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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. Yea, they seem to skip over the parts where you'd have to build dedicated infrastructure
  2. With new they mean you have to launch a new craft. Not that you have to design it from scratch. You just can't take something already in orbit and rerout it slightly and collect the cash
  3. I like that. It's a good middle ground between stopping the 'exploits' (keeping landed crafts upright), and not having to worry about tedious problems that comes with saturation under normal use. If they'd saturate during normal use, every single time you timewarp before completely halting your rotation (which is tedious, and there is no reason you should force people to do that), you'd add saturation that you wouldn't actually get under 'real life' use. So coding in regular saturation would only implent a new problem, which would force them to come up with some way to remember rotational speed during timewarp, which only adds to the lag and doesn't actually add anything meaningfull. Not to mention the Kraken itself, and phantom forces that would need to be fixed before you could even concider saturation in space
  4. Goes to show you how extremely little they actually researched for this article. If the 'concept' image taken from a game didn't already tip you off
  5. That might make the fine control required for soft touchdown very difficult. Why doesn't autoland work though? It worked fine the last time I tried, which to be fair is a while ago, but still. Maybe there's something with your ship that makes Mechjeb think it can't land? Show us some screenshots, maybe we can figure something out
  6. Open surface info. Switch speedometer to surface mode. Point your ship retrograde, and burn until the surface info reader tells you your horizontal speed is 0 (or very low. In the mm/sec). After this you will drop straight down slowly. Now use the surface info altitude info (true, which tells you exactly how far you are from the ground) to make sure you touch down at less than 5m/s speed (vertical speed. Since your horizontal speed should stay basicly 0). During this phase of landing, point your ship exactly up (so the entire navball is blue. Or tell smart ASS to point UP). There are more effcient ways to doing this, but that involves combining the steps into a single burn. That's more complicated Quicksave just before you start retrograde burn, so you can easely go back if you screw up. Alternativly, use alt-F5 to make a named save just before your attempt, and make a regular quicksave after every landing step. Final tip: Try landing on Minmus, instead of on Mun. Minmus's lower gravity means it's easier to land, and the lower areas are perfectly flat, which means you don't have to worry about landing on an angle and tipping over. And if you DO tip over, you can still salvage your ship on Minmus, but on Mun you'd be screwed
  7. Or ripped out of your hands I asume. But wouldn't that be a very small version of spagetification? You're not just dead. Your atoms are lost to the rest of the universe. In a way, you could call that 'not in this universe anymore'
  8. No. I believe that the energy transmitted out of the poles is from matter swirling at the event horizon itself, not beond it
  9. The flickering between not enough charge and running on reaction wheels doesn't actually effect anything. So that can't be it
  10. When I'm moving probes, a single half 1.25m fuel tank with a 909, or 48-7S is MORE than enough. And way lighter and cheaper than the equivilant deltaV with a NERVA. (as in, with a NERVA you'd double the weight) It's not exactly efficient when your engine is heavier than the entire rest of the rocket
  11. That's why you put on multiple pannels facing all directions. And you will eventually rotate when the planet rotates around the sun. But that doesn't help much when you've got essential manouvers planned (like a capture). I had that problem once with a manned ship going to the Mun. I always put 2 pannels on the top, but the rocket was facing engine first to the sun, so no power. Fortunatly, popping out for EVA caused some rotation
  12. That's why I called it an oversight. Going by the rules that govern when the contracts start, everything is going according to plan. So it's not a bug.
  13. Wouldn't spagetification rip the stick apart? Or is that only deeper in the gravity well? As I understand it, that close to a black hole gravity doesn't actually act as a point mass, but each part of the ship/you/stick that's closer to the black hole would suffer more gravity (as it's a gradient)
  14. Feels like an oversight that the game would give you these before you unlock solar pannels
  15. Aaa a log. That makes sense, thanks That's fine if you detail in the part discriptions that it consumes 1 per kerbal per day
  16. I always put a few static pannels on everything I launch. And for most crafts, it's more than enough. Without life support, manned rockets only use power when turning, and the internal batteries are enough for a roundtrip in Kerbin system anyway. A single static pannel is enough to ensure they never run out of power
  17. What do you mean with that? Like you recover when you return, thus get more cash back? I doubt supplies would be that expencive, so it wouldn't matter
  18. Let's focus on making the whole thing fun to play before linking it to real life developments
  19. This train is basicly the same as that dancer, it goes both ways (look at it while thinking about a direction and it'll start going in that direction.)
  20. I think the spelling thing is browser based. So turning it off should be somewhere with the options there. As for your bug: There is indeed some line in the persistance file that can be changed to fix it. I'm sure someone who knows the details will be around soon
  21. No I think he wants to remove a specific pannel and make a gap, so the ladder can go through it. It's a pannel that gives problems
  22. While I don't agree on the random elements (devs have made it clear that they don't want random elements in the game. Everything needs to be predictable), so no random winds that blow off solarpanels or something. But if you take out the random asspects, it does sound really cool
  23. No, I'm afraid what you want is not possible For getting them up the ladder, you can try to make a curved ladder (with the small ladder segments) so that they climb over the edge, and only have to let go after they are where you want them to bo
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