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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. I think we should keep Kerbin without tilt (though I like your idea of matching it with Minmus), for simplicity sake The rest, I agree
  2. You know the last one was locked for a reason right? Also, noone gives a crap if you're cheating in a single player game, even if it's cheating
  3. How does that work? Tritium is 1 proton and 2 neutrons. He3 is 2 protons and 1 neutron. How the hell can tritium decay into He3? Or am I missing a step?
  4. Not really. The table is exerting an equal but opposite force. It's just that this force is the material resisting change, and thus you could count it as not exerting any force. But it is still working against gravity. There is always either an equal but opposite force (in which the object in question stays in place), or that opposite force is missing (you relase the book in mid air), and than the forces that do apply accelerate it along their vector
  5. If you want a small engine boost without having to redesign anything, you can activate the Ike Excursion Vehicle's engines. That should give you a little extra thrust, though it'll cost more fuel because they are less efficient than the NERVAs offcourse
  6. Craft on rails (like asteroids) don't really add anything to your lag. It's a simple vallue, the game doesn't simulate them.
  7. Because potential energy is simply a mathemetical construct, gravity came first
  8. Potential energy does not exist. It is simly a way for us to calculate how much energy could be exerted by gravity / is required to fight gravity
  9. Finite doesn't automaticly mean we can spend it all. Sure hydrogen is finite, but there is so much of it, for practical purposes in this case, it might aswel be infinite
  10. A biome is just how we call regions. The mun is split up in different biomes, each giving it's own science
  11. Nope, no problems Except that it's relativly easy to attatch them on upside down
  12. What's stopping you from doing it yourself? This is a game about BUILDING rockets
  13. Good ideas technicafool. Not like you can use RTGs to power your ion probe anyway
  14. That sounds pritty counterintiuitive, but fair enough. Though as a layman I'd still class that under 'proven' catogary, with a pritty big * behind it Seriously, how the hell do you prove that you can't prove something? Is that like pi going on forever, so we'll never see the last decimal?
  15. What you need to rendezvous is a Hohmann Transfer The basisi is: Hohmann transfer to get close, match velocity when you are close (switch to target mode on the navball), and than slowly approch the craft (at max 10m/s when far, slower when closer) You can use RCS translation functions to dock (IJKL translate, H is forward thrust, N is backward thrust). Docking is the most difficult thing in this game. I suggest you first launch 2 ships into orbit that are pre docked, than undock them and practice flying 1 around the other and than redock. For that I suggest an RCS probe. Probebody in the center, RCS tank on either side, docking port on the ends, and RCS ports on the side. Easy, light, manouverable. Don't forget the solar pannels Here's a full guide: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/32905-Beginner-How-to-dock-in-3-easy-steps Rovers aren't that usefull, because they move pritty slow. So if you land one in the middle of a biome, it would take you forever to get to the edge of the next for science. They are more fun than truely science usefull. For that, sub orbital hops to the next biome is alot faster
  16. There is no part degration in this game. Why would 2 specific parts have to be any different?
  17. You know you can remap the keys yourself right?
  18. Mechjeb costs power. Always You can't 'turn off' baterys, you simply stop them from draining the same way you can stop fuel tanks from draining. By clicking that 'turn off' button on a battery, you prevent whatever it is that costs power from taking power out of that battery
  19. Has that ever been proven/disproven? Than google it Has it never been proven/disproven? Someone will, eventually
  20. Remember that you can always return to the Mun and Minmus for more science (on the other biomes)
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