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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. Uncountable designs from years ago have been made obsolete by replacing the plane parts - lets not forget the minor issue regarding the landing legs a few more updates ago. The KSP universe is still evolving, make the aerodynamics as good as they can be. Do not waste a thought about designs that will most likely never be used again, a big part of the game is designing and building new crafts anyway. Anything else can be adapted.
  2. Should it be like this now? Or do I misinterpret the .* ? ACTIVE_TEXTURE_MANAGER_CONFIG { folder = BoulderCo enabled = true OVERRIDES { BoulderCo/Terrain/Textures/.* { compress = true mipmaps = true scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = false } BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/.* { compress = true mipmaps = true scale = 1 max_size = 0 make_not_readable = false } } } I am having trouble with joolLayers1 - it will not go past this file no matter how often I restart it.
  3. I hate to jump into cold water with mods. HoneyFox is still active on the forums though.
  4. Oh dear ... You can try and open the save file (e.g. with notepad+) and search for the craft's name. Then compare the layout of this part of the file with another regular craft file - but I am almost sure there are big differences ...
  5. As it is childish Tuesday, I will say, that this thread title is naughty. KSP actually got me back to think in LEGO mode - I do not use many of the parts actual names (in my head), more their form and function/properties. So, whenever I want to refer to a certain part in a forum post, I have to consult the wiki first.
  6. How much body fat could the KSP community loose till the end of 2015 if we used the loading time to run stairs, do situps or pushups etc.?
  7. I do not know if maxmaps understood the question about ISP changing thrust instead of fuel usage correctly?
  8. I do not know how precise Space Engine is in regards to actual stars - but on the other hand I do not really know what you are up to? This wont work in office but maybe it is what you are looking for? http://www.3dgalaxymap.com/Galaxy/
  9. Oh I do, but in the context of KSP it is baseless, as - like I said - you will get to decide with whome you play, you will not (have to) run into malicious strangers by chance on a public server.
  10. I can live with ads that appear somewhere as a banner and are unobtrusive: not flashy-flashy, no sound, no pop-up or dreaded pop-under, do not scroll with the site I am visiting and do not paste themselves over the page. The pity for google is, that they kept advertising stuff I was looking at on e.g. amazon before and so already knew about.
  11. I am on the same quest as you, although I would favor a USB connected headset for my PC. And while we are at it, is there a way to tell Windows to enable/disable the headset/speakers via hotkeys?
  12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_berthing_mechanism So the arm is needed because thrusters are not precise enough and CBMs are not designed to assist in the maneuver?
  13. Only play with people you know and have the same approach to the game? There will not be massive multiplayer servers.
  14. Is ATM not as helpful as it was or is it just not advertised enough? (Or are some part packs just ridiculously large??)
  15. After cringing in fear of possibly having killed my career-save, I managed to rescue it by putting some folders I deleted back into place. Phew. Did a few small part tests to get my lab guys to come up with a ladder that will work in space. Need it for a Kerbin Moon Bus for frequent expeditions and crew transfers, capable of flying from a Kerbin orbital station to either moon, Mun and Minmus (of course!), landing there and returning to the station with only limited aerobraking at Kerbin. I now have three different designs for the bus - maybe I will just launch some probes to see how much dV I really need (based on my personal flying and pinpoint-landing style) and decide after that which one to built. Also, unwilling to lose on good contracts, the mission control building is the first one to reach its maximum level for unlimited contracts.
  16. I only now saw a possible balancing issue. Your panels become available in the same node as the small static stock ones, but they provide a lot more power/second - if I read correctly last night, than they provide even more power than those two tech tiers higher. Just a thought.
  17. *jumps to sit on KSK's kitchen table dangling feet above the floor and while grinning boyishly plays with a whip* No hurry ... we have all 2015 ... for 20 more chapters ... before 2016's next 20 ...
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