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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. I love it. Maybe even make the VAB grow between tiers. You don't need anyone this big when you're at tier0 anyway
  2. It takes less energy to get a craft into Low orbit than it would take to get geosync. It also takes less energy to randevous with a station in low orbit. So why would you want anything you need to randevous with in geosync?
  3. The devs have said that there will never be random events in the game. Launch 1 of a craft has to be identical to launch 2-9001 of the same craft, same thing with orbit, landing, and everything else
  4. There are no, and will never be, random failures of any kind. Including Kerbals
  5. Yes you can, but debris isn't showing by default. When in the map screen, put your mouse in the center top of the screen. A little window will pop down listing all the different types of craft. The left one (the icon for debris) is gray. Right click on it, will cause all debris to show up on the map screen. Right clicking on any of the other icons will also toggle them between showing and not showing
  6. Put them on a pod with engine and lander legs would probably make it alot easier
  7. This is how I always adjust my periaps of an encounter before the actual encounter. A few m/s while far away enough make a huge difference if the end result is 300 days away
  8. The game only saves to the persictance file (the one you load when you open up the game from the menu) if you manually close it. Use quicksave for what you try to do
  9. Interesting theorys. I am especiallly intrigued by your 'queen' hypothesis. It would explain alot if such an entity were to exist. Allow me to insert my own theorys into yours: The existence of the 'queen' entity would explain the unweavering determination to do whatever Kerbals have been tasked with. Even in the face of certain death, they continue to perform the dutys that have been given to them. On earth, the only analogus that comes close is the ant society, where the worker ants do everything for the nest, while the queen produces more workers. Ants are also known to sacrifice theyr own existance for the survival of the nest. Kerbals take this concept to a whole new level though. Instead of just sacrificing for survival, they will sacrifice themselves for every little thing the queen figure seems to demand of them. In keeping the instect analogy, Kerbals seem to posses some form of what we know as 'hyvemind'. The Kerbal 'workers' all seem to follow orders given to them exactly, and these orders can seemingly be transmitted instantaneously over unlimited distance. What this means is, that the can transmit information faster than the speed of light. This could be either a form of telepathy, or maybe some highly advanced form of quantum entangled particles, or it could be information transmission as we know it, modified by the modifyd laws of physics, as talked about in theory #10 of Savage117. The 'entity', as talked about in theory #6 of Savage117, could be some form of a devine being. My own theory on this, is that this entity and the 'queen' are the same figure, or somehow connected. This would explain the devotion of individual Kerbals to it's orders. An alternativy theory on this, is that the 'divine being' is in reality some extremely technologicly advanced alien, stranded in the Kerbol System. Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic afterall, so it could be that the Kerbals are tricked into THINKING that it is divine. The existence of such an alien would explain the seemingly random jumps of technological advancements that the Kerbals are making, including the sudden jump from nearly nothing to space travel. In reality, it is the alien designing the technology, based on his own knowlage, and what he still has available of his own devices. We are left to guess at the motifs of this alien, and his actions seem to randomly switch between perfectly excecuted launches, and seemingly intentional explosions
  10. WTH are you talking about? The ONLY way to kill a kerbal is to throw him against the ground hard enough, or explode whatever pod he's in. You can have him enter without a craft and he wouldn't die until he hit the ground. As seen here: It doesn't. Kerbals aren't effected by Gs, Except when you crash them into the ground hard enough
  11. Have you saved anything in the VAB? And if so, check the save file's VAB folder. That's where all your saved craft files are located.
  12. You don't really burn energy while in proggres though right? Except for probes, but if you shut down theyr power supply you can't turn it back on anyway. Or am I missing something?
  13. That's why the phrase is 'back to the drawing board' I reguarly sit desiging and tweaking something for an hour, only to deceide I'm not happy with it and throw it away. Than I start over, and end up with something almost identical to the old thing. But does work
  14. The first one that didn't blow up is called "Mun Rover" It's also the only one I ever build in this carreer mode. I have T9 tech, but I haven't even researched airplane parts yet. If I don't crash a plane during take off, I'll crash it on contact with the surface. Not even going to call it landing
  15. Go to the R&D, the specific tech (that you have already researched) will have a little green circle with a number in it. That number is the amount of parts you still have to 'buy'. Click on the part, and buy it
  16. Very little. But if you bring a lot of science equipment with you, you might want to send it quickly. For example if your probe is only flying past a planet, instead of orbitting it (I got my probe an encounter with Moho for example, 2km periaps, but with escape velocity (and nowhere near enough deltaV to get a capture). So I had to transmit all data quickly, than do the experiment again, transmit again quickly, ect, before the probe flew out of low orbit again. If you plan to do that though, make sure to bring alot of solar pannels and batterys
  17. LKO is where I stick my refueling stations, and dock different modules tougether into an interplanetair rocket. The only engines that take hours for a burn are ion engines. Nukes (best for anything heavier than a tiny probe) don't take nearly as long. I don't have the nuke engine yet, but I already send out plenty of probes with L909 engine just fine. Burn time of minutes, and with a crapton of science once they arive and send data back
  18. Well... It's a very Kerbal like rocket. I'm sure Jebedia would be proud
  19. Guess that's the awnser: Don't use alt Gr, use alt instead
  20. Connected can mean alot of things. HOW are they connected? Provide a screenshot
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