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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. Wouldn't this make it impossible to acces alot of functions in the rocket? Stuf like science parts need to be right clicked to access. You could fully depend on action groups for that, but you don't have action groups until you fully upgrade the VAB
  2. Probably because we don't keep losing Kerbals in orbit. We lose them further away from Kerbin. Or, probably because we play the game, and they exist soley for our benifit. Science is science. Weither you think it has a valid goal is not a factor in this discussion
  3. You're not competing with those bumbling corporations that leave Kerbals in orbit. They are the ones that give you contracts. Point out where there's rivalry there You have a funny definition of science if you don't count 'making future things better' under it. Or for that matter 'finding out how it effects humans' Robots can't test how human biological development is affected by lack of gravity. You need humans for that. If we ever want to try living in space, we need to do SCIENCE to figure out what it does to our bodys
  4. I don't recognize those docking ports, could you show us a picture of a port alone?
  5. Could you say there is the same amount of space-time between the 2 lines? Not sure if you can even say such a thing about space-time. But, in my limited attempt to wrap my head around it: If space is compressed by high gravity (so deep inside the well), but space-time has to stay the same size, would that explain why time is stretched?
  6. A man can dream. And play that dream in a game This is not NASA history simulator. This is a GAME about building up a space program. Go ahead and replay human history in this game about little, big headed, green kerbals if you want. But that's not the goal of the game The only reason manned spaceflight isn't used for science is because of ethics. We'd be able to make massive leaps ahead in figuring out how lack of gravity effects human development if we just launched some fresh embrios into space. Instead we have to start with rats, and than slightly bigger rats, ect ect ect (note: Not saying that's wrong.). Kerbals don't have those problems, and thus they CAN use manned spaceflight directly for science
  7. This game is about building a space program. Rivalry has no business in a space program
  8. I think last version. Pritty sure it was in the patch notes to
  9. Sure, but if you're going to build this station, it has to be a proper station. There's no way you'll get enough money out of it for it to be worth it, so you better go all out and make a real station, in an easy to reach equatorial orbit
  10. So in a sense, gravity doesn't actually pull on mass/energy at all? It bends space time, and THAT effects matter in such a way that it appears to be pulled towards something?
  11. Thinking outloud here: The 2 lines are the same 'distance' in spacetime, which is how time dilation works? Emphasis on question mark, I have no clue if that's actually how it works. @K^2: Ok, that does make things a little clearer. Quantum physics is weird
  12. But it's gravity that's bending space in a closed loop in the first place. So would that make this a chicken and egg problem?
  13. Really? Well scrap that scentence than. I'm nowhere near an expert either, I gues this shows that.
  14. Except that a black hole still doesn't punch a 'hole' in spacetime. It's still a dip. Just a very deep dip. Your theory seems based on the fact that a graviton is somehow effected by gravity (gravity being the thing that stops everything else from escaping). But a graviton IS gravity, it's not EFFECTED by gravity (like a photon would be). You can't draw a parallel between a force carrier (graviton) and a regular particle (photon) (false on this claim)
  15. Also a released game opens itself up to full critisism, and can no longer be forgiven for missing key features
  16. Because spacetime bending is the thing that causes those effects. Compare again to a ball on a trampoline. Even if nothing can climb out of the hole made by the ball, there is still a hole that effects everything around it Gravity having a speed limit just means that, when you put the ball on the trampoline, it takes some time for the rest of the fabric to deform (for a trampoline, that'd be the speed of sound for that fabric)
  17. I threw it away, concidering it a bug. I have rebuild the rocket from scratch, exactly the same, and now everything behaves as normal
  18. I love those discussions, where that tiny fragment of information I read some time ago can still add something
  19. Like when you need need just 20 more science to get that one last part you need to complete your masterwork. You could either send a 20k mission to the Mun, or spend more funds, but no time, to unlock it directly
  20. Wait, what? How does that work? Or do you mean wormholes?
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