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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. Aperently multiple asteroids connected tougether are Kraken bait, but people have done it yes
  2. If you don't want grinding, than you will have to rethink your suggestion a little. Making it so that I can only unlock the next level of battery if I use the current battery an X number of times IS grinding. It's the very definition of grinding. "I want to unlock the mainsail. Gues I have to launch 10 more rockets with Skippers in them" So that doesn't work. The current system of getting science points would work a lot better in that regard. What it currently is: You bring home data points from science, and in return of those data points, you get budget which you can use to research new tech (the science points are the representation of that budget). The budget we get in .24 is offcourse a different kind of budget, but I believe that science points and money budget are going to be interchangable.
  3. I took my numbers from the wiki, I've seen the wiki wrong before so it woulnd't have suprised me to be off a little
  4. There is a battery on the adeptor. More than enough to power the rocket to orbit, where the gigantor can be deployed
  5. For your screenshot: Upload it to the internet using tinypic.com Than post the link you get here
  6. I'm pritty sure fairings don't do anything for aerodynamics in stock.
  7. It does if you press the points tougether. And than do some phsycis magic that produces a wormhole
  8. Except you did not ask about gravity generators. Your question was literally: "what exactly causes masses to attract each other?" And we awnsered that question. Well, if we can bend spacetime, we can use a warpdrive. So probably
  9. Where do you get that GP2 is planned with .24? There is nothing on the wiki suggesting such a thing
  10. Congratulations. I'm sure your second landing will go alot easier now that you understand how it works. You'll gain a bit more science on your next craft returning from minmus surface, but not alot. You can do a couple of things from here: Send another probe to practice. Send another probe with science instruments. You'll still need to send a kerbal for EVA report and surface samples ofcourse. Just send a kerbal. Don't forget to quicksave before landing offcourse. Now that you can land on Minmus, your science problems should end. There is a wealth of science to be gained from Minmus, with multiple biomes, each giving you a full batch of science (goo, material bay, surface sample, EVA report, crew report, and the advanced science parts once you get them). And now that you know the basics of landing, you can also try going to Mun. It's a little more difficult to land because of the higher gravity, but apart from that it's exactly the same (your minmus lander should be capable of going to and landing on Mun to. They cost rougly the same amount of fuel. Just make sure you have enough thrust to counter Mun's increased gravity)
  11. Because mass bends space time. As soon as we figure out how to bend space time at will, I have no doubt we can generate gravity at will to
  12. There will be no random failures. So no Struts don't have mass in flight. And since struts are pritty essential for alot of things, I don't think they should be made that expencive. They are basicly rope
  13. Have you ever even made asperagus launchers? It's exactly the other way around Take out the fuel lines and you still have the same amount of rockets. So same amount of thrust. By adding fuel lines, you get more deltaV out of the same amount of fuel. So more deltaV/ton of fuel
  14. An asymetric lander. Now that's something you don't see every day. Very interesting
  15. This games only real hurdle is knowing how to do orbital mechanics. Once you figure that out, the game is easy. So no, it's not becoming 'to easy' just because they make the UI easier to work with, or they fix obviously broken things (manouver nodes being difficult, and wet noodle rockets, respectivly)
  16. I don't know a thing about Far or spaceplanes (let's just say planes and me don't get along). But I do know that, if you want to use jets for spaceplanes, only Kerbin and Laythe have oxygen, so you can only use jets there
  17. Lol Yea I've had this a few times to. It's extra fun if you let Mechjeb's autopilot try to take off from Kerbin with an upside down control point. And than try to figure out why the hell Mechjeb is flipping your rocket
  18. 5 months old. Does this count as a necro already?
  19. OP still said that they both did. So probably a redundand link
  20. Yes, I've seen that before. And now I'm going to steal it. Thanks for bringing it up again
  21. But OP said that both downloads give the exact same version number. (v0.23.5.464) By your logic they should be different. So no, that can't be the case
  22. The parts that activate already light up when you mouse over the stage.
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