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Everything posted by DasBananenbrot

  1. Two people with the same avatar, for a second I actually thougt you are one person Stop confusing my brain
  2. Short answer : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55832-PLUGIN-PARTS-0-23-SCANsat-terrain-mapping
  3. Tell mihara you are "finished" maybe he can someday integrate it into RPM xD
  4. Oh yeah finally, will give it a spin. It is amazing what it already can do
  5. Ohh business laptop.. xD Hmm probably but it somehow bugs me that you dock with a pointy docking probe into a flat dokcing port xD Well maybe you could maybe at least do a model without animation so it is more aesthatically pleasing xD Yes, full RealChute support is needed for drogues but I asked because earlier you were pretty uncertain about that. ANd yes I am keen on doing that but I guess in the end you will be faster Edit: 500th post by the way.... I spend way too much time on the forum xD
  6. On which parts exactly does this happen? It could be possible you are using part mods not currently supported by the mod which can lead to some nasty graphic bugs...
  7. Hmm what problems with DRE you have exactly? And which was the last version you tried... wow that sounds nice Would you maybe want to also make a passive docking module as you already made the active part of the custom docking system..Shouldn't be too hard I guess you mean full RealChute Support? Or do you still want to hold this plugin free. I still have my plans though ,to make a "new" parachute part which will be fully dependant on RC as it would also feature drogue chutes..If you would be interested to release such a part as alternative or even replace the current one, I would gladly work for KerbonTech :DI will contact sumghai again so he helps me with the setup of main and drogues in the same part via RC, I hope he responds but he said he has few time so... Anyway I thought about maybe also overworking your textures. If I reach a useable state I will notify you via PM
  8. Gosh then other planets should be remade too.. Oh good we finally need 64 bit support
  9. Are you ****ing kidding me? OMG I just fell from my chair....I love you NK
  10. Yep you win hahaha Both look good but I actually would prefer this one I guess Why don't you just work together to bring us a wesome aurora pack just faster? Badass picture with that beard by the way Proot xD
  11. Hmm Orion is 6 man but I like Bobcats model of it and especially the reskin by YANFRET...PPTS is already done by MrTheBull. Ig uess you will find something for you , the dreamchaser is a good start
  12. It's actually written in the parts description press n to resize the interstage adapter.
  13. Yeah I would be interested too Yep that really rmeinds me of the Dream Chaser too
  14. This has been asked and answered about a hundred times already. Just delete the folder inside BoulderCo folder clearly marked as city lights
  15. Someone? NathanKell made RSS, RO, RF and DRE so yeah xD Funny is that RO is mentioned in the first lines of the OP (not RF but it is included in RO anyway) but it seems some people don't bother reading the OP and better just start ranting instead of using their brain..
  16. That is a good idea anything that adds more immersion is always good.
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