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Everything posted by sidfu

  1. this works with .21.1 but sometimes if u turn on breaks tracks dont want to speed back up. also it uses a bit to much ram for its size otherwise its a awsome mod
  2. wish i could use a enb for ksp but till they let it use more than 3.8gig ram i cant even run all the mods i want
  3. can u take and on first page add a imgur ss of the skyboxes so can be easier to decide
  4. what i mean is the new command pod that u made from the outside i cant see the kerbals sitting in the seats like in the vid. someone said there was a .dll from another mod needed but i guess thatss wrong then
  5. i got the.dll they say was needed to see kerbals from outside the new pod thru the glass but where do i put it? tried in game data where it should go but still not see the kerbins thru the glass
  6. not all plugins will work right with the ingame reload. when using ironcross if i did ingame reload database it would cause teh pars to lose it till i ddi full game restart
  7. yay my probes need more than just electricty evenwith no on on them lol. mainlo its cause for some reason cn put 3 kerbils in a remote probe lol
  8. normaly better to update servers first but whatever good work and thinak for the update. now all we need is a ignore function for the A-holes
  9. yeah in iva u cant see out yet. but for me there no kerbals inside like in the vid thats what i was wondering about. what i mean is fron the outside looking in not when u in iva another thing the wt-51 dont use the new sas. i mounted one and it cut the mono use on it down by half. so might want to throw that into its cfg
  10. are we suppose to be able to see the kerbals yet thru the glass. also could u have where the pod starts off glass closed
  11. u need to fix that it keeps empty groups if all items been removed from that group. also we do with something to give us a option of how many onscrren to show
  12. .5.1 works fine the only thing is that if u put a rt module control on your ship it disables the new sas
  13. wouldnt it be better instead of having a whole base to make the fuselage conning instead have like a small part u raidaily attach in a group of 4. it may raise part count but keeps the texture size smaller overall.also that would let u have a smother fuselage and shorther also
  14. its known bug. i found best to keep overlay off till u need it. doing that it stoped happening so offten. but when it happens only thing is game restart to fix it.
  15. its not the mod doing that try removing teh part then after it compelely loads exit and put part in. ive had wher game gets stuck on a part when the modmanager.dll stops working while adding stuff. and another thing. since .21 is out about time for somewhat a overhaul isnt it. well i dont mean a complete overhaul just fix some small issues then look to make the mod more smooth in use.
  16. finaly someone that understands u cant force a program to always work how u want.
  17. even thou u state neding a 8gig+ system for the hd one no matter what ksp wont use more than 3.7gigs of ram it crashes then at 3.7 but its a awsome pack thou just wish ksp could handle it.
  18. so instead of a debug file like was before do u just now delte the kethane map to reset the kethan for a planet?
  19. would be cool if this guy and the guy making the remotetech could work togehter and make one intermeshed communication mod.
  20. personaly with such a awsome mod like this think its time for e-dog to design the next super parts pack like b-9 lol
  21. ive only had 1 issue with this update and thats with the quad fairing when i revert back to hanger and sometimes when i revert to launch either some fairings be missing or hvae reverted to here small triange shape
  22. what we need is MOAR landing gear for planz pls lol. do u need the original inferno for this. directions on main page kinda vague. and what excatly do u have to add to old parts to work now do just put <part> at beging and end of its cfg?
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