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Space Scumbag

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Everything posted by Space Scumbag

  1. I took the next logical step for weapons in KSP, now please someone make better models for it.
  2. Here is my latest video with this mod. I modified some part cfgs. And the physics range was increased to 150km. I noticed one weird thing, the bullets only fly about 40-50km far and then disappear, so no shooting at stuff from ground to orbit.
  3. This looks great, thanks for working on the mod. I will be testing it now. And i think Ubiozur will have no problem with it.
  4. Is there a way to make the laser capable to destroy the KSC buildings. I need it for, ahem, "science". I tried to change some things in the cfg, but I think you can help.
  5. Wow, that sounds really cool. And how are the longer tracks going? You know, we need them for our battle tanks. I'm also planning to do a showcase video of your mod, but don't know when it's the right moment. I think I will wait for some more new parts.
  6. I just have to ask, what are converting repulsor wheels? What use and what makes them special? And may I ask, what will be in the next update and when will it come out, any ideas?
  7. I will probably make a How-to video and upload it on my youtube channel, could be ready this weekend. Many people ask how to do this, so I think it's a good idea. Btw, 1000th comment!
  8. It's simple to increase the level. Just edit the DefaultScales.cfg of the tweakscale mod and save it. I have done it myself, maybe you saw it in my video. Here the part to edit: I changed the maxScale from 100 to 6000 SCALETYPE { name = free freeScale = true minScale = 25 maxScale = 6000 defaultScale = 100 suffix = % } It's already working, just read the last pages of this thread and you will find the solutions.
  9. You cannot weld parts you have tweakscaled before. In the welding process they get their original size back. Always weld the original sized parts. Then go to the partfile.cfg and remove all multipe tweakscale modules and just leave one in the file. After that you can use tweaksclae and change the size. Just wait and do nothing. It depends on how many parts you weld. Welding up to 100 parts gets done very quickly. But if you weld over 1000 parts it takes more than 5 minutes to finish it. Also the game is really crashing sometimes, but only if you have many parts and the RAM is full, then you get a crash report on the desktop.
  10. This looks great and it's probably easier to use than kerbcam. Thanks for the mod, I will use it for my videos.
  11. Yay, thanks. It's me, I have different names on the ksp forum and reddit. Not sure if I am funnier, thats the decision of the viewers. I do my best and have fun with the game. But please don't suppose I am like Danny, it's a coincidence that we have partially the same style. Like some people on youtube and reddit already said, Danny's focus seems to be exploiting the game's glitches and build simpler crafts for crazy purposes. I often prefer to build creative stuff and push the game to its limits (Pacific Rim Jaeger!) or show my random work. My comedy videos are more like random jokes and references or just huge, crazy experiments (like my Blendtec Blender, poor Kerbals). Also I use many mods, build stock replicas for Mass Effect, Star Wars and use some other tricks to get more out of the game. Plus, I have a funny and complex mini series (Commander Jeb), which great crafts and tons of references to games and movies. Please check out my youtube channel, if you are interested.
  12. I don't know what to say. Really impressive work, and you did/will do much more than I expected. From some simple guns and cannons to this, awesome. Any updates for the railgun and surface to air missiles?
  13. Great news everyone! I found a way to scale your welded parts/ships. Now it is possible to make huge ships. I'm talking about multiple km big ships. Probably many of you want this. Here an example The original welded Reaper (made only with stock parts) was rescaled to the 6000% Version. It's now 2km tall, like in the Mass Effect series. You will only need the tweak scale mod. And add this lines at the end of your welded crafts part.cfg: MODULE { name = TweakScale type = free } I'm not sure if this is something new and or if I am the first to discover this. But I wanted to share this trick. Currently I'm working at a Imperial Star Destroyer (will be 1.6 km long) and a Mass Relay(15 km). It looks ridiculous on the launchpad. Will update when finished.
  14. What is the current status of the Star Wars speeder bike for Kerbals? Are there any pictures or videos of it? I'm really waiting for this. And could you make a repulsor version with lower energy consumption just for sandbox game. I understand that the current version is balanced for career and normal sandbox game. But I just want to play around with them and do some strange stuff like floating cubes, without too much concerning on the ernergy generation etc.
  15. I love your Falcon, also downloaded and played with it. I know a mod which adds antigravity, so there would be no need for VOTL engines. And the Millenium Falcon has none. And I want to show my latest release, only possible due to this awesome mod:
  16. My Jaeger Jebsy Danger is now ready for download. Download Link: http://www./download/cwy2kbmx45sfyp4/Pacific+Rim+Jaeger.zip You need the following mods: Infernal Robotics Quantum Struts Instructions for the controls are in my video. Videos:
  17. I modified your mod a bit (sounds and part cfgs) and here is the result: iThis mod makes really fun.
  18. Thanks BahamutoD. You can find a craft file in my thread. It's just a modified mako, I removed the original turrent tower and placed the wepons from this mod on top of it. I'm sure you can recreate it. Edit: Nope, no hidden stuff. The Reaper is made of about 650 parts. This probably causes the lag, and when it gets hit the fps really fall. In reality it is much worser, strong stuttering. Only the video editing made it look smoother. Some other thing, I noticed: In the part cfg of the .50 cal is no option to change the bullet color. I copied the code from the gatling and changed it to green, it worked. So maybe you can put it in the .50 cal cfg for the next release. And some more suggestions (also added some things the people in this thread asked for): - The Abrams cannon could have a slightly higher fire rate. And maybe add an ammo box for shells. - A cannon without the whole abrams body. And smaller, faster firing versions for aircrafts. - Missiles for ground vehicles. The available missile is really only for aircrafts. Launching them on the ground often causes chaos, if not done right. - fixed guns - Bombs - Blasters/Lasers - And like I mentioned before, a crosshair (toggleable). I don't want to ask too much from you. This are just some wishes for the furute. Take your time with modding. Also I would gladly help you beta test your mods.
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