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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. And you can directly sell use of patents. Or hire external services to directly do some research for you. It should be very inefficient though
  2. What? That makes no sense. Just because 2 particles travel at the same speed, doesn't mean they have the same properties. So just because light can't escape a black hole, doesn't mean gravitons can't either. Gravitons ARE gravity, they don't get sucked in BY gravity
  3. You won't get that by targetting the parent body, since inclination information is based on comparing the orbits. And you can't compare orbits with a parent body We need a seperate tool for that (I agree we need that though).
  4. It has been theorized that there is some form of particle that carries gravitational energy yes (like a photon carries light), called Graviton. However, as it is now, we have no way of detecting that particle This video (or more accruatly, this playlist) explains that a little:
  5. Why? What would it accomplish? There's NOTHING you gain by targetting a target body. Except 'you can do it', which isn't worth the coding time. You can already set it as focus, by doubleclicking (just like every other thing) Yes, it's extremely fun to do the same extremely easy manouver I've done 1000 times already again. Really puts the mind at work
  6. What would this accomplish? What missing function would you fill by allowing this?
  7. Not really. Just make sure you exit the Mun's SOI in the direction of the Mun's retrograde marker, and you have a perfect return. So burn prograde rhoughly when you are between the Mun and Kerbin
  8. I can't remember exactly where I read it, but I read/heard that gravity 'information' travels at the speed of light like everything else. So it'd take 8 minutes for the orbit to be effected
  9. So I just stumbled across some oversight: The distrubution of available classes to recruit. It would be nice if there were atleast a few pilots available
  10. So this is really confusing. I'm trying to build a simple rocket, 2 stage with payload. The first stage, alone, gives 2k deltaV. But when I add the second stage, the first stage drops down to 1,5k deltaV. How can a lower stage influence the deltaV in the higher stage? Pictures: First stage alone With second stage The same thing happends without the payload
  11. They did an experiment on NASA with a charged needle and water drops: For all intents and pursoses, the same thing as gravity in this situation (asuming the subjects are effected by magnitism)
  12. That's a great idea. I can launch a rover in some position that's easy to launch, but impossible to land properly, than unhook it and attatch it to the skycrane in the right configuration
  13. Have you ever developed anything? Cause there's someone in this very thread that HAS experience, and explains that it doesn't work like that (actually, multiple people). Also, those 6 months extra? They cost ALOT OF MONEY
  14. Yea, you missed just 1 tiny step: Take time away from finishing things to test the hell out of the things you just finished. It'll be faster to test everything in 1 go
  15. Do the numbers have anything to do with the fuel consumption rate? Just a random guess
  16. Concidering that parts of the team are all working on different parts of the update, it'd mean either diverting everyone to 1 part at a time, thus not using the full potential of talent (can't do much with an animator in the aerodynamics update). Or have everyone work on their own thing anyway, and having everything finish at the same time it was going to anyway
  17. Texture replacer allows you to edit the head and spacesuit of kerbals individually
  18. Have you ever made a quicksave? If you rename the quicksave to persitance, you can load it from the main menu instead of the actual persitance. As for saving the actual file, I don't know anything about that.
  19. I am definitly an engineer. Or maybe a mission commander. I let Mechjeb do all the tedious flying, I just design the mission
  20. Does your backup still work? Since you went messing around in your only save file, you have offcourse made a backup right?
  21. Actually the moon is slowly moving AWAY from the earth. That force slowing down things in orbit you confuse with magnetics? That's called drag. There are still air particles up there, and they still slow things down. And constantly having to reboost your crafts so they don't fall down out of orbit doesn't make the game harder. It just makes it extremely tedious, forcing you to go throw a massive list of chores each time you timewarp a little
  22. I can't believe I never tought of that. Genius, I'm stealing that idea
  23. I never claimed that those numbers were indictive to any one region. Based on the numbers that I found, 110million people watched American football, and 900million people watched regular football. I understand now that the numbers were flawed, because off lack of information. But the point remains that more people watch football than american football. The first is an international sport, the second is a regional sport
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