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Everything posted by JollyGreenGI

  1. If you want the straight answer, the Antenna is missing the Wingman Commander module that the BDArmoury AI Pilot has. This module is used for competition mode, and it's what makes each team fly in formation to their areas. The .cfg fixes it, and it's just this: @PART[AIantenna] { %MODULE[ModuleWingCommander] { %name = ModuleWingCommander } } Less than 100 Bytes. An insignificant fraction of data. You could copy that and paste it into a text file into your Gamedata folder and add .cfg to any file name. I literally named my file 'butts'.
  2. The fix for BOTH your problems are incidentally both available in the OP. In this part. No mod parts permitted except the following: BDArmory (required for AI Flight Computer, and AI Weapons Manager. The .50 caliber Browning machine gun is the only weapon from this mod permitted in this series.) Aviator Arsenal (any fixed non-turreted weapon from this mod is permitted) - ASC KOTH.cfg file (to fix issue with Aviator Arsenal's antenna part, goes anywhere in your GameData folder) Kerbal Aircraft Expansion (required for liquid fueled propeller engines only, no other parts permitted)
  3. Well, you're even more so correct considering that I currently (barely) hold the Hill with two wins. I just haven't gotten around to adding my location yet.
  4. Your craft hasn't competed yet, so you can make as many major adjustments to it as you want, up to and including complete re-design.
  5. @inigma Oh, um... wow. Was that a consistent result? Also I absolutely love the period accurate music, keep it up!
  6. Well yes, losing an entire wing is quite bad, but that's why I think monolithic wings are not the best choice. While the Sweep is likely unable to be as effective in combat while missing ~50% of its wings, it is controllable enough to remain evasive and draw fire away from it's wingmen. Maybe.
  7. Monoplanes may have less drag, but as VulcaRaptor showed us, bi-planes had stupid high g-loading and redundant wings.
  8. Now that I think about it, I might be running an outdated version of KAX, propeller audio on mine doesn't fade with distance and only comes out of the right channel.
  9. I must say, I didn't expect it to go that smoothly. In testing the Llama really gave me a run for my money, almost always coming down to 1v1 and missing sections of wings.
  10. @jrodriguez Are you using Ven's Stock Revamp or something? The antenna on the rear landing gear is larger than it should be.
  11. Whoever's doing the net match, I have a modified version of Sweep if you're running into issues with engine startup.
  12. You need to use the link to the actual page, not the editing page. That can't be accessed.
  13. If you're talking about the AI not firing guns, I've run into that a lot too. I found that firing all the guns manually on each craft before combat usually fixes it.
  14. Alright, I wanna talk about how ASC-III matches will be set up. I remember seeing early on something about AA emplacements for each team, to mitigate one team chasing the other out of the 'arena'. In my testing I've been seeing plenty of this, but I've also been seeing one team disengaging and putting 2-3 kilometers between them and their opponent, which drastically lengthens the match and turns it into a competition on who sips fuel most efficiently.
  15. In more ways than one. It's ailerons are BigS elevons, which are currently prohibited in ASC-III.
  16. So I tried strapping ALL the guns to a craft, and rainbows happened. Oh, also submitting the K&K "Sweep" for ASC-III. Has been tested against the current KOTH, I expect it to be competitive.
  17. If you're talking about the F2C-B up there, that's stock. Only those wings have flags on them.
  18. I've set mine to as low as possible, but that's because I'm confident that my craft are able to pull up at the last second. If you're not sure, set min height to 200-250m. Unrelated, but an issue that crops up once in a while is that downed craft sometimes remain targeted, because of the lower combat speeds the planes are more likely to be more or less intact on impact. This usually holds the attention of a fighter for much too long.
  19. The BigS elevons have the fastest actuation speed of all the stock control surfaces. Even so, they have the same heat tolerance as the smaller surfaces.
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