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Everything posted by JollyGreenGI

  1. It's DCS world right? Downloading at the moment, it'll be a few hours. In the meantime though, you can give this a whirl, gimme your thoughts: https://kerbalx.com/JollyGreenGI/Pu-15TM-Bishop-KCS
  2. Yes they work much better. I'm pretty sure the TOWs in BDarmory are designed for land vehicles and helos only.
  3. What I'm saying is that even after the TOW leaves the rack, any aircraft movements jerk the missile around like a puppet, probably because it's trying to ride the beam.
  4. Oh, you mean something like this? I saw that Vikhr is a beam riding AGM so I figured the TOW would be a good substitute, but it's range leaves much to be desired and you have to keep the aircraft very steady or the missile will veer wildly. I'm thinking Hellfires will be a better analogue.
  5. Yeah, I'm definitely gonna get the base game, I mean it's free so why not? The Su-25 ain't no slouch either, I've started to appreciate it more recently. Speaking of... Working name at the moment is Pu-15TM 'Bishop'.
  6. Nah, I don't but I wish I did. Though I'll probably buy some modules next time they're on sale.
  7. Stumbled across this a few weeks back, figured I'd try my hand at making combat aircraft again. Both are built with FAR and AJE, and both downloads are stripped to bare missile rails: First - the F-12K 'Matador'. Classified as an air superiority Fighter Jet, it's since evolved into a multirole fighter capable of delivering payloads upwards of 7 tonnes. Download: https://kerbalx.com/JollyGreenGI/F-12K-Matador-KCS And next, the A-30C 'Blitzen III'. Like it's inspiration, this purebred Attack Jet can sustain much more damage than most other aircraft while remaining air-worthy. Unfortunately, this tenacity comes at the cost of a reduced payload. Not all is lost, as the massive 30mm gatling cannon more than makes up for the lack of carrying capacity. Download: https://kerbalx.com/JollyGreenGI/A-30C-Blitzen-III-KCS While making 'Blitzen', I also made these because what's the point of a tank-killer if there aren't any tanks to kill?
  8. The hill turns out to be emetic and is vomited immediately. My puke hill.
  9. Well, since you asked so nicely... https://gfycat.com/GraveDesertedAmethystgemclam KerbalX Download Link, as always: https://kerbalx.com/JollyGreenGI/TR135-LobsterBack-Tech-Demo
  10. That's not a bad idea. You might've had better luck using other control surfaces or landing gear to move the doors.
  11. Hey, thanks! I must say that stock weapons bays only work well in certain conditions (like this plane). I had an F-22 from a while ago that also uses stock weapon bays, but because they were only on the bottom and not on the corners, the capacity was severely limited. It also helps that the Big-S elevons have insane amounts of deflection.
  12. https://gfycat.com/BothCreativeInganue This is mostly based off of another F-35B I put together about 8 months ago, but it required extensive use of vessel switching to manually control the VTOL engine. Plus, it was rather difficult to fly. Comparison album: https://imgur.com/a/RcBz6 Now, it requires minimal effort to engage and disengage the VTOL system. In fact, here's the proper procedure: Engaging VTOL: 1. Press Action Group 4 Disengaging VTOL: 1. Press Action Group 2 ... That's it. Really. I mean, when switching back to CTOL you might want to have some spare altitude/velocity, but of course that's only a suggestion. Schematic View album: https://imgur.com/a/kLOOX KerbalX Download Link: https://kerbalx.com/JollyGreenGI/F-35B-Lightning-II-ver32 The download link has much more documentation on additional features and helpful tips for operation, check it out! ______________________________ Hey guys, this is my first actual post here on the forums! Any suggestions on anything, really, will be greatly appreciated!
  13. Yup, here you are: https://kerbalx.com/JollyGreenGI/XR-2-RVNSTR-MK2-OPT It's not stock, uses OPT, B.Dynamics and Instell Inc scramjets.
  14. So quick question. Why is JSI a required mod? Is it a dependency for OPT or B9? As far as I can tell, it's an aesthetic mod for transparent cockpit canopies.
  15. Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet, but with AA installed, flaps act a little weird. They deploy all correctly, but when retracted they snap back into place, completely skipping the animation. Only seems to happen if they aren't also used as control surfaces.
  16. We're on WWII-style aircraft currently. I think 400 parts is quite excessive, even just for one on one.
  17. Woah, what? I've never encountered that. As it says, try deleting and then reinstalling OBS. If that doesn't work, check this out: https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/209571689-Windows-Error-Message-Missing-MSVCP120-dll-File
  18. Not quite true, haha. While my Lightning II automatically switches back to horizontal flight mode, it still needs to be manually moved into VTOL position. Gfycat Mirror & Download link But! I did give switch free swivels a try... Gfycat Mirror & Download link I have a couple others, but this was the most polished imo.
  19. What's wrong? Is it not recording? Or is it recording black? Maybe it's outputting to a different file format?
  20. Doesn't Outer Planets increase time warp speeds for those massive distances? Maybe it comes bundled with an older version of Better Time Warp, could be some conflicting there.
  21. Sweet! I've been doing some tweaks to the Dryad L's, they're now quite serviceable whilst missing critical systems: Not to discredit the Krakens or anything, they're very hardy beasts: KerbalX page will be updated within the hour.
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