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Everything posted by Corw

  1. Now you sound like a rabid fanboy. Thats no clouds. Clouds are white and puffy and I really don't see how he could have released it in that state and it is nowhere near the image I imagine as well made. And whats with the colour palette? He ran out of all other colours but blue? An look at those pixels, dude! '90s want their res back! (see where I'm going with this?)
  2. Vincent van Gogh. Sky. No clouds. ....ty textures too, I would have made better in like an hour.
  3. When the old server was notified about release, it ran away.
  4. It may sound like a fanboy, but I call those cosmetics, not system.
  5. It is likely it will be available from website and Steam at same time. It is likely Steam will handle it better.
  6. But there is something radically different to previous releases. There are no more placeholder systems.
  7. Real life is not balanced. Eg. horses vs internal combustion engines. Completely obsoleted them.
  8. This. I'll wait for bug reports in released game, not experimentals that were available to media crew.
  9. No, achievement would be getting a pointless picture with text, like a ribbon... oh...
  10. I've had few failed attempts to switch to Linux before, wasn't really a love on first sight. Tried Ubuntu recently and we clicked on first date. It has became my primary OS. It was always the games that were holding me back on Windows before, and now so many are actually released on Linux and with Steam OS I believe many more will come. If my father (60+) can break into Ubuntu, anyone can
  11. It is clear they are in a hurry to make a 1.0 so from what I've seen all bets are off. Personally, I was always ready burn past work, so I have no issues here, but I can see how some people can. But again, I think it is a time to let go. It is not that important. We can rebuild it, we have the technology
  12. No, no it doesn't. It is still beta (even it is late beta) and you should expect thing to change. Old saves should not stop progress.
  13. Well, in the good news the biggest issue you've found with 1.0 is just cosmetics... I'm still in sceptics camp, but Squad did deliver so far, update is looking good.
  14. I'm not sure in what world you are living, but I have yet to see a project that will tick all the marks you have mentioned: - meet deadlines - no problems - deliver high quality products And I'm talking from experience of 10 years working on international multi million (€) projects.
  15. Polishing of gameplay and making it a rounded complete experience. Am I expecting too much?
  16. Well, you are moderator
  17. Couldn't he just go for science career and ignore money?
  18. That should work. It is simple to do. Just try it?
  19. I agree that we need both instruments, but just because one is missing the other one is not less viable
  20. "Abstract 'zero' level" is called sea level and, surprise, it is rather common thing in real world
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