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Everything posted by Corw

  1. There is no controversy. Just humans being humans. Whatever you do someone will mind.
  2. Well, truth be told, the HarvesteR did sort of ran off
  3. Yes, even if it is not on purpose Pointless number is pointless. It doesn't tell you anything relevant, really. So it is not really threadworthy
  4. Sometimes it means the kids took over. Best option. My 5 year old did play a bit, not hooked yet. Working on it. Big numbers in my case actually mean I've started playing, had to go away from PC for "just a minute" and came back like 3 hours later when kid finally let me go.
  5. But does it really matter? You had fun, everything else is pointless bragging.
  6. I haven't been playing for months...
  7. "How many" is not a bad question, but "since when" is much more interesting
  8. Still, this is not same as Pedro the intern leaving the project. This is HarvesteR. This is like Jobs leaving the Apple, Bill Gates leaving the Microsoft... He is the guy with the idea. Team creating a game is not same as team installing air conditioners, you can't swap anyone out without hurting the team. It seams to me everybody is downplaying this change a little bit too much. Yes, I understand that HarvesteR got different priorities in his life during these years, but I don't believe the project will go unscratched like they keep saying...
  9. Oh, yeah, I knew there were more reasons I liked you That is amazing.
  10. Additionally, if you want to play from IVA, I think you can move throttle lever with mouse
  11. Folder kerbal Space Program\Ships. Select all, delete. Problem solved.
  12. I've paid $5 back in the day, but I've bought 3 more copies since
  13. No, it means it is more expensive the more you play, cause of power bill
  14. On a single SRB, it would be huge pain, because you would have to start with small TWR at launch which would get larger as you burn. You would have maximum thrust at point where you want to circularize, where you would actually want to fine tune your orbit with low TWR throttable system. So I guess it would be possible but major pain to fly.
  15. Come back for Steam Summer sales, I guess
  16. Those "amature" programmers have sold number of copies that is in millions. Pray tell, at which point do you turn "pro"? I'm guessing Minecraft is also made by non-developers? All other indie games? Maybe not just games. Linux is also not made by developers, cause it was just one "clever guy"? There are plenty of people that made several games which are all absolute excrements, but they made them in plural, so those are actually developers, unlike HarvesteR and his merry bunch? HarvesteR may have started as one, really really clever guy, but his determination and practices were beyond what I've seen in most "proper" companies. So calling Squad "non-developers" and "amature" would be a pure insult from my point of view. They just made a huge effort (and a gamble) switching the core (Unity) that broke so many of their systems that were already working (something my company wouldn't do in million years) in a game that was working as is. All in an effort to make it even better and allow to improve even more in the future. That is a huge investment of real money (they are not working pro bono you know?) into a game that has probably past its peak sales, money that some other "developer" would channel into an new project and new potential profits. So please, feel free to try to "defend" Squad (I think that is what you were trying), but do not insult them. They are not little league.
  17. So they have been developing for quite few years now but they are not developers? Oh. I guess same applies to Mark Zuckenberg cause only thing he ever worked on was Facebook
  18. KSP also has engine trails, at least in lower atmosphere (I know what you played last summer)
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