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Space Scumbag

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Everything posted by Space Scumbag

  1. Cool mod. Did you test it in space? I did. I made a video for it:
  2. I blew up Laythe with my new Death Star: http://gfycat.com/EthicalDarlingBadger
  3. Chainscalling still not working for free-scale type parts (like the structural panels) in 1.50. I toggled it off and on, didn't helped. Does it work for guys or was the feature disabled after 1.47? I would like to have it back again. It was just too useful.
  4. Nice, but damn I see this too late. I just made a christmas video. This would have come in handy.
  5. Looks like Chain Scaling doesn't work anymore for some parts. The structural panels and girders don't chain scale anymore. And I think every free scale part can't do it.
  6. Can you add a Santa hat? For christmas, and maybe a Santa beard.
  7. Ok, some not so good news. The seismic charges doesn't work very well in space. The problem is the orbit velocity. When it explodes the effect expandes only in the current orbit position, while the other crafts move away from it with their respective orbit speed. I tried it in Duna orbit with ca. 550 m/s orbit speed. You can't see the explosion when you are too fast, or at least it is far away from you. For now it is only enjoyable on slow orbits like Gilly with its 9m/s. Is there a way to make the effect travelling in space? I hope you get what I mean.
  8. You can destroy air targets, but the charge's orientation is random. Here my quick test video of it:
  9. Yes! Give it to me, NOW! Just kidding, that is awesome. It's nice that I came up with this, now I feel I contributed something useful for this mod, besides the videos. Btw, it looks like the bomb needs to hit something to explode. Could you add a timer for mid air explosions?
  10. The 30mm ricochet, at least in my game. But lol, let the tank shells ricochet, would be awesome. Nah, just kidding. Everything is good for me now, no bugs found. And the video makes progress.
  11. It is not a replica. Just my own creation. I even didn't saw the Hype Train threads here on the forum when I made the video.
  12. I have plans. Wait for it. The train returns for 0.90. But we keep it secret.
  13. Could you add a timer and a key for action groups? I don't want to click on the KerTex every time to explode it. Just pressing a button would be nice.
  14. You watched Guardians of the Galaxy. Would be cool if we find a way to carry/wear multiple parts.
  15. I made this: TARS Not perfect, but it looked and moved like in the movie.
  16. Wow, really wow. It looks so nice and clean. How is the viking Helmet going?
  17. Yeah, I also noticed that Kerbals running on crafts create sparks/sounds and the yellow glowing. Would be better if Kerbals don't cause this effect, at least at low speeds. Also, a short video with use of this mod. Everything looks much cooler with it. wy00k
  18. Love this mod, it's so Kerbal. Btw, is it back, because of my video or was that just coincidence?
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