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Everything posted by DasBananenbrot

  1. @blackheart Just a short question... Did you add the Shuttle skins to your first pack and then updated the download or did you made a seperate pack for the shuttle skins? Because I hadn't the time to install your first texture pack until now and want to know if I know just have to install the package from the second download or if I have to install them both ( the donwloads have slightly different names so that is why I am confused )
  2. Well just write a PM to either Winston or Kickasskyle, I can wait But the license for KW Rocketry is THIS ONE So it should be ok if you follow the terms of the license
  3. I can't wait for it Well guess a week or two it takes at least (you said you are away this and next week right?) but the promise that it will come is far more than enough right now . You're awesome Thanks and I was just about to ask Thanks again for those awesome shuttle based textures
  4. Put ONLYthe Album ID ( the combination of letters behind the last slash) between [imgur]insert album ID here["/imgur] Of course without the quotation mark in the last brackets
  5. That looks amazing, thank you well I hope we maybe can have soon stretchable skirts. Until then on to creating skirts by myself.. But just have to say it again those textures are gorgeous
  6. Yeah but I am still wondering if this works with the texture changing system of the StretchySRBs , I mean the textures clearly do but what's about the skirt? That is why asked if it is a new part..
  7. This is ****ing AMAZING So this will be a new part? If so it should be added to the main package
  8. That actually looks really pretty Only thing missing now are maybe stretchable SRBs with skirts ..Come on take the hint NK xD
  9. Although there is just only proof of concept available this is absoluteley mindblowing . The structure of the OP is very detailed and shows you are really deep in working on that.I will stay tuned, can't wait when first stuff will be available
  10. Yes you just need to take the ID of your album , in this case 0gMzw and put it like this [imgur] 0gMzw ["/imgur] But of course without the quotation marks in the last brackets
  11. First of only the Service Module Stretchy Tanks can hold electric charge (I mean electricity isn't a liquid so it can't be stored in a normal fuel tank) and you need either Modular Fuel Tanks or Real Fuels
  12. well .zip can be opened by windows .rar not.... maybe said person just don't want to download either WinRAR or 7zip
  13. I know you said you are doing this on limited time frame but still just wanted to know if there is some progress?
  14. I guess he means that he wants in .zip format not .rar .... But don't why there should be a problem with .rar
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