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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. Yes, the pitch meter is showing input, so that's probably the reason. No clue how it could have happend though
  2. If you need some practive, I'd suggest you start with a smaller asperagus. 4 side boosters, split in 2 stages. That'll be easier to spot mistakes Looks good though other than that
  3. For efficienty sake, you can probably ditch that reaction wheel below the command pod. At the 2nd stage, the command pod will provide more than enough torque to control the rocket. If you do need it for the first stage, move it to below the first decoupler, so you have a little less weight to lift with your second stage
  4. Exactly, they heat up to half way point and than stop
  5. Good idea, though I'm not sure how many people would need this, it's always good if you can help someone. As for people who aren't sure about Teamviewer: The receptionist can take control of his computer at any time, and break connection whenever he wants (your mouse input overwrites the remote guy's mouse input)
  6. Can't you just tune down the thrust a tiny bit? That's always enough. Or just add a smaller fueltank Also, I've NEVER seen NERVAs overheat. Not even when clustered. Kinda impressed if you do manage to do it. And yes I've clustered them like you did, for interplanetery stages
  7. Minmus also used to have only 1 biome. They'll add new biomes eventually, but for now, this is MORE than enough biomes. You can already complete the techtree 5 times over, no need to add 10 times more science yet
  8. Selling surface samples is coming in a way. You'll be able to convert Science into funds (and vice versa) On Kethane: I doubt you'd ever actually be able to make money bringing back things from outer space, because of how expencive it is to launch the things you need to transport it in the first place. Though a little bonus cash for bringing back keepsakes would be nice yes
  9. I'm not sure how they would make Biomes more diverse though. You could make alot of biomes, but that'd just result in gigantic amounts of way to much science, that'll create more problems that awnsers. But a little something to do once you're landed would be nice though @Bradford: I believe they are indeed planning cities down the line
  10. CoM is the center of mass. If the CoM is offcenter, than you need to reblance your rover
  11. Welcome to the game. If you want to practice landing, I suggest you switch your focus from Mun, to Minmus. It takes a little more fuel to get in orbit around Minmus as Mun (but you can already do that), but due to the lower gravity of Minmus, it is easier to land (and this also means the total amount of fuel needed for both moons is rhoughly the same)
  12. Yes that's how I understood it to. I don't think money/science was even a discussion point when they said this though, so the statement/our understanding of it could be outdated
  13. Actually satelites do have a use now, though not a big one. If you keep one in orbit around planets, with a repeatable science tool, you can use that to fulfill 'transmit science from planet' contracts
  14. what do you mean exactly with move? Caue you can move parts around with the mouse
  15. The way I've always seen it, science is actually a science BUDGET, which can be used to fund research into new parts. This budget is seperate from your other budget, but (once it gets implented), you will be able to take funds out of budget 1 to fill holes in budget 2 Just because one of the best players in the game can do that, doesn't mean the avarage guy can. Scott Manley is not a messuring stick for how easy/difficult the game is
  16. I love the idea It would also open up a nice gateway to difficulty levels in the same style as Simcity 3, where you can pick how with what money you start (50k, 20k, or a loan of 10k I believe in that game) Sidenote: The science--> funds (and back) conversion is actually planned already
  17. Nah, that's patched conics mode 5 I believe. Draws relative to the parent body
  18. Bingo. It's a suprisingly common mistake. When you actually copy the icon yourself, you place is in a new map (desktop map), and the program is designed to search for the data in the map the .exe is
  19. Note that 800.000 meters is already a LONG way into space. Space starts at 70.000 meters up. In order to get to orbit you have to turn 45 degrees west once you get 10.000 meters up, stop once your apoapsis reaches 70.000meters (or a little higher, to be safe), and than circulize once you reach apoapsis (use manouver node for that)
  20. You can already do that yourself Just edit the save file to give yourself enough science to unlock the tree
  21. Hell I have 66 games on steam Gues that's what happends when you buy all your games online. Don't even have a CD player
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