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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. And that's exactly why it needs to stay. You still can't cheat your way out of screwing up the landing, but alteast you don't lose your kerbals (or money, when that comes) cause you forgot to add enough torque
  2. Ice that's cold enough is stronger than steel IIRC. So that might be a problem
  3. You know oxygen is toxic right? Also whatever chlorophyll equivilant life on another world has, it's colour is dependend on the emission patern of the local light source. If the local sun were purple, we might see yellow plants
  4. I don't think that's possible with the whole parent system Would be nice if we could though
  5. How about you leave the button for the newbies, and you awesome KSPer just don't use them?
  6. If you look closely, the kerbal is holding his arms ahead of himself. Holding the jetpack controls
  7. Mechjeb has helpfull lists saying exactly how much your rocket weights for each stage, and how much ThursttoWeightRatio it has
  8. Are those placeall RCS ports? Personally I'd use the normal ports, with 4 directions each
  9. No mather how much I practice, I can't get the hang of planes in this game. Or in any other game for that matter...
  10. You want a module that does everything Mechjeb does, but you don't want to install mechjeb? Right...
  11. Minecraft is bigger than some planets Though I'm not sure if it counts
  12. You could have 2 game maps, 1 modded and 1 vanilla
  13. As long as the commandpod survives, it's a succesfull landing
  14. I don't see any torque modules on there except for the landercan. You probably don't have enough to controll it once it starts tipping. Try adding a few SAS modules, see if that fixes it
  15. He said he DOES have a chute When your pod is at apoaps, push the pod (with the kerbals jetpack) in retrograde direction, until the periaps is below 70km. Than drag will slow it down and (depending on how low the periaps actually is) it'll deorbit in a few orbits, or right away
  16. Holding alt while you hit the time accelerate buttons makes you go into physical timewarp. You could drive it with phys timewarp. Would have to be carefull about the increased risk of flipping over though. I don't think a fast travel system would work here. Don't forget the driving itself is the challange, not what you do when you arive
  17. So what off my probes that have one goo container and are unballanced slightly? If I want to burn them, I have to burn at half thrust, or the limited torque the probe core gives isn't enough to counteract the unballance. So either I fly it myself, or the autopilot screws it over. If I plan the manouver, than leave, what happends? Does the game fly the probe like mechjeb autopilot does? Cause in that case, it'll never arive where I want it to go. Does it just excecute the manouver instandly, deducting the required deltaV from the total the rocket has? Awesome, I can plan a 5 minute burn, shut down the game, open it back again in 5 minutes and the burn is completed with absolute perfection, even if the rocket itself is unballanced and you'd normally never be able to complete the burn correctly. Both scenarios are bad ideas. I hope I don't need to explain why
  18. I send more ships out to everywhere in the week I played career than I have in the months before that. And more to the Mun..... And more to Minmus...
  19. All Commandpods have torque and SAS automaticly. All kerbals have jetpack by default
  20. No you can't reinforce the chair. You could lock the chair in a box and put the chute ontop of that box, but that would make it a tad difficult to get the Kerbal out of the box (or into the box for that matter). Maybe you could try half a box to keep him inside the box, I'm not sure about that.
  21. Why does it have 3 commandpods? I can understand that you bring the batterys to transmit data back, but if you want to do that, switch out the transmitter to the antenna. The one you have now uses 50% more electricty per transmission. That's ALOT. My advice: Ditch the 2 extra commandpods. Nothing but extra weight. Especially if you are going to transmit the experiments anyway, they don't even add extra capacity to bring back samples. Ditch the transmitter dich for the comunicatron 16 (the antenna). This one transmits faster for the cost of way more power. Not worth it if you don't have solarpannels. Spread out your legs. My lander has 1 tank in the middle and 3 engines radially attached around them, instead of 1 engine in the middle and tanks around it. WAY more stable. More parachutes. That single one is not enough to slow it down for a safe landing back on Kerbin. If you somehow want to keep your design, one chute on each pod. If you follow advice, one chute on each radial tank/engine. Ditch the RCS. You don't need it for a munar landing. Extra weight you don't need. Ditch the transmitter. Bring the samples back to Kerbin instead, and send a few landers (each to land on a different biome on the Mun). Not sending it back reduces the risk of running out of power and getting stranded significantly (and you can safely ditch part of the batterys, also saving on weight) Also: It makes no difference which way up the goo container faces. None. Nothing. Not at all
  22. He won't Just use your jetpack (he does have one, you just have to activate it) to fly back towards the spaceship he got out of (I doubt he drifted far away) If the orignial spaceship is gone, send up another one, rendevous it and get jeb into that one (you need to have an empty crewseat to do that)
  23. If you need tuturials, I suggest looking for vids from Scott Manley (just google 'Scott Manley KSP'). He's pritty much the best you can get. Other than that... Load up career mode, bolt tougether your first rocket, launch it, bring it back safely (don't forget the parachute), do your science (at all points in between start and finish) and unlock more parts when you are ready. Combine with tuturials where you need them, and you'll be flinging kerbals out into the solar system in no time (and bringing them back)
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