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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. That's why he said 'replace with the LV 909' becuase you don't have the 48-7S yet early on
  2. Kerbal Alarm Clock is a must if you run more than 1 mission at the same time (or want to)
  3. Your post's tone seems to indicate some problems, but I don't see any in the text Welcome
  4. First set foot for the second time. Lol
  5. I don't place flags, because I think it's very annoying that they always sit there in my list of active flights. I'll probably start using flags when we can modify that permanently
  6. There is no up and down in space. A high change in speed (both acceleration and deceleration) results in higher G forces
  7. Offcourse, my bad. We should first teach newbys how to push a nail into the wall, before explaining them how to use a hammer
  8. Yes, the horror. Next we'll give them actually usefull tools to build rockets. Can you imagine?
  9. Don't worry about EVA Just quicksave before you go out, and try practice flying around and going back in next time. If something goes wrong, you just quickload
  10. The LV-N makes for a bad engine on a DEDICATED lander on small gravity bodys. For that, a lighter engine outweighs the advantages of an efficient one
  11. All modules that add torque (SAS module, reaction wheel, ect) do the exact same thing. And yes, they all stack tougether to add more torque
  12. There is however, also no active interest in genes that keep them alive longer. But there is for women, because they are more needed to keep the tribe intact
  13. A few tips for you than: Asperagus staging can help you gain more efficient rockets, which allows you to get more fuel into orbit. Docking will allow you to assamble an interplanetery craft in orbit. This means you can fly up small parts per launch, rather than the entire thing in 1 go. Should make it alot easier. For docking, you'd need to practice if you can't do it yet. It's the most difficult thing in KSP, but it will make your problems awhole lot easier
  14. No, they implented science because it is the core of the career mode. As for the speed off updates, you have to remember that even big studio titles take several years to finish. KSP really isn't going all that slow. It just feels that way because we are there for the entire ride, rather than just the time between announcement and release that normal titles go through (a few months, during which you don't think about it that much)
  15. Kerbol's SOI is infinite, sorry And no, solar panels produce less power the further away you are. I never got around to testing it myself, but I believe you already need RTGs out at Eloo. You are going alot further than that. Try Kerbal Alarm Clock It will let you keep track of manouvers and stuf, and you can set it to keep track of SOI changes and stuf for you It's probably that you timewarped at very high speed through a gravity kick you didn't notice. Funny things happen when you are at high timewarp during SOI changes (because the craft might already be deep in it's new SOI by the time KSP notices the SOI change)
  16. Well in a direct example, there are in fact genes that are specificly there to kill the cell they are part off. If you stop looking at it there, it is the most anti-evolutionairy gene that could possibly exist. What kind of organism would have a system encoded in it that would kill off the organism? But those individual cells are not the organism, instead they are part of a much bigger organism. So if the cell is comprimised, for example at risk of developing into a cancer cell, the cell will sacrifise itself for the survival of the greater organism. Now I have no clue if it IS the case here or not, there is no reason there can't be such a system in place for the species as a whole, where individual organisms sacrifies themselves for the survival of the species. You only have to look at bees for the example. If they sting a big target, they will die. But in stinging, they might ensure that that big target does not destroy the entire hive
  17. I believe so yes. The flames would obviously be limited in size by the available oxygen, but I see no reason why they couldn't exist
  18. Are you running the latest version of KSP? (0.23.5) If you are, go to tracking station, zoom out, and you should see a number of objects without orbit near Kerbin. Those are asteroids. Click on them to see the size class (A smallest, D biggest), and than select 'track' to see the orbit of the asteroid. This will also keep it permanently in the game. All asteroids that aren't tracked disapere after awhile. Now that you have an asteroid, catch up with it and bring it home
  19. I feel like I have to argue your example about nature's petri dishes. Alot of people think that staying away from 'germs', as in, living as stirile as possible, will keep them healthy. But it is actually the oposite. Being exposed to simple, annoying but not life threatning germs (the kind that Dettol tries to convince you are dangerous and that you should always disinfect your hands), is actually benificial. Asuming you are a healthy person (as in, your imune system is working fine), than those germs are nothing but a simple workout for your imune system. In laymens terms, it keeps your white bloodcells active. In slightly more advanced terms: It keeps the cytokin ballance in a specific state, which boosts the imune system. This also means that kids growing up in a stirile envirioment run a higher risk of developing allergys (though that's not important for this point). Basicly this means that, by training your imune system with simple, harmless germs, it will be better equiped to deal with germs that are actually dangerous
  20. Yea, that probe is lost. Solar pannels don't work that far out, so you can forget any kind of manouvers at apoaps. You could try a hard prograde burn to cancel out your velocity and fall down to the sun, but I don't think you have enough deltaV to get back into an orbit. So it's probably best to chalk it up as a loss and launch a new probe
  21. Since you're building a plane like structure, try the spaceplane hanger
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