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Everything posted by sidfu

  1. hmm im not getting any menus when i put in the new one. i removed all the old version stuff yet still dont get any menus.
  2. works fine for me u might have to reinstall it and make sure its the newest one .5
  3. hopely someone puts out how to add the new sas function to existing command pods. i tried putting the code fromt he stocks .cfg file into other command moduels from mods but didnt work. it would only show up in description but not use the new asas
  4. anyone got how to get the new .cfg for the new sas to work? in the stock command parts i found the .cfg for the new sas feature but when copied it over it doesnt work. any ideas?
  5. hmm gotit to show up ingame but still no adding the new asas to other command modules. i must be missing something
  6. this is the .cfg part they using also they seem to be with it using this formuala to determine torque and engery usage. im about to mod a mod .cfg to see how it works. they use these 2 formluas seems like its mass x3=torque and to gget power usage its torque divde by 10. well hopely this helps gonna test it soome and ill tell u more later. RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 50 maxAmount = 50 } MODULE { name = ModuleSAS } MODULE { name = ModuleReactionWheel PitchTorque = 10.5 YawTorque = 10.5 RollTorque = 10.5 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 1.05 } } } cant get it to work. i can get it to show as being used on description but it doesnt actualy use it. missing somethign somewhere
  7. ive made a thread that has what people have posted check it out for info on the mods
  8. any changes u make to the .cfg will show up. so say u go into the .cfg and change name it should show up in game by differnt name in the description
  9. no this doesnt work with .21 and using it causes whenever u remove a part off a ship u cant put any parts on it
  10. this is the new part of the stock command parts to add the new sas and such. maybe can help get the cockpits that dont work with it to work. did a little math and seems this how they calculate the stuff they use these 2 formluas seems like its mass times 3=torque and to gget power usage its torque divde by 10. well hopely this helps gonna test it soome and ill tell u more later. MODULE { name = ModuleCommand minimumCrew = 1 } RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 150 maxAmount = 150 } MODULE { name = ModuleSAS } MODULE { name = ModuleReactionWheel PitchTorque = 10.5 YawTorque = 10.5 RollTorque = 10.5 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 1.05 } } }
  11. the remote/command control parts will disable the new sas function if used on updated stock commmand modules this is eh new config part to add it from the squad parts. this is for the 1.25 mass command module MODULE { name = ModuleCommand minimumCrew = 1 } RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge amount = 150 maxAmount = 150 } MODULE { name = ModuleSAS } MODULE { name = ModuleReactionWheel PitchTorque = 10.5 YawTorque = 10.5 RollTorque = 10.5 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 1.05 } } }
  12. Just thought would start a thread for the list of mods that still work with the current update/do not work. Post the status and ill update the list. beat with me on the site being overloaded makes it a pain to update lol Note: any nonstock command moduel will not use new SaS feature 1. Kethane -updated and working 2. Mechjeb-updated 3. Ironcross support- working as far as can tell 4. Remotech- working(adding a remote control/command control part disables new sas function) 5. Deadly Reentry- working far as can tell so far 6. Kerbal Alarm Clock-updated 8. Kerbal Crew Manifest (but you don't need it in 0.21 anyway)-updated 9. RCS Build Aid- not working 10. B9 Aerospace- working 11. KW Rocketry- working 12. Kerbal Attachment System-working 13. Firespitter EXCEPT for the "spawn in water" part, which puts you upside down on the bottom of the ocean.- partly working 14. Kerbal Engineer Redux-working 15. Unofficial 0.20 update for ISA MapSat (although Mun's new craters don't show up)-partly working 16. Quantum Struts-working 17. Procedural farings-working 18. Part Catalog-updated working 19. Modulemanager.dll-seems to be working(not 100% sure) 20. lazor mods-partly working 21. KerbTown-seems to work 22. Infernal Robotics-works 23. Editor Extensions- updated working 24. Mission Controller-not working 25. TAC fuel balancer-updated 26. FASA mercury and Gemini-working 27. Kerbal LiveFeed: Passive Multiplayer Plugin/Client/Server v0.6.7- updated working 28. chatter-working 29. Maneuver Node Improvement-Updated 30. Hyper Edit-updated 31. novapunch- updated 32. Aviation Lights-works 33. Graphotron-works 35. SimplePartOrganize-works 36. DEMV Rovers MK1,2,4 and 5: works 37. H.O.M.E: works 38. Space tech landing program and first exploration: works 39. CrewManifest: works 40. DSL Pandora: works (some minor issues in VAB) 41. LH Prometheus: works 42. Romefarer HSTW Sunbeam plugin: working 43. SubassemblyManager: working 44. Fustek Station parts EXPANSION: working 45. TTModularWheels-v0.61: not working(.dll will disable all parts) 46. KerbCam-updated 47. Protractor-updated 48. Nova's Wet Workshops-not working 49. AmpYear - Working, but it appears that it's interfering with the new ASAS systems. 50. Caterpillar Tracks - working 51. lazor system-updated 52. Hooligan Labs Airships-working 53. Figaro GPS- working 54. Maneuver Node Improvement v1.2-updated
  13. what u do is strut the payload down first before u put on the fairing sides then the struts will go thru the wall of the fairing and hold it down. btw edog have u thought of a way to let us modify the faring lines once we add the base? for example u would in the places where it bends be able to move the point out or in some while its just the base and the blue lines
  14. to bad this dont work for me. it causes my game to freeze on start
  15. imo when they separate should go more staight outward than spinning. problem with way it is now if u dont eject them when u first get to orbit alt u run the risk of when u seprate them they will fly forward hitting your payload.
  16. have u thought of working with the guy that makes deadly reentry? u 2 working together would make the best reentry mod and parts till they acutaly put in heat damage
  17. the current version of deadly reentry has a heat shield decoupler spacer
  18. if u crashing due to memory usage remove parts from mods that u dont use.
  19. the .dll for this will currently cause other mods to not work so dont install
  20. with the new one got game to run with mods finaly. on the double adding of stuff i had that before also all it was for me i had more than 1 cfg adding those to them
  21. well ima try a fresh reinstall of mods. also changed the sub assembly to a differnt patch since there is actualy 4 compatibliy for .20 patches. we use a bit of the same mods. ill probaly figure it out whats causing it eventualy i always do lol. no luck getting to work. heres what i did i removed all mods everything then restored teh game to fresh install(gotta love steam verify integrity) then i put the lone modmanager.dll in game data folder and guess what happen? game crashed even before it showed the load screen. here is upper part of the crash log Unity Player [version: Unity 4.1.2f1_911c7369eeac] SHELL32.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module SHELL32.dll at 0023:76616820. Error occurred at 2013-06-17_052420. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\KSP.exe, run by . 24% memory in use. 0 MB physical memory [0 MB free]. 0 MB paging file [0 MB free]. 0 MB user address space [3601 MB free]. Write to location 76616820 caused an access violation. Context: EDI: 0x03278d28 ESI: 0x048643d0 EAX: 0x76616820 EBX: 0x03278c00 ECX: 0x03535860 EDX: 0x00000001 EIP: 0x76616820 EBP: 0x002df7c4 SegCs: 0x00000023 EFlags: 0x00210202 ESP: 0x002df7b8 SegSs: 0x0000002b ok with the old one couldnt load the game with no mods installed teh new one can load up game with no mods testing now with mods
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