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Space Scumbag

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Everything posted by Space Scumbag

  1. That's nice! And it will makes things a lot more easier. Btw. Anyone here, who wants to make some real Mass Effect suits and Kerbal Heads? A year ago I saw a picture with Asari, Turian, etc. Kerbals and I can't find it anymore.
  2. Hey, I got a new idea for an awesome weapon. I was browsing the latest mod releases and found this mod. At first nothing that has to do with weapons, but the mod author has posted a video of an unreleased mod, .So, I got the Idea, to turn that mod into a seismic charge bomb from Star Wars, video of it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nYgHN61vZk I asked the mod author, if he could mod his mod. No answear til now, I hope he will get to it. Anyways. Maybe you, BahamutoD, can create this weapon. It has this really nice effect and sound, and space battles would become even more awesome. And regarding the physics range. I still have issues with deorbiting crafts, or when switching from crafts in orbit to the ones on ground, they get the orbital velocity of the first craft. OK, I have to say that only happens with ranges of 150km or more. And don't even try 1000000km or more. Really weird stuff is happening. And do you have any plans to make assault rifles or pistols? You know, for the KAS trick, so Kerbals can use the weapons.
  3. I like to see such silly stuff form time to time. Maybe you can create a more serious version of the sonic boom. I am suggesting a seismic charge from Star Wars: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nYgHN61vZk
  4. Hey RoverDude, any chance you can/want to modify your mod to create a defelctor shield mod? I think it is a nice idea. Here a video I made: pos0k
  5. We need more nonsense mods. The sonic boom looks amazing.
  6. So after some time with the mod, I came up with a new idea. I modfied it a bit and got this: Deflector Shield. A video will follow soon. Maybe you can make it into another mod. A deflector shield generator would be cool, just to have the bubble and defend whatever is inside it. And maybe you could change it, so we can have multiple crafts or Kerbals inside the bubble?
  7. Hey UbioZur, nice to hear from you. I hope everything is going well in your RL. Me and many other people are using this mod. We have really much fun with it. I'm sure the other guys will be glad to continue your work and will have a look at the new code you provided. You probably already saw, the fixes some of us did. Looking forward to see you on the forum and game. And again, thank you for this awesome mod! It really changed the way we play KSP.
  8. I really like this mod. Simple and balanced. And it's working. Already made a video for it:
  9. I know the answear. You have to right-click your ship and rename/change the typ of ship. On default it is classified as debirs, that's why it gets deleted after loading. You have to set it to another class, like Ship or Station. After that change, the ship will be saved and you can load a save.
  10. On the side note, never increase your Physics range to multiple million/billion kilometers. Weird things are happening and are crafts fall apart.
  11. Nice! Thanks for the info! I already changed the part I needed to free scale per hand, the result was the Reaper. It worked perfectly. Anyways, I thankfully will take your cfg. I should have asked you much more earlier for this. I wanted such a feature since last year, but never really thought about asking here. And on the last weekend, EE and me were talking about rescaling, welding and stuff. Looks like everything got solved.
  12. Wow, this new update changes everything. Did you saw my post or were contacted by EnterElysium? Because yesterday, we were talking about a mod that could rescale all parts at once. I even asked in the welding mod thread: Here a link Thank you for making this mod even more awesome! Edit: I have one more wish, can you add the option that the Rescale chaining applies to all scaletypes? So I rescale parts with different scaletypes. Would be helpful. Maybe make the option that all parts are the "free scaletype". Edit 2: Ok, I changed a command pod to the free scaletype by hand. And the rest worked properly. Here is the first result: h04.
  13. I made a little how-to: Edit: I have a new suggestion for the mod. A slightly different version, which only creates the part.cfg without making the craft into one part. If you watched my video, you see we are only able to rescale the welded part. I would like to rescale the original, pre-welded craft, making it bigger. When I just change the rescale factor in the part.cfg, only the individual parts get bigger, but the positon points/connection between them doesn't change. I need a way to edit these position coordinates. Can anyone here make such a mod? Edit 2: Wow the Twakscale mod just updated and added this freature I suggested. Look here.
  14. I can't load sebulbas podracer. The part "FSoblongFuselage" is missing, looks like it belongs to the firespitter mod. I have the full mod, but in the latest download there is no part with this name included. Can you check if you have it? And a version with less mods would be cool, it's a bit messy to have so many mods just for one craft. Anakin's podracer is working, it loads and I could get it to fly. Ok, turning is really bad and the CoM is odd, but it hovers. I had to increase the height of the repulsors, maybe it's what you got wrong? If it's not this, I don't know why you can't get it working.
  15. Ah, it happens. I know that feeling. Some weeks ago I deleted my save folder, but forgot to save some craft files and lost several crafts. Including two Star Destroyers, one ~300 Part version (which I welded with the welding mod and now I only have the welded version) and one work in progress version with over 2000 parts. Now I don't know if I will build a new one, it's so much work! I'm taking a break from building replicas. And is it ok, if I use your crafts in my youtube videos. Of course you will get full credit for your work and I link to this thread.
  16. Your work is awesome and so silly. Love it. Already used some stuff in my videos and will do it in the new ones. And when you make Stormtrooper Helmets, don't forget Darth Vader's Helmet. Maybe you could make a full costume to wear for the Kerbals? That would be hilarious. Also I already suggested in your Isaac Kermen Helmet thread, to make some wearable necromorph limbs/arms from the dead space games. So we can shoot some aliens with the weapons. Wow, and now a new idea pops out. The head of the alien from the Alien movies? And one last question for now, do you or anyone else know if it would be possible to grab multiple parts? Sorry for so much wishes, I'm just excited.
  17. Thank you, I will test it soon. I also build some pod racers in the past and have a tip for you: Make an action group for the KAS winches, so you only have to press one button to make the podracer one ship. It's active plug or docking, I don't remember what exactly it was. P.S. Can you upload the original 500 part pod racer?
  18. Yes please. I think this thread is still in work? Can you upload the craft files and tell us what mods we need. And I'm also interested in the previous 500 parts version. My computer can handle high part counts pretty easily and I want to give it a try, from my expirience I should get over 20-25 fps. The file for Anakin's podracer would be nice, maybe I can get it to work.
  19. Oh my god, that's perfect. Can you make a video? And maybe share the craft file? I am really impressed. And I already made some podracers, but no replica of one of the movie. Does it fly well?
  20. The helmet can't be smaller, because the Kerbals head will be visible, if it's smaller. Anyway, any thoughts on KAS limbs for Kerbals?
  21. Yay it's the normandy, yeah the new update broke my ship. But I will build a new version when we get the beta. Edit: I had problems with all my welded crafts, after the last update. It's because Squad changed many part names and their part folders directories. You have two options: 1. Load the unwelded craft and weld it again or 2. Change the old part names and directories to the new ones in the part.cfg of the welded part. And if the craft uses the newly added parts from SPP, you are f**ked, just rebuild it. That's what I have to do with the normandy. But i will wait for the beta with the new mk3 parts.
  22. This is a great mod, already used it and it works great. Could you make some wearable limbs/arms, like the necromorphs? Would be funny to attach it to Kerbals.
  23. Many people were asking me this, so here the part.cfg for the :You KAS to get it working. PART { // Kerbal Space Program - Part Config // // // --- general parameters --- name = bahaGatlingGunmini module = Part author = BahamutoD // --- asset parameters --- mesh = model.mu rescaleFactor = 0.2 // --- node definitions --- node_attach = 0.0, -0.397, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0 // --- editor parameters --- TechRequired = precisionEngineering entryCost = 2100 cost = 950 category = Utility subcategory = 0 title = Vulcan Turret Mini manufacturer = Bahamuto Dynamics description = A 6 barrel 20x102mm rotary cannon, for Kerbals. // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 0,1,0,0,1 // --- standard part parameters --- mass = 0.04 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 25 maxTemp = 3600 stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER MODULE { name = BahaTurret //fireKey = mouse 0 fireSoundPath = BDArmory/Parts/20mmVulcan/sounds/VulcanCannon overheatSoundPath = BDArmory/Parts/20mmVulcan/sounds/VulcanEnd oneShotSound = false deployAnimName = deploy hasFireAnimation = true fireAnimName = fireAnim spinDownAnimation = true yawTransformName = aimRotate pitchTransformName = aimPitch roundsPerMinute = 2000 accuracy = 10 bulletMass = 4.85e-5 bulletVelocity = 1000 ammoName = 20x102Ammo requestResourceAmount = 1 maxTargetingRange = 5000 bulletDrop = true projectileColor = 255, 200, 0, 255 //RGBA 0-255 (default is red) shellScale = 0.32 minPitch = -30 maxPitch = 60 yawRange = 90 onlyFireInRange = true instakill = true maxHeat = 3600 heatPerShot = 18 heatLoss = 820 tracerStartWidth = 0.1 tracerEndWidth = 0.01 } RESOURCE { name = 20x102Ammo amount = 1000 maxAmount = 1000 } MODULE { name = CFEnable } MODULE { name = KASModuleGrab evaPartPos = (0.15, 0.0, 0.2) evaPartDir = (0,90,0) storable = true storedSize = 1 attachOnPart = True attachOnEva = False attachOnStatic = True customGroundPos = True dropPartPos = (0.0, 0.2, 0.4) dropPartRot = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) } } @BahamutoD Any chance you have the time and will make some proper gun/rifle models? Or someone else?
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