly keep forgetting about the new gizmos, only when I need to reassign my root part I come back to them - mostly because I still find the full extend of the offset tool head-breaking.
  2. A probe was sent to Minmus do fulfill the exploration contract and later used to hop to four locations specified by another contract. Efficient use of hardware I dare say. The probe is now awaiting a manned mission to recover the experiments, especially the gooy ones. First Mun Landing (in 0.90) was a full success and the same vehicle may be usable for a Minmus expedition. Set up a simple orbital station at 250km over Kerbin, just two crew cabins, a lab and a few utilities - all to satisfy our customer! This also marked the first time (FF mod) of a docking maneuver, the control capsule undocked from the one end of the station cylinder and joined up with the ascend stage docked to the other end; both where then succesfully deorbited and Jeb plucked some rare flowers for the lab guys on the way back home.
  3. Keep launching KSP until it got through with everything - it may take a few runs and it will take some time, but it works - usually, for me at least. See it as bonus, because FPS is not what it there for.
  4. Do the strategies only take science from contracts? I am sure they do, but the thought crossed my mind right now. Next time I start a new save I would have installed a mod to kill science from contracts - but that would kill some strategies too? Anf while we are talking about it: Does the difficulty setting affect collected science or contracts only?
  5. So - is NEAR the same as FAR, just with preset options and without fancy graphs and columns? Why?
  6. Landed a probe on Mun and rescued Jim Kerman - he thereby stole a few firsts (FF mod!) from Jeb, since Jim was responsible for developing EVA-suits suitable for vacuum EVAs. (/pun /roleplay) Jeb took a small ship for a slingshot high above Mun and landed in the desert. With enough money to upgrade the R&D, a 3-man-capsule and 2.5m boosters are now available and the Trio was able to establish orbit around Mun. They all got their EVA pins in various situations and will return after a few orbits - dV is tight, almost like I had luck ... ahm, calculated hard! Next up: a probe to Minmus, a Mun landing is probable - and probes to Duna and Ike as soon as possible. Planes: Still kerbing me in the kerb.
  7. There still seems to be something fishy - I got Mun and right after that Ike - after some time Minmus and Duna popped up at last.
  8. As it says in the first post, the first startup after installing ATM may take some time. During the first run ATM does some weird magic I will not speak about. (Meaning, I have a basic idea that it does something, but no real clue what that might be. )
  9. My Jool mission had one manned lander (3 crew, 2.5m) for all moons. For Tylo the ship carried three extra tanks, one with extra engines, that were jettisoned during decent. Had to make use of TAC Fuel Balancer, because the whole thing was assembled in orbit right before the landing and fuel flow was weird somehow without it. Maybe I will manage to finally make that mission report at some time in the future ...
  10. It has been that since forever - noone came up with a working solution yet, as far as I know.
  11. What is bugging me is that SHIFT no longer only controls rotation but also alignment - but for alignment I use EE and more than not whenever I press SHIFT to rotate a part a few degrees it will jump to a different position. Is there a way for EE to make KSP use SHIFT only for rotation again? With nearing perfection the requests for improvements become more and more a luxury, I know.
  12. Must I launch the satellite unmanned or may I bring it into orbit via a manned vessel?
  13. Due to time warp anything available over time will not be implemented (in the stock game). The Harvester has spoken. I do not know if they can be selected for random maintenance missions by that mod whose name eludes me right now.
  14. Have fun, boss. I hope it does not create another form of negative stress for you.
  15. I always assumed FAR throws that out of the window and calculates lift from the actual form of the craft.
  16. Thank you! I updated yesterday and had all my icons bludgy, FAR's being white even. Will give your configs a try and add my own as necessary. Wonder what happened here - or did I use the basic in .25.5 ... ?
  17. Started a new adequately modded 0.90 career and started out tweaking with a solid booster to reach the altitude milestones one by one while picking doable part tests along the way.
  18. Yes, but you have to remove them via EVA and put them back in. I would use two different pods, one to do the report and one to store all results - just to satisfy my paranoia of shuffling around all my results for every report. There are also mods to move/collect all available results to a pod automatically. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/90678-0-90-Science-Containers-v-07-1 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62270-0-25-0-Ship-Manifest-%28Crew-Science-Resources%29-v0-25-0_3-3-2b-28-Oct-14/page45
  19. The science library has not been updated for the new biomes yet. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/78305 There is no restriction on the total number of experiments you can store in a pod (as far as I know by 25.5.) as long as you do not bring doubles (e.g. two surface samples from the same planet/moon and biome). The lab module can even store multiples of the same experiment-biome combos. Good luck!
  20. Concerning the company, your future, your health: Who owns this place, if the management team votes for the general manager on its own - who could intervene, because he has his money invested in this company? Can you bring it to them - without being branded as having a big mouth? How are your chances to find another job with at least equal pay elsewhere? How long will your savings last - would you be OK with staying home for a while?
  21. Kalleluja! It truly is Krissmas! ^^
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