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Everything posted by Corw

  1. What is HarvesteR up to these day anyway?
  2. GOG version can often lag few days in updates compared to KSP store/Steam. KSP store often has bandwidth problems on release days. If you already have Steam, I would prefer getting it there. Once you buy it either from KSP store/GOG/Steam you can't switch.
  3. Infinite number of combinations does not mean any of them are remotely fun. My current gripe with the game is that it it obvious I'm chasing a dice roll, not a space program.
  4. I'm not sure, but I think gravity on asteroid would be too low for anything meaningful.
  5. Regex being Regex after all these years, colour me shocked galactictaco, Kerbin is not Earth. Kerbin is also not 1/10 model of the Earth. Kerbin is Kerbin, so place your station where it fits in Kerbin ruleset.
  6. There is a mod for that (pun intended). It will show you where on the surface you will land, taking rotation of the body into an account. It also helps with atmospheric landing, but it is not very precise.
  7. Corw


    Right click KSP in library, open properties. On "betas" tab select previous version and hit OK. Steam does the rest.
  8. Well, maybe they plan to add whole set at once in single update. The ones we got as mod are just subset that was good enough to show, rest is not finished.
  9. My bad, long day. I found link on reddit, I usually don't check Steam forums. Not yet, there is still a lot of work to be done on them, according to porkjet.
  10. The porkjets part overhaul parts? How? EDIT: You mean from sticky thread in discussions?
  11. There is no download button for those who transfered to Steam. Here, a direct link: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/files/PartOverhauls.zip
  12. Hint: most people wouldn't and it is not part of core gameplay, more in line of "look what a wacky thing I made". So it would be low on testing priority. If it works, great, if someone finds a bug there, it will go low in bug fix priority because it is a fringe use case that is not affecting any reasonable part of the user base. At this time the developers time (and cost) comes at premium. The issue may be important to you, but 99.9% of the user base don't care.
  13. The devil is in the details. QA takes time and effort, so you would prefer to optimize to check for things that people would more likely do instead of covering think not even Whackjob would do. To complicate things even more, it is not just KSP gameplay that you are testing, but also bugs in underlying Unity engine that is out of KSP devs reach and in a lot of times they had to work around Unity bugs.
  14. 1.1 branch has been removed from Steam beta. Waiting intensifies...
  15. Well, this is oldest screenshot that I still have
  16. 2. Yes. Mac sucks as OS (I had bad fortune to get a task related to OS X, I have prior experience with Windows and loved different Linux distros).
  17. I can't put my finger on it, but from what I've seen and read the "story" was Nova Silisko's private agenda and never "official" plan.
  18. "I find Whack a Kerbal offensive so I've renamed it" You can tell he is from UK just by this line
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