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Everything posted by DasBananenbrot

  1. It is done for a long time now.. .... I am in a good mood today so I will link it for you but just as a reminder there is a thread search funtion @Mihara I think you should really link the post of therealcrow with the latest mk3 patch to the OP so people new to this thread don't ask so often
  2. Nope you probably just hit the memory cap when using both which is very likely. By the way use the Texture Replacer mod. It is updated for 0.23 far more forgiving on your System and is actively maintained..
  3. As you are using RSS I assume you are using RO and the resized Mk 1-2 capsule.... Because in RO inbuilt reaction wheels for torque is not present for capsules.you need to bring RCS for that From the OP in RO
  4. Well only stuff of MechJeb I am using is SmartAss so I am happy as it is
  5. But StretchySRB is the mod which allows to change the texture of the tank ingame via the hotkey. Real Fuels only messes wiht Fuels hence the name
  6. Yep that is really awesome
  7. Nope that's the one you get, white textures and all. Also the fuel tanks are all black now and the Saturn V is using asparagus staging. That is the response you get for such a stupid question....
  8. Better don't waste your time Mihara answered that question on the KSI thread already
  9. So it is basically a problem of Visual Enhancement? Ok will stick with 5.3 of VE and old 1.1 texture compressor until a fix is there . That one is kind of stable for me Edit: Tried with the prerelease .dll and without Visual Enhancement and actually saved quite a bit. Guess I will exlude the clouds in the configs so I can use Visual enhancement but I hope you manage to fix the problems Edit Edit: Visual Enhancement v6.7 still crashes my game. Without it I have ~1.3 gigs of RAM in use (thanks to ATM) but as soon as I put VE 6.7 in it crashes after loading when hitting the ~3.5 gig wall. I hope one Day I can use the newest version of VE without crashing. Well I know this belongs in the VE thread but as I am already mentioning it, as there were some major changes in v6 how is it with hd texture packs just released, will they be backwards compatible? Or do I have to use "stock" textures while using 5.3 ..
  10. I weren't using the PQS dev build for Clouds and city lights but I also was crashing when kerbin 1 was loaded.
  11. I got crashes too with ATM and VE. At first I thought it was the fact that I sued a HD pack for VE but normal VE v6.7 crashes also even if ATM is removed (No memory crash though, I will post the output.log when I am home) Once I even experienced a No response error which of course gave me no log. So I experience severe problems with VE and ATM . Hope the next version fixes it. Currently my KSP uses about 1.6 gig but when I could use ATM there would definetely be room for VE wiht HD pack and maybe even Texture Replacer...Hope the new version will fix it for me
  12. Didn't Astronomer post that with the Eve in the Visual Enhancement Thread?
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