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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. It was a joke. http://www.economist.com/blogs/gulliver/2011/10/space-travel http://www.space.com/7044-moon-apollo-astronauts-customs.html
  2. That comment reminds me of an old Sony (?) TV commercial. A Japanese CEO talking about how Japanese people are small, so they are much closer to the technology they are building. The punch line was like "Sony, because the damn Canadians are just to damn big."
  3. OK, now you have me puzzled in return - I tried to self-invoke Godwin's law. OT: Been using MS Essentials since Windows 7 and seem to have no problems so far.
  4. Can movies based on books really be hold accountable for plot holes? Anyway. The Rock had a car chase, guns and explosions, the plot was straightforward, they had three big(ger) names on the payroll, fast cuts - but it was a good and fun action movie. I can enjoy this kind of movies. But I also want to be taken serious. If the movie is not set out to be a popcorn action flick, then it should well try to challenge the viewer to follow the story and get into the plot. I do not want a character to explain the obvious <20 minutes after the fact has been shown plainly on screen. I do not want a recap of the first hour of the movie so I do get why the clever (not) trick of the main character at the end worked! If it is a movie with a plot twist/mystery I am OK with a short montage - if the mystery really was a mystery, or at least a good one. A Beautiful Mind catched me off guard, because I did not follow anything about this movie before-hand, although some parts really had me raise an eyebrow, I did not get it; same with Fight Club, Sixth Sense, Dark City, The Thirteenth Floor ... when The Village came out, I guessed the background after half an hour. (Years of exposition to scifi, fantasy, x-files, outer limits etc. will leave you with enough experience and "knowledge" to have at least three valid guesses as to what is really going on.) Shutter Island still was enjoyable. My brain seems do differentiate between movies and books. A book giving me nothing more than guns and explosions will probably be left behind - I even once returned one! Had the sales clerk asked for a reason (she did not, I was almost disappointed to not be able to tell her) I would not even have lied, I would simply have said "It is sh**, please give me a real book and throw this one away so it cannot hurt anyone else!"
  5. I am not Russian, but I would have something to say too - but it would be directed at replacing historic idols with religious icons and would ultimately lead into a thread lock. So maybe I will just say: They simply redecorated after some years? Since when have the fotographs been hanging there?
  6. No more Deutsche Qualität from Austria, please, thank you very much.
  7. I like(d) it and I have not read anything that could change that. It is a movie, a story, sometimes things must be accepted for a story to continue. For many things the movie even gives an explanation: Murphy's law, everything that can happen, will happen. (Rewriting history, going for intensive farming instead of asteroid farming etc.) At least the reaction is not as bad as with Gravity. Another movie I like(d) and many people cry out as being uber-flawed - many "errors"/plot necessities even being added towards the "unscientific-wrong-physics-counter", which mostly really revolves (hah!) around one scene. Has this been linked already?
  8. Yes, and thou wilst burn in hell I mostly always only clip parts that will clip by themselve, mostly structural parts that can be attached with most of the part hidden in another part - I just see it like the invisible portion of the part is not really there, ignoring its mass still being there.
  9. I wish I had had a 3D printer in my Lego era ...
  10. Using the new plane parts for base building, I like it! All I am still missing, is parts for entering structures from the sides - for bigger rovers as well. Climing on top of my house/car to get in is kinda silly.
  11. So you should not upload them (without consent of the mod maker, and preferably only in his thread).
  12. It was just in response to vexx32 mentioning a "more white than black" jury. I could also have said, it should have been 12 police officers. (Hah! 12 black and hispanic police officers, now that I would have liked to see, especially the reaction of the protestors!)
  13. Keep it secret, keep it safe! There are apps/service providers that let you locate and lock out your phone after it is stolen or lost.
  14. From my reading (in the last hour) a grand jury serves for a set time and is not assembled for each case. If we take the "jury of his peers" from the Magna Carta, the jury should have been all white - like the police officer. Race should not be a factor in the finding of truth in the first place. (Let an old man dream ... ) I honestly gave thought if asperga should be a requirement for jurors, to get a jury of unemotional analysts - but I came to the conclusion that this sais nothing about racial biase, does it, and that I may be influenced by media depiction of asperga.
  15. Would an all black jury have objectively ruled based on the evidences? "The Ferguson grand jury is composed of seven men and five women. Nine are white and three are black. They vary by age, socioeconomic status and live in various parts of St. Louis County." Would a black prosecutor have appeased the people? "Throughout the investigation, some black leaders and Brown's parents questioned McCulloch's ability to be impartial. The prosecutor's father, mother, brother, uncle and cousin all worked for the St. Louis Police Department, and his father was killed while responding to a call involving a black suspect in 1964. McCulloch was 12 at the time, and the killing became a hallmark of his initial campaign for elected prosecutor. A Democrat, McCulloch has been in office since 1991 and was re-elected to another term earlier this month." Should the US staff every patrol car with two officers, one white and one black? I guess in all cases every black person siding with the law would have been called a traitor to their brothers. And this statement will be seen as racist, because obviously a black person cannot be racist, the same as woman obviously cannot be sexist ... Humanity, get your act together!
  16. Countless tourists visit Australia because of it - but maybe aliens are a bit more sensitive towards indigenous people?
  17. I adopted the habit to land my decommissioned nuclear powered ships on a plane on Minmus. There even the few RCS thrusters were able to keep my xx tons ship at the strangest angles while SAS was active. I just kept tabbing F to gently lower it on its side after landing on its buttocks.
  18. http://www.airliners.net/aircraft-data/stats.main?id=20 http://www.aircraftbluebook.com/Tools/ABB/ShowSpecifications.do Lists height as a dimension - no mention of with or without extended landing gear. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0e/B727FAMILYv1.0.png But this picture suggests that it is simply always with landing gear.
  19. Let us ask dubler one thing first: When was the last time you played KSP before this patch?
  20. Maximum size of craft being able to built in level x VAB/SPH.
  21. To be read between the lines, I guess? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100980-Term-for-the-height-of-a-craft-from-wheelbase-to-top-of-rudder?p=1557441&viewfull=1#post1557441
  22. I just have found another one for me. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_monolith
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