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Everything posted by sidfu

  1. ironcross support is pretty much dead no update since .20 tac support would be nice
  2. if u want people to use your mod ss always help. also adding a seprate souce download is recommended. now for constructive critisim. it needs to be uniqe download imo. its easy to add the report funtion and also resize a stock part with just number change and a copy paste MODULE { name = ModuleScienceExperiment experimentID = crewReport experimentActionName = Crew Report resetActionName = Discard Crew Report reviewActionName = Review Report useStaging = False useActionGroups = True hideUIwhenUnavailable = True rerunnable = True xmitDataScalar = 1.0 } MODULE { name = ModuleScienceContainer reviewActionName = Review Stored Data storeActionName = Store Experiments evaOnlyStorage = True storageRange = 1.3 } is all thats needed to realy be added
  3. modmanager has issues at times if there flaws in the cfg like a bad space in a word. also like any .dll if there to much for it to do it can crash. since this just modifies the tree but keeps all stock parts on it go to stock parts and also check out he cfg he is using to best judge where u want the parts if u spreading them out. also fyi modmanager hates database refreshes from ingame. if u refresh ingame modmanager stops working also u lose any loaded things from it. a good example is if u refresh ingame ironcross life support stops working and is removed till game restart. best thing to do is say u adding a solar pannel then loock at stock and compare it with what u putting in and decide which node from those.
  4. add them to a existing node is all u have to do. if u look at any stock part u will be able to see the simple line to add to the .cfg for example i added all my kethane and kas to when u get base building parts.
  5. it was toned down some due to the carebears but is till easy to messup reentry or even just take off
  6. somewhat but but i wouldnt till updated some parts have changed some
  7. from what i gather to add more nodes to tech tree u have to create some type of .dll. did u check the mod dev thread thout they updated the mod part about .22 might have the info u need
  8. update title to show .22 compat. even thou just prerelase chageing title will help
  9. got a question how does your mechjeb stuff compare to the forked update someone has did?
  10. its been happening to me from v.6 before it happened anytime that i time warped. now only happens when i go back to the ship later. yes using the newest version. gonna try sturting the parts of the arms together to see how it fixes it. think it might be weight of parts and bad connection strength
  11. yes finaly deadly reentry will be updated then. its one of 4 mods i dont play without
  12. anyone know how to keep the parts from coming apart when u reselect teh ship from another? i had built a scanner ship but when i came back to do more scanning the parts where in the orginal position and yet had spaces between them. ive had this problem before. should i strut the parts together or maybe use bigger robitcs part?
  13. fyi on the radiators if u are in any atsmophere yes any that even means being at 69km around kerbin they radiators will slide off your ship. this is a bug not it breaking due to air. a good example is i struted a radiator to a rocket with 7 220k strength struts and tested it at various hights once u get past 30km around kerbin. before 70km it seems they have a 50/50 chance of falling off when deployed above 30km no matter if struted or not. if u below 45k they seem to have a near 100% chance of comeing off. and all these tests did with them struted even with quatuim struts(with quatium struts they stay on ship but break off and are stuck glued to ship as debris)
  14. can u swap the new power transmission and receive dishes. why should the receive be super big and unfoldes yet the transmission is a single size.
  15. am production has nothing to do with altitude is the planets magenet strenght thats why they have it differnt at differnt altitdues
  16. for kerbin 80km is 9 on the antimatter reader. also hope he fix the radiators soon they fall off half the time when opening them even in sapce
  17. would be good if u could make a tool that would help with other mods also. i was messing around with a old texture compressor for skyrim before used it on the novapunch pack it took off 20megs of its 90meg sized but it changed the files to dds so couldnt use it.
  18. i have a question why did u steal textures from http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/japanese-launch-vehicles-pack/ your h2 is praticaly the same textures from what i can tell
  19. First, you need the texture files, and to be able to open them in photoshop (or at least get a new file started with matching dimensions). I use the MBM converter for unity for this (it's on the forum somewhere). Once you've got them open, it is easy. Make a new layer, fill it in with black (may want to set layer opacity here so you can see what you're working on.) In the red channel, select the area you want to have the base coat and fill it in. Repeat for the other two channels, making two new coats. Set layers green/blue to additive. Save as png and remove file extension (mypart_Paint) Put into KerbPaint folder with the other _Paint files. Add to cfg file (KerbPaint.cfg or new cfg file). (You'll have to experiment with types of shaders/deep replace and the other options here to get it to work nicely for you). are the instuctions for kerbal paint as u see it doesnt add anything it just changes the overlay of the texture to be able to have its color changed. and it doesnt load anything extra from what i can tell from kerbalpain topic
  20. thanks for the instructions. fyi when u reload ingame alot of mods that are dependent on modmanager or even some .dll dstop working right
  21. on op can u add a step by step in written instructions on how to change the textures for other mods to use this? having teh pics are nice but i work better with written instuctions
  22. something that may help u with this. go to forums and look up the void mod made by the guy that made the chatter. it has a nice overlay option with it. it could help u on making this
  23. a question on the redux what if u made them colorable by kerbal paint and such? would that cause there ram usage to go back up?
  24. on liscense and source. they let u post the mod withotu it long as u add it to them asap. add the souce to it as seprate download is also fine. on the liscense make sure u get it asap but make a note on first post till u get it so moderators dont lock the thread.
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