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Xorth Tanovar

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Everything posted by Xorth Tanovar

  1. I kick it away from you into the net. GOOOOOOOOOOAL! My cookie
  2. You then realize it was just another dog treat, I intercepted the cookie. My cookie
  3. Yes. We were out of fish farts. Waiter! My soup is hot!
  4. banned for not learning that if Jeb hasn't been saved by now, he doesn't WANT to be saved!
  5. Laughterhouse Five: 5th docudrama revolving around comedy clubs, comedians, and the people that frequent them. The Warm: Similar to TV's "Yule Log" broadcast every Christmas, this movie is suitable for any other time of year. The Black Hoe: Tale of an Amish boy who lost his father's favorite cast-iron farming implement and tries to find it. Blade Runer: A blacksmith-wizard has the ability to enchant swords with mystical phrases. Epic battles ensue. The Wrath of Han: Lucasfilms and Paramount join forces to put Han Solo n charge of the Enterprise, and he does not like it one bit!
  6. My apologies, we were fresh out of IJN Tomato. Waiter! I have soup but no bowl!
  7. Kraken cookie freely comes to me. Yum, my Kraken cookie
  8. Granted. You are now immortal, but also permanently insubstantial and immobile. Good luck accomplishing anything! I wish for a tube of toothpaste.
  9. Contact lenses shifting or falling out? A drop of Krazy Glue in each will fix that right up.
  10. Problems with dry eyes? A few drops of Tobasco sauce in each eye will cure that.
  11. ...and until the decision is made, the cookie is mine! My cookie.
  12. In any bureaucracy, the people devoted to the benefit of the bureaucracy itself always get in control, and those dedicated to the goals the bureaucracy is supposed to accomplish have less and less influence, and sometimes are eliminated entirely
  13. I hear you on that. I may invest in a SLOOH membership and steer one of their scopes to see it. But if luck is with me, I'll pull out my 4.5" reflector and see what I can see locally...at that magnitude it would certainly show up. And if any substantial gas clouds form from it, could be pretty neat.
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