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Everything posted by technicalfool

  1. Moving to Tech Support (modded installs). It may help if you provide a copy of your output_log file (should be situated in KSP_x64_Data in your KSP folder if you're running 64 bit).
  2. Assuming Windows and running 64 bit, it'll be in a KSP_x64_Data folder inside the main KSP folder as output_log.txt.
  3. Moved to the modded installs forum. Looks like Kerbal Planetary Base Systems is throwing an error, and there's other problems in the log that look like an old version of DMP might be involved. I'd suggest starting from a stock 1.3.0 install and trying the mods one by one until something breaks. In some cases, the broken mod might have an update available that fixes things.
  4. Moved to Tech Support (modded installs). Usual advice applies Re: providing an output log for people to examine.
  5. In addition to what other people have replied with wrt cfg files, these are fairly easy to answer. .mu files are meshes - the actual 3D shape of the parts themselves. There is an export tool to convert from a Blender 3D mesh to .mu, or you can use the Unity editor. Textures and other bitmap images are stored (mostly) in the .dds or "DirectDraw Surface" format. Unity will also understand .png, but .dds is very much preferred wherever possible for various reasons. From the end-user's perspective, they load faster and take up less RAM. You can open up and save dds using The GIMP plus a dds plugin, and there are various other image editors.
  6. A lot of ship-explosion bugs have been fixed in the 1.3.1 prerelease. However, your mod list may or may not currently support 1.3.1.
  7. Speaking of that, learning ModuleManager (a kind of meta-mod in itself) will allow you to do CFG edits without actually clobbering the stock CFG files. It also means that if you make something awesome, you can distribute it as your own mod (without clobbering everyone's stock CFG files).
  8. Given the amount of people asking: Probably not. There's a development thread linked further up on the page. I imagine @Thrimm will post any news there as it happens.
  9. Darnit. Edited the text, didn't remove the pic link. Well, that's fixed. Do understand that this is only until the mod has been brought into compliance with the licensing for whatever other mods it depends on. Once that is sorted, @Davian Lin is free to put the links back up.
  10. The problem with kerbin2 and sands images still exists. Scaling them up and rotating them does not make them your own artwork. Please address this problem. Your links have been snipped for now.
  11. Every single one of those crash dumps you've provided show a modified install. It may well be that a mod is not playing ball and needs to be updated or matched to the version of KSP you're running. Try removing the game from your steamapps directory (move it to some other location if you like), and redownload a completely stock copy of the game. If it's still crashing, send us the logs so they can be analysed. HTH
  12. This looks like you're out of RAM. That log is showing you have way less than the 4GB minimum requirement for KSP, with some of it being possibly shared by onboard graphics?
  13. Mostly 720p. Partly because somebody has to check it works in that resolution, partly so I can see other windows to type into them while reporting on how it broke this time.
  14. Unfortunately, you can't paste images directly into the forums. That would eat up more drive space than the forums really have available. You can, however, upload to an image-hosting site such as imgur, and link to it in a post. Choose the "direct link" option that imgur gives you, paste it in, and it should auto-embed the image. Something like this.
  15. More DRM squabbling zapped. Really, take it to another thread.
  16. Let's leave DRM discussions for another thread. Asides Kerbal Space Program currently having no DRM and Squad having at least one guaranteed DRM-free distribution channel via GOG, it has nothing to do with the 1.1 pre-release.
  17. If it's anything like previous releases, the finished 1.1 will be pushed to GOG, Store and Steam at around the same time. The pre-release however, at least for 1.1, is a Steam-only affair. Sorry about that.
  18. I have a pretty good idea of what the official line will be (@KasperVld might be able to put a boilerplate post in here?), but even without legalities, there's fairly sound IT security reasons for not accepting software from just any old Joe. Or even Joes you know! I hope that answers questions like this. It's kind of an iffy subject and I don't want to see it go into post-zapping territory. More than likely wait for the Go message in Announcements, then tell Steam to download the Beta branch. This isn't authoritative, wait for official word from @Ted.
  19. Of course they are. This is plainly evident from the last 27 pages. That's obviously all I and others do here: Manufacturing consent purely for philanthropic reasons. All out of the goodness of my heart. For free, if you like. Anybody else is quite free to scroll through all of the above and see how we are clearly removing any post even slightly critical of Squad's decisions. Now if you excuse me, I have a pair of jackboots to polish. They don't shine themselves, you know.
  20. It's not ready yet, however it will be ready soon. There will very likely be another announcement to say when you can start dragging beta versions down, if you're brave enough.
  21. No. The pre-release version, as I said, will more than likely be full of bugs. It will quite possibly be unstable. It will very likely crash. The chances are, it will be filled with essence of Kraken. Steam users hoping to just get early access to 1.1 before other people are going to be sorely disappointed. I am somewhat limited in what I can say due to NDA, but you are talking to someone who has personally found and reported some real corkers in experimentals, that got fixed thanks to me reporting them. It's okay, no thanks necessary. Again, NDA. I cannot give you details. However, I am telling you that the frequency of build releases, the amount of instability you can expect, is far from mere speculation. And neither is that horrendous hosting bill. A bill that could easily be used to bring another popular modder on board instead. Speaking of speculation...
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