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Everything posted by sidfu

  1. I.R.L all u need to do is take your time building and rebuilding to get something like that
  2. didnt work sigh would be good to have the option for rt on them. kinda weird that only the 1 big antanna has rt on it
  3. is there .cfg change to make the radar and other dishes/antana work with remote tech
  4. im still having the parts getting gaps with each other after time warp. seems the problem for me is that when i spped up time the parts snap back to there original position super hard with enough force they can shake the entier ship.
  5. here 2 things need to do 1. the gui pic for the chart the numbers are unreadable for me. they all blurred and fuddgy for me so cant tell what the numbers are 2. these tanks need a custom decoupler to be better. once u get over 3 parts u have to Moar strut it or u get extreme wobobling
  6. ill check next time i play. off top of my head think the generators from the hybrid ion pack didnt show up but not sure ill check some later nvm the genarators show up
  7. its alot of differnt parts. some will work from a pack then others wont show up. put the .cfg change in descrpiton so we can add it to parts that dont seem to come up right.
  8. the 7a update has made for me any small tress arms made with the hinge to have space after a time warp. before it was only after i closed the game and restarted now its every time i time warp. im wondering if the problem is that when time warp they go back to the orignal postion that might be whats causing the problem maybe
  9. im using the stock structal part the real small cube struss. im using the smallest hinge on it to make it so i have a straight up tress that can move down to face out. i have about 6 or so of them ontop of each other. its for a satalite so its small. what happened is i put up 4 sats np they stayed outlike they should. then had to exit game due to non working buttons. when come back ingame to rename the sats they all had the tress facing up in default postion and the tresses had spaces between them. i could still use the controls to move them but they where limited to 1/12th the angle it should have.
  10. yeah have the latest. i used a hinge with some of the small strutal parts to build a arm to bend out on a sat after launch last ealier. left the game for a bit came back and started the game now all the small structal pieces have a gap between them and they all in the undeployed position
  11. was ther a way to fix when the parts get a space between them on loading the ship again?
  12. well on a decopler dont make it exclusive to just the shuttle like most make them. . make it where it can be used for other things
  13. yeah it need to be long enough to give it good strenght yet off the side to give clearance. tried differnt ways to do with stock ones but with stock can only put 1 on and they are way to small. if u look at some of the other shuttle mods u see what i mean. i would use the ones from those mods but they custom made for that shuttle alone.
  14. would be like a decoupler he real shuttles use to seperate from their orange tank. so that would be a radial decoupledr. right now want to build a rocket launched one but no way to connect it to a rocket
  15. works alright to me right now. next could u make a custom decoupler for it to be able to put it on fuel tanks to launch verticaly?
  16. btw put the version in the thread title will be easier for people to notice its updated. dont mean just the ksp; version but the mod version also
  17. is those parts at the wings with the engines attacked parts u made also?
  18. the 3 days worth inside teh cabin is fine. this is to add some realism to the game not make it competely realistic. @infinityarch there no such thing as a compeltly closed loop system right now. always there is lose at one part of it or another. on textures of cans they are fine. better to do textures last and have working mod than awsome textures and a half-assed mod.
  19. we have all these awsome parts. now all we need are 2 things 1. is 64x ksp and teh other is a tool to compress textures/png and such to smaller. i have one i use on skyrim but it will also change ones that have better compression to lower one.(my skyrim is 250 mods installed and still get 30fps on ultra with a enb and hd textures)
  20. this is he way this mod works. thrust is depends on how much fuel u give it. so if u stack 10 50sec tanks together u get twice the thrust of using 5 but u still lasts 50sec. the only bad thing about this mod is he needs to strenghen the joints between tanks. right now if u use more than 6 u have to start struting it together.
  21. btw OP can u put the version number in title so people know when its updated
  22. u have to do the math yourself but u only have to do the math if u miss tanks. if u use all 50sec tanks it will onlo last 50sec. if u mix it wiwth 100sec then it will last 100sec
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