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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. Well, this is all the help we can give you without pictures. Guessing likely problems
  2. Set minmus as target Place manouver node on the now showing 'accending node' or 'decending node' Adjust inclination with the purple triangles until the node reads 0 (or close to it) Excecute manouver node
  3. Are you sure about that? I count 3 material bays on that ship. That's 3 biomes. 2 of the bays need to be ditched in order to land. So those 2 are only for upper and lower orbit. And they have to be transmitted, so that's only a portion of the science. So, please explain. How do you milk several biomes in a single launch with only 1 set of science equipment? For illustration: there are 9 biomes ON minmus. So you either need 9 sets, or a science lab
  4. The option being superior doesn't matter if you don't need whatever it is you are getting with that option. Sure if your entire goal was grinding out as much science as possible, than it would be a problem. But it's not. Getting more science is simply a way to get further. And you don't need a full techtree to get out of the Kerbin System. The entire point of KSP is flying further. Go fly further. Want some more advanced parts? Grab it from Minmus. Than fly further again
  5. Actually it's the kraken that makes things go that fast
  6. Really? So allowing you more than enough science, and thus letting you pick where you get it, REMOVES choice? So what happends if you only get a little bit of science, and are forced to visit other planets in order to complete it? Does that give you more choice?
  7. Sirrobert


    Welcome to Kerbin
  8. Sirrobert


    Welcome. I have the same thing. I once took a decently long break, came back and suddenly I was good at docking Mechjeb or Kerbal Engineer should help you with the fuel, as it will tell you deltaV
  9. I don't know about that Jungle, but the rest are true
  10. It could be your fuel tanks draining and shifting center of weight
  11. So wait. You quickload after having NEVER quicksaved before. And blame the game? Damn, it really is never your fault is it?
  12. So basicly you want an engine that uses a COMPLETELY different fuel system than regular jet engines. But for some reason, normal jet engines would just be able to switch between the 2 options? yaaaa, no
  13. If you leave the game and reenter, the game makes an autosave (when you leave), and loads that autosave (when you re enter). To load a quicksave, hold F9
  14. If you want some in game examples. you can either try Youtube tuturials, or download Mechjeb and let it do the rendevous for you. Observing Mechjeb a few times is how I learned it
  15. Actually, eventually all planets will get Biomes. And all will be 'overpowered' according to the OP Go mod if it you think you're getting to much science. And on the Kerbin Biomes. Noones forcing you to go everywhere. They are there to allow you to nick abit of science each time you land
  16. Not with KSP, but I always have that problem when I try to play Skyrim. It's a problem because Skyrim isn't that kind to people installing mods mid game. If you switch mods to often your save will start acting up and you have to start a new game for it to work properly. Repeat every few weeks And I'd spent half my game time looking at potential new mods to install
  17. Usually lag like that isn't caused by mods directly, but rather by part count. How big are your ships? Several minutes per minutes is usually only a problem with huge ships (1000+ part count) All mods are installed by simply pasting the folder in the gamedata folder. Kethane should be the same
  18. Well, first I'd go to Minmus and Mun a few times until you have more science. Than, unlock the nodes you need to feel comfortable going out of the Kerbin system. There are alot of ways to help you go to another planet. Mechjeb can plan the manouvers for you, Kerbal Alarm Clock can tell you when the best moment to go comes, and there are websites that can tell you what angle, when, and how long to burn
  19. Docking mode basicly sets both translation and up/down/sideways to the same keys, and lets you switch between them with the spacebar. A little confusing for most people. In normal mode, you do translation with ijkl and up/down/sideways with wasd
  20. I am not entire sure, but I do believe that putting a KAS fuel line between the converter unit and the engines should fix it. Also, you could put a fuel line directly between the converter and the lander. If you want to be sure, it should be easy to test if you send a similar design to a Mun Kethane deposit. That doesn't take very long For any future designs, remember that regular (1 way) fuel lines need to be mounted in reverse when it comes to Kethane. This is because the way that converter works. In the code, it works like an engine that consumes a negative amount of fuel. So the fuel lines have to go FROM the fueltank TO the converter
  21. Well seeing as I have a spaceship capable of warp speed, and all the techno wizardry coming with it I'd probably plant a flag on the newly discovered land and claim it for the king. O wait, I'm not British
  22. It's a bug, and I believe I've seen it before. I have no clue what causes it though, so can't help with that. As a workaround, you should still be able to get it into orbit though the map view. Once you are in orbit, exit to the space center and than come back to the ship usually fixes stuf like this
  23. Yea, it looks so small for far away doesn't it?
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