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KSP-TV Broadcaster
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    KSP-TV Broadcaster

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  1. There are some social media's that we are getting up-and-running, for anyone that wants to keep tabs. This is new at the moment, but the content will grow... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bspacetape Twitter: https://twitter.com/BSpacetape Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/boostersandspacetape/ (we haven't fully engaged with Instagram yet, though!)
  2. Hello all, For those looking for a KSP Podcast... So we've been running a KSP podcast for many years (since 2015). Due to one of the hosts previously having some serious real-life issues (me, actually), it has stalled a couple of times. But we've recently come back with a rigid schedule that has us recording every two weeks. I am wondering if this community is aware of it, though? The four hosts were all KSPTV streamers (Matoro (formally MatroroIgnika), TheReadPanda, DigitalPsychosis and AkinesisGaming) on SQUAD's own Twitch channel when it used to run, so our community is centred around there mostly. I thought I would take an opportunity to reach out to the (very obvious!!) KSP forums. There's no doubt that we discuss KSP2 on the show now, but we still play and talk about KSP1. We also talk about space news, astronomy and science after our Kerbal discussion - it's not solely about KSP, but Kerbals are at the centre. The show is recorded live on Twitch at https://twitch.tv/matoro, or you can download the show 'Boosters and Spacetape' from pretty much any podcast platform. If you have a favourite platform that you want us to add, just shout it out. Because our audience is with us live on Twitch, our interactions happen as we record. However, it would also be nice to have some off-line interaction too from 'at-home' listeners. Constructive feedback is very welcome. There we are - a KSP podcast that has been established for quite some time, and will continue to run for some time to come (for better or for worse!!). Just Google 'Boosters and Spacetape' and we'll pop up pretty much anywhere. Here is our Libsyn player: http://boostersandspacetape.libsyn.com We look forward to hearing from any new listeners! All the best, Dan
  3. This would be awesome. I often use only a particular few parts of some mods. I consider myself reasonably seasoned with messing with a modded install, but I still get a sweat on when pulling mods apart! +1 from me.
  4. Anyone else having difficulty with this mod since 1.0.5? My beacons are active, but the jump drives won't detect any to jump to.
  5. Actual 'lol' I think Ovok is set to troll the Kerbals for the rest of time. No matter what CaptRobau promises with his 'Ovok is now smooth' in the updates
  6. Hey,

    Would you consider coming on a Podcast to talk about your DMP mod? Multiplayer is always being talked about and we had requests to discuss it. But the Dev himself would be a huge bonus! This Saturday will be our 3rd podcast, so we are quite new.

    If this is something you are interested in then you can e-mail boostersandspacetape@gmail.com



  7. Good work, Oak. Looking forward to trying this in my upcoming Career save for the stream
  8. *Grabs tinfoil hat and sits in a closet* I believe... Seriously, though. I see light artifacts all the time. I have the exact three mods that you mentioned installed, too. The usual one I get is a cluster of dancing lights following my vessel and then they will eventually vanish. I think I can very safely say that this is NOT SQUAD, AVP or planet shine. So it could be a DOE easter-eggy bit-o-fun. Or it could be a glitch. If it is a glitch with DOE, it should never be fixed
  9. The RSS plugin used to be used to remove the white banding in atmospheres. Is there something I can do to bring that function back?
  10. Hey guys. Going to be streaming a Tekto and Slate landing tonight on Twitch at 7pm UTC at http://www.twitch.tv/akinesis_gaming Tekto will be interesting because of the atmosphere problem at the moment, so I'll be able to land but not take off again until it's fixed I won't plug this again, but the next few streams will be exploring the rest of OPM. Hope to see some of you there to explore this amazing mod! Edit: CaptRobau - the OP looks much better! Good job! Edit Edit: You might want to change Ovoc. Kerbals died when the true surface features were discovered...
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